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Scripts and software for generating the results of Korsbo and Jönsson (2020) "It’s about time: Analysing simplifying assumptions for modelling multi-step pathways in systems biology"
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Sainsbury Laboratory / teamHJ / publications / Durand_etal_2019
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyScripts related to the manuscript "Cytoskeletal organization in isolated plant cells under geometry control".
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Scripts and software used to produce the results in the manuscript "A multiscale analysis of early flower development in Arabidopsis provides an integrated view of molecular regulation and growth control".
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Files and software connected to the publication Yang et al 2021
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Files associated with the Schwall et al. 2021 Molecular Systems Biology paper.
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Stochastic pulsing of gene expression enables the generation of spatial patterns in Bacillus subtilis biofilms
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Faculty of Mathematics / CIA / COVID-19 projects / Imputation quality - Wasserstein distances
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseEvaluation of the quality of imputed data against the original data distribution using Wasserstein distances
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An interactive resource for learning systems biology without needing much background in mathematics or programming.
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Investigating the R1-R4 feedbacks and nuclear shuttling for the onset of cell division. This project is led by Weibing Yang and myself .
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Vertex based topologies for creating realistic spatial tissue models which play nice with DifferentialEquations.jl.
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Code accompanying the internship project submitted for MPhil Computational Biology, August 2022.