Explore projects
An unsupervised segmentation and edge detection hybrid algorithm for PLIF images.
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Project code for Greenwood et al., "A spatial model of the plant circadian clock reveals design principles for coordinated timing".
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Stochastic pulsing of gene expression enables the generation of spatial patterns in Bacillus subtilis biofilms
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Project code for Gould et al., 2018, "Coordination of robust single cell rhythms in the Arabidopsis circadian clock".
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Files associated with the Schwall et al. 2021 Molecular Systems Biology paper.
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adjustments to robust_correlation_toolbox to ensure alpha = 0.05 across all sample sizes.
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Scripts to run the models presented in the PLoS Comp Biol paper "Stress and Strain Provide Positional and Directional Cues in Development".
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Scripts used for the manuscript "Tissue folding at the organ-meristem boundary results in nuclear compression and chromatin compaction"
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Files to generate simulations results for the paper "A continuous growth model for plant tissue".
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A Part II /Part III project for single molecule tracking tools.
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This repository contains code implementations for the Discriminative Kalman Filter.
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These slides were presented at my dissertation defense (Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, 23 May 2018).
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Project data and code for Greenwood et al., 2019, "Coordinated circadian timing through the integration of local inputs in Arabidopsis thaliana".
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Segmentation tool allowing finding nuclei in 3D and cells via membranes in 2D.