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Python module to parse network device configuration scripts, using contextual blocks, and calculate differences, then generate a configuration script to change one into another.
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Monitoring of users of old NTP servers, so they can be asked to stop
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Tools for power management, mainly for cluster nodes
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A general code framework for inference and modelling of plant infectious diseases
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Convert a raw IMC dataset in MCD format to Zarr ready for further processing
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The simple Web site telling people how to use their Moa (managed PostgreSQL) cluster. The live version runs on https://moa.uis.cam.ac.uk/.
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Convert a raw AXIOScan dataset in CZI format to Zarr ready for stitching
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Scripts and software related to Bhatia, Åhl, Jönsson and Heisler "Quantitative analysis of auxin sensing in leaf primordia argues against proposed role in regulating leaf dorsoventrality"
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Sainsbury Laboratory / teamHJ / publications / Mirabet_et_al_2018
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyCode for simulations of individual Microtubules in 3D and constrained by a meshed description of a cell membrane.
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Sainsbury Laboratory / teamHJ / publications / Durand_etal_2019
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyScripts related to the manuscript "Cytoskeletal organization in isolated plant cells under geometry control".
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Scripts for producing the results in the paper "Cell size and growth regulation in the Arabidopsis thaliana apical stem cell niche"
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Scripts and software used to produce the results in the manuscript "A multiscale analysis of early flower development in Arabidopsis provides an integrated view of molecular regulation and growth control".