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  1. Sep 28, 2023
  2. Sep 27, 2023
    • Robert Franklin's avatar
      fix: neighbor ... fall-over reapplies BFD config · 72402df1
      Robert Franklin authored
      if a plain 'neighbor ... fall-over' configuration (without a route-map
      or BFD) is removed, a BFD configuration will also be removed; this fix
      will trigger the reapplication of the BFD configuration, following this
      this required the ability to filter triggers from being set, in certain
    • Robert Franklin's avatar
      added trigger_set_filter() methods + fix · 0699d273
      Robert Franklin authored
      these methods are called on converters when trigger_blocks is
      configured on them - only if they return True will the trigger actually
      be set up
      they are called with the same parameters as an action method (the old,
      new, remove/update configurations, as well as the context and local
      these differ from the filter() methods as they are called on the
      converter setting up the trigger, rather than the converter upon which
      the trigger is applied (i.e. the triggered conversion) and are useful
      to prevent a trigger from being set up under certain situations, based
      on the triggering converter
      fix: explicit_context_matches() now retrieves the computed context at
      runtime, rather than the static context configured in the class (which
      is important, if the class dynamically modifies its context upon
      tidy: some converter debugging messages around triggers to make them
    • Robert Franklin's avatar
      tidy: typo in comment · 6dd78bf4
      Robert Franklin authored
    • Robert Franklin's avatar
    • Robert Franklin's avatar
      tidy: renamed add_nbr_path() to _init_path() · 197a9359
      Robert Franklin authored
      this is used in the 'router bgp ...' / 'neighbor ...' converter methods
      to create versions for both the global and VRF address-families (where
      things are added to the command or context, respectively, as these are
      handled differently by IOS)
      the recent change to introduce a subcontext for 'neighbor ...
      fall-over' means this method is not just used to add the 'neighbor'
      part to the relevant part of the path, so corrects the name in how
      it's now used
      in addition, the method is for internal use only, during construction,
      so has '_init' on the start to make that clearer
    • Robert Franklin's avatar
      fix: 'nbr ... fall-over' bfd/route-map coexist · c2308f88
      Robert Franklin authored
      previously, 'neighbor ... fall-over' with BFD and route-map options
      were treated as mutually exclusive and the use of one replaced the
      other - this is not the case and both can exist independently
      in addition, 'neighbor ... fall-over' (without either option) is
      really a particular case of the route-map version (matching if there is
      no route to the neighbor, rather than a change related to a specific
      route-map) - this fixes that
      note that there is still a bug here - if the plain form ('neighbor ...
      fall-over') is removed, this will cancel the BFD configuration: there
      is no way to actually do this in IOS, so it is necessary to clear it
      and then restore the BFD configuration - this needs to be fixed,
      probably with a trigger
    • Robert Franklin's avatar
      fix: removed dup 'neighbor ... route-map' tests · ca84046b
      Robert Franklin authored
      these were in the test file twice with the same name (except for one
      with a missing character in the name) and only one was being run
    • Robert Franklin's avatar
      tidy: Context_RtrBGP uses cmd from Cmd_RtrBGP · 1bd975b1
      Robert Franklin authored
      improves consistency and clarity
  3. Sep 26, 2023
  4. Jun 16, 2023
  5. May 17, 2023
    • Robert Franklin's avatar
      v0.16.7 - fixed deepops dependency and tidying · 110f5b9b
      Robert Franklin authored
      the unit tests depend on deepops>=1.8 to pass, so this updates that as
      a dependency
      also, the conversion debug messages have been tidied a little
    • Robert Franklin's avatar
      updated to require deepops>=1.8 · e0e2fb97
      Robert Franklin authored
      version 1.8 changes what happens when identical data structures are
      compared, returning an empty object of the same type, rather than None
      this probably doesn't affect anything that actually uses asimtote but,
      without this, some of the unit tests fail and that's confusing!
  6. Apr 18, 2023
  7. Apr 17, 2023
    • Robert Franklin's avatar
      v0.16.6 - internal class name tidying · 6c327e00
      Robert Franklin authored
      this should have no effect on functionality
      tidies the names of lots of internal classes and makes the call of
      inherited context enter() methods better
    • Robert Franklin's avatar
      tidied route-map converter class names · db10af06
      Robert Franklin authored
      better highlights abstract converters (_AbsCvt_xxx) and contexts
    • Robert Franklin's avatar
      simplified various calls to super().enter() · 059e94b5
      Robert Franklin authored
      better use of split arguments (not assuming parent/context class
      argument lists) and calls
    • Robert Franklin's avatar
      corrected comment class name · 5d8f878f
      Robert Franklin authored
    • Robert Franklin's avatar
      major tidying of converter class names · 12160b30
      Robert Franklin authored
      context converters are now called Context_xxx
      abstract command converters are now called _AbsCvt_xxx
      still some tiyding to do against route-maps
    • Robert Franklin's avatar
      renamed DiffConvert class to Convert · 038b721f
      Robert Franklin authored
      this includes the name of abstract context classes based on it, which
      will be tidied in a future commit
    • Robert Franklin's avatar
      v0.16.5 - internal reorganisation and tidying · 632ab229
      Robert Franklin authored
      internal reorganisations that should have no effect on actual
      functionality but significant enough to warrant a version change
      converter methods now receive the context wildcard arguments as a
      single leading list, rather than being supplied discretely; this
      argument is usually just passed to an enter() method and avoids needing
      to specify them explicitly
      it also avoids the need to explicitly call split_args() (which has been,
      removed), if the boundary between the context and local arguments has
      adjusted or is otherwise dynamic (such as when a converter class is
      reused) - the split_args_offset attribute has been renamed
      get_sort_key() replaced by sort_key attribute
      some correcting of class names
  8. Apr 16, 2023
    • Robert Franklin's avatar
      renamed split_args_offset to context_offset · 5aef4677
      Robert Franklin authored
      this was previously used by the split_args() method but that has been
      removed, in favour of it being done by get_args() and the context being
      supplied to all the converters by default, so the name was not
      particularly accurate
  9. Apr 14, 2023
    • Robert Franklin's avatar
      removed the split_args() method · 840d3aa0
      Robert Franklin authored
      merged into the get_args() method as there is no reason for converters
      to call split_args() themselves manually, now (as the context arguments
      are supplied as a separate parameter to them)
    • Robert Franklin's avatar
    • Robert Franklin's avatar
      converter actions + filters have 'context' args · 8376815e
      Robert Franklin authored
      the call of methods like add(), update(), delete(), truncate() and
      remove(), as well as the filter() methods, now have an extra argument
      'context_args' supplied, which is a list of all the wildcard arguments
      from the context portion
      the individual arguments from the command and extension portions are
      still supplied individually, if present
      this avoids the need to explicitly name the context arguments and
      (usually) supply them to the inherited enter() method individually, as
      the simple argument can just be passed through (typically by expanding
      it with *c)
      it also avoids the need the call split_args() explicitly in a method as
      this will be handled by the caller; split_args_offset is still
      respected in this split
      one downside is the need to receive a context argument even if it's
      empty (at the top level)
      there needs to be some tidying of comments and other neatening changes
      (various TODOs have been added) but this commit marks the state when
      the test suite runs successfully
    • Robert Franklin's avatar
      corrected names of VRF+VLAN tests · 3133d001
      Robert Franklin authored
      these had 'Track_' at the beginning, erroneously
  10. Apr 13, 2023
  11. Apr 11, 2023
    • Robert Franklin's avatar
      v0.16.4 - added BGP conversions + other fixes · be702460
      Robert Franklin authored
      added 'router bgp ...' converters and unit tests
      at the point where these were added, the live configuration on the
      network compared with the generated configuration results in no
    • Robert Franklin's avatar
      modified converter sorting key methods · 75a8c640
      Robert Franklin authored
      renamed get_sorting_key() to get_sort_key() and made it only return the
      command + extension fields
      the actual sorting key is now retrieved using a new
      _get_full_sort_key() method, which prepends the context and replaces
      the None fields with the empty string
      this makes it easier to override the sorting key (avoiding the need to
      specify the full path)
  12. Mar 22, 2023
  13. Mar 21, 2023
  14. Mar 08, 2023
    • Robert Franklin's avatar
      v0.16.3 - added router converters tests + fixes · 998197b3
      Robert Franklin authored
      as with v0.16.2, this version fixes a lot of bugs and improves things
      discovered whilst writing unit tests for the converters, as well as
      adding some missing commands and internal functionality
      fix: 'router ospf[v3] / area ... nssa' option removal
      fix: 'route-map / set ip next-hop verify-availability' would crash if
      fix: 'route-map / set community' did not handle the 'additive' option
      fix: 'route-map / set community' did not correctly include the set of
      communities but the literal word 'communities' instead
      fix: 'route-map / match ...' converters now return changes in the order
      of the things in the list (e.g. if using tags, these will now be in
      numeric order) - this doesn't break anything but made the output
      indeterminate for writing tests
      fix: 'interface / ipv6 nd prefix ...' now re-added after an interface
      'vrf forwarding' change
      fix: 'interface / standby ... ip ...' now correctly handles promoting a
      second address to the primary (the secondary must be removed first) or
      demoting the primary to a secondary (the primary must be removed first)
      fix: 'ip[v6] route ...' now correctly handle if either of the interface
      or router/gateway addresses are missing (these are now not included in
      the parsing configuration dictionary, instead of being present but
      None, which was inconsistent with other omitted options)
      add: tests for VLAN and subinterface creation
      removed: 'set ipv6 next-hop verify-availability [...]' - this command
      was handled but doesn't exist!
      improved update to 'set vrf' in route-map: the old VRF is no longer
      removed (unless changing to and from 'global')