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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
  • priority0 Highest
    Information Services / DevOps
  • priority1 High
    Information Services / DevOps
  • priority2 Medium
    Information Services / DevOps
  • priority3 Low
    Information Services / DevOps
  • priority4 Lowest
    Information Services / DevOps
  • Other labels

  • teamHR Systems
    Information Services / DevOps
    Tickets assigned to the HR Systems team.
  • teamIdentity
    Information Services / DevOps
  • teamJackson
    Information Services / DevOps
  • teamLovelace
    Information Services / DevOps
  • Tech documentation
    Information Services / DevOps
    To distinguish documentation that needs to be done by developers from documentation done by a supporting function
  • TES
    Information Services / DevOps
    Temporary Employment Service
  • TES Timesheet
    Information Services / DevOps
    Temporary Employment Service - Timesheet Entry
  • Testing
    Information Services / DevOps
    Issues which involve automated or manual testing as the primary aim
  • UI Design
    Information Services / DevOps
    Issues which require user interface design work
  • University Card
    Information Services / DevOps / Identity and Access Management
    Issues related to the new card api
  • University Payment System
    Information Services / DevOps
  • urgent
    Information Services / DevOps
  • user acceptance testing
    Information Services / DevOps
    Issue arose as a result of user acceptance testing
  • UX Research
    Information Services / DevOps
    Issues which require research into user experience
  • Wack-a-mole Wednesday
    Information Services / DevOps
    To flag issues suitable for a day blitz
  • wontfix
    Information Services / DevOps / Identity and Access Management / camcount
  • workflowbacklog
    Information Services / DevOps
    Issues which have been refined and are ready to be worked on
  • workflowBAU Blocked
    Information Services / DevOps
    BAU work which has stalled due to external ussue
  • workflowBlocked
    Information Services / DevOps
    This cannot proceed because of external restrictions
  • workflowDiscovery
    Information Services / DevOps
    More information is needed before the issue can be refined