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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
  • priority0 Highest
    Information Services / DevOps
  • priority1 High
    Information Services / DevOps
  • priority2 Medium
    Information Services / DevOps
  • priority3 Low
    Information Services / DevOps
  • priority4 Lowest
    Information Services / DevOps
  • Other labels

  • GAP
    Information Services / DevOps
  • good first issue
    Information Services / DevOps
  • good first issue
    Information Services / DevOps / Identity and Access Management / camcount
  • heat
    Information Services / DevOps / Identity and Access Management
    Issues created for heat tickets
  • help wanted
    Information Services / DevOps / Identity and Access Management / camcount
  • HR Integration
    Information Services / DevOps
    HR Integration Application
  • HR RHEL6 migration
    Information Services / DevOps
  • Identity
    Information Services / DevOps / Identity and Access Management
  • incident-remedial
    Information Services / DevOps
    Work derived from past incidents (e.g. degradation of service) that aims to help avoid future incidents. This can be both symptom/short term geared, like improving SQL queries efficiency of an API call or root cause/long term geared, like reporting SQL queries stats or load tests.
  • incomplete
    Information Services / DevOps
    Issue is incomplete and needs its description improving
  • invalid
    Information Services / DevOps / Identity and Access Management / camcount
  • IRS
    Information Services / DevOps
    Integrated Reward System Product
  • issuetypeBug
    Information Services / DevOps
    Functionality of product is not as designed or intended by the code author
  • issuetypeDashboard
    Information Services / DevOps
    Dashboard issues are used to display information regarding multiple projects. They are intended to be regularly updated via a bot or other automation.
  • issuetypeEpic
    Information Services / DevOps
  • issuetypeFeedback
    Information Services / DevOps
    For feedback on the system provided by users
  • issuetypeSubTask
    Information Services / DevOps
  • issuetypeSupport
    Information Services / DevOps
  • issuetypeTask
    Information Services / DevOps
  • issuetypeTheme
    Information Services / DevOps
    This is a large collection of work, comprised of one or more epics