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Shared drive scanning and user/inst reporting

Robin Goodall requested to merge shared-drive-scanning into main

Reworked as scanning shared drives (listing and adding permissions, but worse counting sizes of files in them) takes ages. So moved this to a cached file and a operation 'shared-drive-usage' that updates this a bit at a time (e.g. scheduled task).

Report dumps (locally) two CSVs, one of user/members of insts' MyDrive usage, another of usage of all shared drives that have the user/member of the inst as a manager or content manager.

Example of what could be done with results of CSV output (for DAMTP) = https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YUDrlxXQiM49NoR4FqrQqmTtbU-G2XZZDOlns46gdyU/edit

Closes: #4 (closed)

Edited by Robin Goodall

Merge request reports