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Report inst children

Robin Goodall requested to merge report-inst-children into main

This ended up bloating to including:

  • Allow reports for institutions to optionally recursively include child institutions.
  • Add institutions to the report outputs
  • Allow report output (CSVs) to be saved to a Google Drive location
  • Add --request report option that searches for a "report-request-{type}-{id}" file in the report output location
  • Option for local caching of user MyDrive usage for multiple dev report runs

The hope out of this is that a non-dev can:

  1. create a report request file in the output folder (content irrelevant): e.g. "report-request-inst-uis"
  2. Then trigger the run of a "Produce report" schedule in Gitlab CI (which will have the creds)
  3. When finished they can import the two CSVs in to a Google Sheet to share with the institution
  4. And the request file gets trashed so it doesn't do it again next time

Closes: #29 (closed)

Edited by Robin Goodall

Merge request reports