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  • uis/devops/docs/guidebook
  • rjw57/guidebook
  • psh35/guidebook
  • jt654/guidebook
  • kf412/guidebook
  • jpk28/guidebook
  • meh37/guidebook
  • hwtb2/guidebook
8 results
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Commits on Source (1456)
...@@ -3,3 +3,16 @@ root=true ...@@ -3,3 +3,16 @@ root=true
[*.{html,js,md}] [*.{html,js,md}]
indent_size=2 indent_size=2
indent_style=space indent_style=space
# Keep this in sync with .markdownlint.yaml
# PyCharm # PyCharm
.idea .idea
# VSCode
# Environments
# build documentation
- project: "uis/devops/continuous-delivery/ci-templates"
file: "/pre-commit.yml"
ref: v6.7.2
- project: "uis/devops/continuous-delivery/ci-templates"
file: "/auto-devops-stages.yml"
ref: v6.7.2
# Disable MR pipelines
- template: Workflows/Branch-Pipelines.gitlab-ci.yml
# Basic CI to install and run mkdocs build in strict mode with verbose output.
# We upload the built documentation as an artifact so that it can be browsed
# from the build jobs.
stage: test
image: registry.gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/uis/devops/infra/dockerimages/python:alpine
- name: plantuml/plantuml-server:jetty
alias: plantuml
- apk add python3-dev gcc musl-dev
- pip install -r requirements.txt
# We use --no-directory-urls so that the documentation is browsable from the
# GitLab artefact browser.
- mkdocs build --strict --verbose --site-dir public --no-directory-urls
# Expose services.yml for consumption by other apps/services.
- mkdir -p public/api
- cp data/services.yml public/api/
# This is a horrible hack to preserve legacy URLs from RTD. Unfortunately symlinks aren't
# supported in GitLab pages which would be a nicer solution.
- cp -r public latest
- mkdir -p public/en
- mv latest public/en/
- git tag -l | while read tag; do git checkout $tag && mkdocs build --strict --verbose --site-dir public/en/$tag --no-directory-urls ; done
- git checkout master
expose_as: "Browse the documentation for this MR by following links to public and index html"
- public/
SITE_URL: "https://uis.uniofcam.dev/-/devops/docs/guidebook/-/jobs/${CI_JOB_ID}/artifacts/public"
stage: test
# Keep this version number in sync with the one in .pre-commit-config.yaml
name: davidanson/markdownlint-cli2:v0.17.2
entrypoint: [""]
- cp mdlint-formatter.jsonc .markdownlint-cli2.jsonc
- markdownlint-cli2 "**/*.md" "#node_modules"
junit: markdown-lint.xml
# Just like the "test" build except we enable directory URLs.
extends: test
stage: production
- unset SITE_URL # SITE_URL is only used in the test job & inherited from there.
- mkdocs build --strict --verbose --site-dir public
# Expose services.yml for consumption by other apps/services.
- mkdir -p public/api
- cp data/services.yml public/api/
# This is a horrible hack to preserve legacy URLs from RTD. Unfortunately symlinks aren't
# supported in GitLab pages which would be a nicer solution.
- cp -r public latest
- mkdir -p public/en
- mv latest public/en/
- git tag -l | while read tag; do git checkout $tag && mkdocs build --strict --verbose --site-dir public/en/$tag --no-directory-urls ; done
- git checkout master
- public
default: true
# Required for the markdown parser used by mkdocs.
indent: 4
# Keep this in sync with .editorconfig
line_length: 100
# We allow inline HTML.
MD033: false
# Some images don't have alt text. Aspire to fix this, but disable in the meantime.
MD045: false
# Admonitions break the code fence style checker.
MD046: false
front_matter_title: "^---\n\\s*title\\s*[:=]\n---"
# See https://pre-commit.com/hooks.html for more hooks
- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
rev: v5.0.0
- id: trailing-whitespace
- id: end-of-file-fixer
- id: check-yaml
- --unsafe
- id: check-json
- id: check-toml
- id: check-xml
- id: check-added-large-files
- id: check-executables-have-shebangs
- id: check-merge-conflict
- id: check-symlinks
- id: detect-private-key
exclude: ^docs/home/contact/openpgp\.min\.js$
- id: mixed-line-ending
- id: pretty-format-json
- --autofix
- --no-sort-keys
- id: debug-statements
- repo: https://github.com/DavidAnson/markdownlint-cli2
# Keep this version number in sync with the one in .gitlab-ci.yml
rev: v0.17.2
- id: markdownlint-cli2
args: ["--fix"]
language_version: 22.10.0
# See https://docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config-file/v2.html for details
version: 2
os: ubuntu-22.04
python: "3.11"
configuration: mkdocs.yml
- requirements: requirements.txt
FROM python:3.13-alpine
RUN apk update && apk add gcc musl-dev git
WORKDIR /workspace/
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
# We use git to determine the edit history fo pages to provide a "last updated" timestamp. Work
# around a git feature which guards against certain types of attacks from untrusted users.
# More information: https://www.kenmuse.com/blog/avoiding-dubious-ownership-in-dev-containers/
RUN git config --global --add safe.directory /workspace
CMD ["mkdocs", "serve", "-a", ""]
# DevOps Guidebook # DevOps Guidebook
This repository contains the source for the UIS [DevOps This repository contains the source for the UIS
Guidebook](https://uisautomation.github.io/guidebook). [DevOps Guidebook](https://guidebook.devops.uis.cam.ac.uk/)
## Developing locally ## Hosting
The guidebook uses [docsify](https://docsify.js.org/) to render the guidbook The guidebook is hosted via GitLab pages. readthedocs.org (RTD) and is automatically deployed on
from markdown striaght in the browser. As such there is no render step. One each commit to master. The GitLab pages-managed URL is at
simply clones the repo and starts a local webserver. If you have the [https://uis.uniofcam.dev/devops/docs/guidebook/](https://uis.uniofcam.dev/devops/docs/guidebook/).
[hub](https://github.com/github/hub) utility installed:
To support a custom domain, the ``guidebook.devops.uis.cam.ac.uk`` DNS record is a CNAME pointing to
``uis.uniofcam.dev.io`` following the [custom domain
## Local Development
The guidebook uses mkdocs to convert Markdown source into a static website.
You can run it from either the dockerised setup or your own local environment.
To begin development, [install pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com/index.html#install)
and clone the repo locally:
```console ```console
$ hub clone uisautomation/guidebook git clone git@gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk:uis/devops/docs/guidebook.git
$ python3 -m http.server 8000 pre-commit install
Start the guidebook via:
docker-compose up --build
The local documentation is now available at <http://localhost:8000/>.
### Adding a page
1. Create a Markdown file in the relevant directory under `docs`.
2. Add this file's path to the `nav` configuration in `mkdocs.yml`.
## Service Information
Service & team information is encoded in [services.yml](./data/services.yml).
When adding or updating a Service page, you must update that file to define such information.
Comments in the file itself describe each section's format.
The file is exposed at endpoint `/api/services.yml` for consumption by other apps/services,
via a script in the [Gitlab CI config](./.gitlab-ci.yml).
* The canonical source of DevOps teams and team-service mappings is
[this Google Doc][devops-team-structure].
* This YAML configuration simply encodes the information in a machine-parsable format,
and must be manually updated to remain in-sync with that document.
## Site-Relative URLs
Site-relative URLs can be specified using `site:path/to/some-page`.
This functionality is provided by a custom [hook][mkdocs-hooks]
in [hooks/site_urls.py](./hooks/site_urls.py)
These are preferable to relative URLs, since:
* A page containing `site:` URLs needn't change if it's relocated.
* Whereas, a page containing relative URLs would need all of them updated.
* A page referenced by `site:` URLs can be relocated,
then a single search-and-replace performed to update all references.
* Whereas, a page referenced by different relative URLs
requires that they all be updated, and each becomes defferent.
Such `site:` urls are translated as follows,
depending on whether the code is running locally or in Gitlab CI,
where flag `--no-directory-urls` is passed to `mkdocs build`:
<!-- markdownlint-disable MD013 -->
| Example `site:` URL | Doc Path | Local URL | CI Artifact URL<br>with `--no-directory-urls` |
| -------------------- | ---------------------- | ---------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| `site:path/to/page` | `docs/path/to/page.md` | `/path/to/page/` | `$SITE_ROOT/path/to/page.html` |
| `site:path/to/page/` | `docs/path/to/page.md` | `/path/to/page/` | `$SITE_ROOT/path/to/page/index.html` |
<!-- markdownlint-enable MD013 -->
## Custom Plugin Syntax
Some MkDocs extensions & plugins used (see [mkdocs.base.yml][mkdocs-config-base])
provide custom syntax to utilise their new visual elements.
Here's a summary of the custom syntax we utilise, provided by our configured extensions & plugins:
<!-- markdownlint-disable MD013 -->
| Extension / Plugin | Notation | Meaning |
| ------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| [Admonitions][mkdocs-plugin-admonitions] | `!!! note`, `??? tip`, etc. | A styled callout, which may be collapsible |
| [PymdownX > Snippets][mkdocs-plugin-snippets] | `--8<-- "path/to/file.(md\|ext)"` | Insert contents of the specified file. |
| [Neoteroi > Cards][mkdocs-plugin-neoteroi-cards] | `[cards cols=2 smaller(path/to/cards.(json\|yml))]` | Insert the visual cards defined in specified file. |
| Site-Relative URLs _(see section below)_ | `site:path/to/some-page` | Site-relative URL (in our case `docs/path/to/some-page.md`) |
<!-- markdownlint-enable MD013 -->
## Macros
The guidebook uses a set of macros to provide a consistent look and feel to the documentation.
Also to auto-generate certain information based on static configuration (`.yml`) files.
The [MkDocs-Macros plugin](https://mkdocs-macros-plugin.readthedocs.io/)
is used to simplify this process.
* It loads [main.py](./main.py) to access & apply all custom macros.
* Those are stored within [macros/](./macros/).
* To add a new macro, either add to or create a file in [macros/<context>.py](./macros/).
### Create a New Template Variable
If you want to add a new template variable,
simply define it in `TEMPLATE_VARIABLES` within [macros/constants.py](./macros/constants.py).
It will then be available within all `.md` files as `{{ my_variable }}`.
### Create a Macro Mixin
If adding macros for a new context, create a new file `macros/{my-context}.py`:
from ..render import hyperlink # etc
def define_env(env):
# ..wrap all other macros too..
def my_macro(...):
pass # return render result here e.g. hyperlink(...)
``` ```
The documentation is now available at http://localhost:8000/. Then import and invoke your module's `define_env` in `macros/__init__.py`:
from . import (..., my_context, ...)
def define_env(env):
# ...
# ...
In similar fashion, add to [macros/render](./macros/render)
any needed context-specific HTML rendering _(see existing examples there)_.
Your macro(s) will then be available within all `.md` files as `{{ my_macro(..args..) }}`.
<!-- markdownlint-disable MD013 -->
[devops-team-structure]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fNkYa5z0vY44aStN_67BjoAn8VJN8mvHhX-iip1y25g/edit#heading=h.gb6gzxjsa2r2
[mkdocs-plugin-admonitions]: https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/reference/admonitions/
[mkdocs-config-base]: ./mkdocs.base.yml
[mkdocs-hooks]: https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/configuration/#hooks
[mkdocs-plugin-neoteroi-cards]: https://www.neoteroi.dev/mkdocs-plugins/cards/
[mkdocs-plugin-snippets]: https://facelessuser.github.io/pymdown-extensions/extensions/snippets/
<!-- markdownlint-enable MD013 -->
* Introduction
* [Front matter](index.md)
* [About the guidebook](about.md)
* Development
* [Bootstrapping](bootstrapping.md)
* [Story lifecycle](storylifecycle.md)
* Working Environment
* [Day-to-day workflow](workflow.md)
* [Roles](roles.md)
* Technology
* [Overview](technology/overview.md)
* [React and Django](technology/react.md)
* Best practice
* [Overview](bestpractice/overview.md)
* [Product/component hierarchy](bestpractice/hierarchy.md)
* [Web applications](bestpractice/webapps.md)
* [Using git](bestpractice/git.md)
* [Python](bestpractice/python.md)
* [JavaScript](bestpractice/javascript.md)
# About this guidebook
This guidebook documents what we as a team in DevOps aspire to be, what we
currently do and practices we currently find to be helpful.
It is not intended as a prescriptive document but rather to be *descriptive* of
the general way we do things. If the way we do things and the book disagree, it
is the book which is usually at fault.
## Updating the guide
Anyone may propose an edit to the guide by [opening a pull
request](https://github.com/uisautomation/guidebook/pulls). When doing so,
please try to keep the "voice" of the guide consistent.
There are two audiences for the book:
1. **New starters.** These are people new to the team who are interested in how
we work and how to get starting developing our products. This guide should
help them discover how our products are structured in general and how we do
work day-to-day.
2. **Existing team members.** These are people who have been in the team for a
while but who would like a reference for best practice. It also provides a
location to record new best practice as it is discovered/evolved.
# Using git
This section documents some best practice when using the
[git](https://git-scm.com/) source code management tool.
Good sources of documentation for git include:
* The [git documentation site](https://git-scm.com/doc) which links to free
ebooks and videos about git.
* Members of UIS have access to LinkedIn Learning which has [many
videos](https://www.linkedin.com/learning/me?u=2963594) on git.
* GitHub maintain [extensive documentation](https://help.github.com/) on their
platform and git in general.
## Concepts
This section *very briefly* lists the main concepts in git. There are [gory
details](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Internals-Plumbing-and-Porcelain) in
the git book. There is also a [terminology section](#terminology) at the end of
this document if any of the terms used herein are unknown.
### Pushing and pulling
**Pushing** a branch to a remote consists of two stages:
1. The remote is sent the branch HEAD commit and any parent commits it doesn't
already have.
2. The remote updates the remote branch to point to the new HEAD.
This only happens if the remote branch's original HEAD is a descendent of the
local branch's HEAD. Otherwise the push fails.
**Pulling** a branch is the opposite of a push. The steps are identical by the
roles of the remote and local repository are reversed.
### GitHub != git
It is tempting to identify GitHub and git. GitHub is a service provider which
offers git hosting and a set of related "software forge" functionality such as
issue tracking, project management, code review, etc. GitHub may be the 800lb
gorilla of the git world but there are many other large apes out there.
Git was originally designed to be decentralised. It is quite possible to use git
without GitHub and even without a working Internet connection.
## Feature branches
Feature branches are branches being used to develop an individual story. If you
are stuck for a name, "issue-{number}-{summary}" is a good choice where
"{number}" is the issue number of the story you are implementing and "{summary}"
is a brief summary of the story formatted-like-this.
### Structuring the branch
Tell a story with your branch: each commit should implement one step towards
implementing the story. It is kind to a reviewer to allow your pull requests to
be reviewed commit-wise so try to keep commits small, on topic and
### Commits
Each commit message should start with a single line summarising the change. If
the repository has logical "sections", start your commit message with the
section and a colon. For example, a Django webapp is usually composed of several
applications. Using the application name as a section is a good idea. The
single-line summary of a commit is, by convention, rather short. Keeping it
around 50 characters is a good rule of thumb given in the [git
The commit message proper should explain how the commit implements what it
implements. It may also explain how the commit fits into the overall progression
of the story.
If the commit closes an issue, use a [GitHub
keyword](https://help.github.com/articles/closing-issues-using-keywords/) in the
commit. If only the pull request as a whole closes the issue, use the keyword in
the pull-request message.
An example message:
mediaplatform: MediaItem: make channel field non-NULL
Make the "channel" field of mediaplatform.models.MediaItem non-NULL. This
enforces that all media items will have an associated channel in future which is
required by #1234.
Add a pre-migration hook which assigns all media items which currently have a
"NULL" channel to an "orphan" channel. If there are no items with a NULL channel
the orphan channel is not created.
The orphan channel has blank edit and view permissions and as such will only be
available to admins.
Closes #1234
### Rebasing
Git [rebasing](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Branching-Rebasing) is an
invaluable tool to help you structure your branch to be easy to review. When
developing, the rule is "commit early, commit often". After you have finished
implementing the feature, you may re-order, combine and re-word commits using
the ``git rebase`` tool.
!> Once you have shared your branch with others via a pull request, do not
rebase as it makes pulling your changes harder.
## Terminology
This section briefly describes some of the terminology around git. It's not
intended to be exhaustive.
A **blob** is a set of bytes. It has a name which is the SHA1 hash of its
A **tree** is a set of blobs in a directory/filename hierarchy. It has a name
which is the SHA1 hash of its contents.
A **commit** is a message describing a tree, the name of a tree and a list of
names of "parent" commits. Its has a name which is the SHA1 hash of its
contents. Recursively following parent links from a commit yields the set of
"descendent" commits.
A **branch** is an alias for a commit. Its content is the name of the commit it
references. Its name is human-readable. Unlike commits, blobs or trees a
branch's name can stay the same even if its content changes. The commit pointed
to by a branch is called the **HEAD** of the branch.
The **master branch** is the branch which we agree as a team reflects the
current state of the product. Beyond this convention and the fact that it is the
default checked out branch when a repository is cloned *there is nothing
special about the master branch**.
A **remote** is an alias for a remote git repository. It maps a human readable
name to a location. For example,
# Product/component hierarchy
Each *product* which we develop is usually composed of multiple *components*.
For example, a web application may have a public repository containing the
source for the application and a private deployment repository which contains
scripts and configuration to deploy the web application on our infrastructure.
## Repository naming
Name a new Github repository using the form ``{product}-{component}``. For
example, the web application for the Media Platform is at
## Filesystem layout
Divide your repositories into a ``{product}/{component}`` hierarchy. Single-repo
products should be cloned into a separate ``devops`` directory. For example, if
you store your cloned repositories in the ``~/repos`` directory and are working
on the IAR, Media Platform, this guidebook and our boilerplate application, your
repositories will be cloned as follows:
├── devops
│ ├── django-boilerplate
│ └── guidebook
├── iar
│ ├── backend
│ ├── deploy
│ └── frontend
└── media
├── deploy
└── webapp
# Python
The DevOps division are heavy users of the Python programming language
for backend work.
## Code style
We do not maintain a style guide but [Google's
guide](https://github.com/google/styleguide/blob/gh-pages/pyguide.md) is a good
starting point.
## flake8
Most of our Python code is set up to automatically check Python code for PEP8
compliance. We use the default set of rules for flake8 except that we relax the
maximum line length to 99 characters. (This being the maximum allowed by PEP8.)
## Testing
Use unit testing to check functionality of code. Sometimes, the use of
[doctest](https://docs.python.org/3/library/doctest.html) is useful for
functions which are private to a module. Generally, we use the Django test
runner provided by the boilerplate application.
## Code coverage
Test code coverage is reported in most of our code and a minimal code coverage
level is enforced for most of our repositories. New code should usually be
accompanied by tests which exercise the code.
# Bootstrapping
This section has some general guidance on how you can get started developing
applications for us. We assume a working knowledge of git and Unix-like
operating systems.
?> UIS members may gain such a knowledge through our [LinkedIn
Learning](https://www.linkedin.com/learning/) organisational account.
## GitHub account
The majority of our products are developed on GitHub. When you join the DevOps
team you will be asked for your GitHub account name. You may wish to use a
personal account or create one named after your crsid.
### Add a SSH public key
The git version control system works best when used in combination with SSH. You
will want to [associate a SSH key with your
?> For more information, see the [GitHub documentation on
### Configure GitHub
GitHub has a notification system which can be used to notify you over email when
things of interest happen. Having notifications enabled is useful to keep you in
the loop as any changes you make are reviewed, commented on and, eventually,
merged. You can [configure
notifications](https://github.com/settings/notifications) in the GitHub
## Clone product repositories
The usual naming convention for repositories is ``{product}-{component}``. For
example, the web application for the Media Platform is at
?> Having your repository cloned to a matching ``{product}/{component}``
directory is considered [best
If you install [hub](https://hub.github.com/), you can clone a local repository
and create your own fork:
$ cd ~/repos # or, wherever you keep your clones repositories
$ mkdir media && cd media
$ hub clone uisautomation/media-webapp webapp && cd webapp
$ hub fork # creates a fork and adds a new remote
## Configure CircleCI for your fork
Most of our products use [CircleCI](https://circleci.com/) for continuous
integration and development. You can set up CircleCI integration for your fork
by visiting https://circleci.com/gh/{username}/{repository} in your browser and
clicking the "Follow Project" button.
For example, to configure [bb9e](https://github.com/bb9e)'s fork of
[iar-backend](https://github.com/uisautomation/iar-backend), visit
## Read the documentation
The README file in a repository will contain any special information about
getting started with a project. For example, you may need to obtain and
configure some product-specific credentials. This file may also contain any
CircleCI specific configuration you require for your fork.
?> From the repository root directory, you can open the corresponding GitHub
repository web page and read the README file using the command
``hub browse``.
## Webapps
This section is specific to getting started developing our webapps.
For webapps, we have settled on a solution for local development based on
[docker-compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/). This allows for a consistent
development environment even if an individual Developer's machine varies.
### Configure Codecov for your fork
Many of our products use [Codecov](https://codecov.io/) for code coverage
checking. You can set up Codecov integration for your fork
by visiting https://codecov.io/gh/{username}/{repository} in your browser.
For example, to configure [bb9e](https://github.com/bb9e)'s fork of
[iar-backend](https://github.com/uisautomation/iar-backend), visit
### Install Docker and docker-compose
Make sure that the latest version of [docker](https://www.docker.com/) and
docker-compose are installed on your machine. Using docker-compose allows us to
run tests and develop within an environment very close to that we deploy in.
### Run tests
Tests for the webapp can be run inside a container using the ``./tox.sh`` script
present in many of our webapps. Generally this will check that the documentation
builds, run code style checks and run the test suite. A code coverage summary
will be shown after the tests run.
### Start a development server
A development server can be started with ``./compose.sh development up``. The
web application is then usually available at http://localhost:8000/.
For applications making use of React to render the frontend, we usually have
automatically generated
[styleguidist](https://github.com/styleguidist/react-styleguidist) documentation
for React components at http://localhost:6060/.
For applications which send email, we usually have a
[MailHog](https://github.com/mailhog/MailHog) instance running at
## Deployment
!> This section is likely to change significantly.
We deploy applications using configuration in a ``{product}-deploy`` repository
on GitHub. Usually these repositories are private. See the ``README`` in any one
repository for an overview of how deployment happens for that product.
## Set logging levels from: ALL, TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, OFF
# Static data
This directory contains static data used by the guidebook.
## Labels
The `labels.yml` file contains GitLab label definitions for the [uis/devops
group](https://gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/uis/devops) in GitLab. It was
generated using the following command line which uses
[httpie](https://httpie.io/) and [yq](https://mikefarah.gitbook.io/yq/):
<!-- markdownlint-disable MD013 -->
http "https://gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/api/v4/groups/uis%2Fdevops/labels?per_page=100" "PRIVATE-TOKEN:$TOKEN" | yq eval -P > labels.yml
<!-- markdownlint-enable MD013 -->
You should arrange for the `TOKEN` environment variable to contain a [GitLab
personal access token](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/profile/personal_access_tokens.html)
with at least the `read_api` scope.
- id: 2690
name: Accessibility
description: null
description_html: ""
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#0033CC'
subscribed: false
- id: 2377
name: Business Analysis
description: 'Issues which ask questions about an existing business process or which require the development of a new one '
description_html: 'Issues which ask questions about an existing business process or which require the development of a new one '
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#0033CC'
subscribed: false
- id: 992
name: chore
description: Issues where the work required is "straightforward" (such as fixing typos, manually configuring a service), usually time-boxed to half-a-day
description_html: Issues where the work required is "straightforward" (such as fixing typos, manually configuring a service), usually time-boxed to half-a-day
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#AD4363'
subscribed: false
- id: 5640
name: Comms Required
description: Communication required to release feature
description_html: Communication required to release feature
text_color: '#333333'
color: '#f3edb3'
subscribed: false
- id: 993
name: dependency
description: ""
description_html: ""
text_color: '#333333'
color: '#A295D6'
subscribed: false
- id: 541
name: design needed
description: Issues which cannot be addressed without some design work being carried out
description_html: Issues which cannot be addressed without some design work being carried out
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#FF0000'
subscribed: false
- id: 6385
name: Developer Experience
description: Issue relates to developer tooling or documentation
description_html: Issue relates to developer tooling or documentation
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#0033cc'
subscribed: false
- id: 2229
name: Development
description: Issues which require active software or infrastructure-as-code development work
description_html: Issues which require active software or infrastructure-as-code development work
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#0033CC'
subscribed: false
- id: 1227
name: discussion
description: Issues which primarily contain or require a discussion rather than a task
description_html: Issues which primarily contain or require a discussion rather than a task
text_color: '#333333'
color: '#A295D6'
subscribed: false
- id: 2493
name: Documentation
description: Issues which require writing documentation for the team or end users
description_html: Issues which require writing documentation for the team or end users
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#0033CC'
subscribed: false
- id: 5806
name: EpicType::Epic
description: The most detailed type of epic - issues are attached to epics at this level
description_html: The most detailed type of epic - issues are attached to epics at this level
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#33b3a6'
subscribed: false
- id: 5833
name: EpicType::Feature
description: Mid-level epic
description_html: Mid-level epic
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#33b3a6'
subscribed: false
- id: 5805
name: EpicType::Initiative
description: Used for grouping detailed epics for easier management
description_html: Used for grouping detailed epics for easier management
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#33b3a6'
subscribed: false
- id: 6345
name: EpicType::Placeholder
description: To capture anticipated work while allowing it to be filtered out of epic lists/boards
description_html: To capture anticipated work while allowing it to be filtered out of epic lists/boards
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#33b3a6'
subscribed: false
- id: 1224
name: good first issue
description: ""
description_html: ""
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#F0AD4E'
subscribed: false
- id: 1146
name: incomplete
description: Issue is incomplete and needs its description improving
description_html: Issue is incomplete and needs its description improving
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#FF0000'
subscribed: false
- id: 2686
name: issueType::Bug
description: Functionality of product is not as designed or intended by the code author
description_html: Functionality of product is not as designed or intended by the code author
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#c21e56'
subscribed: false
- id: 4859
name: issuetype::Epic
description: null
description_html: ""
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#00b140'
subscribed: false
- id: 6027
name: issuetype::Feedback
description: For feedback on the system provided by users
description_html: For feedback on the system provided by users
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#cc338b'
subscribed: false
- id: 5538
name: issuetype::Support
description: ""
description_html: ""
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#00b140'
subscribed: false
- id: 4857
name: issuetype::Task
description: null
description_html: ""
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#00b140'
subscribed: false
- id: 5254
name: issuetype::Theme
description: This is a large collection of work, comprised of one or more epics
description_html: This is a large collection of work, comprised of one or more epics
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#00b140'
subscribed: false
- id: 4858
name: issuetype::User Story
description: An end-to-end user-centric piece of work sized to fit within a single sprint
description_html: An end-to-end user-centric piece of work sized to fit within a single sprint
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#00b140'
subscribed: false
- id: 5202
name: Lookup
description: Issues relating to Lookup
description_html: Issues relating to Lookup
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#36454f'
subscribed: false
- id: 4190
name: Meeting
description: Issue represents a meeting where a decision needs to be made.
description_html: Issue represents a meeting where a decision needs to be made.
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#0033CC'
subscribed: false
- id: 5013
name: meeting::backlog refinement
description: ""
description_html: ""
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#eee600'
subscribed: false
- id: 5024
name: meeting::sprint planning
description: ""
description_html: ""
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#eee600'
subscribed: false
- id: 5705
name: mob programming
description: This issue is intended for "mob programming" team effort (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mob_programming)
description_html: This issue is intended for "mob programming" team effort (<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mob_programming" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mob_programming</a>)
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#8fbc8f'
subscribed: false
- id: 2295
name: moodle
description: Issues which relate to the Moodle Cloud project
description_html: Issues which relate to the Moodle Cloud project
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#36454f'
subscribed: false
- id: 2230
name: Operations
description: Issues which relate to deployment or packaging of products
description_html: Issues which relate to deployment or packaging of products
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#0033CC'
subscribed: false
- id: 2014
name: placeholder
description: Issues which arose during the sprint and were not present at the beginning
description_html: Issues which arose during the sprint and were not present at the beginning
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#5843AD'
subscribed: false
- id: 2929
name: Pooled Testing
description: null
description_html: ""
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#36454f'
subscribed: false
- id: 4882
name: priority::0 Highest
description: null
description_html: ""
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#ff0000'
subscribed: false
- id: 2459
name: priority::1 High
description: null
description_html: ""
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#FF0000'
subscribed: false
- id: 2460
name: priority::2 Medium
description: null
description_html: ""
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#F0AD4E'
subscribed: false
- id: 2461
name: priority::3 Low
description: null
description_html: ""
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#D1D100'
subscribed: false
- id: 2739
name: priority::4 Lowest
description: null
description_html: ""
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#5CB85C'
subscribed: false
- id: 1087
name: question
description: A question has been asked that will determine if rework is required
description_html: A question has been asked that will determine if rework is required
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#D10069'
subscribed: false
- id: 1097
name: quick to review
description: Issues whose MRs are small changes or which are otherwise easy to review
description_html: Issues whose MRs are small changes or which are otherwise easy to review
text_color: '#333333'
color: '#A8D695'
subscribed: false
- id: 4633
name: 'resolution:: Can''t Reproduce'
description: Can't reproduce the bug/issue
description_html: Can't reproduce the bug/issue
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#c21e56'
subscribed: false
- id: 4634
name: 'resolution:: DevNotPlanned'
description: null
description_html: ""
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#c21e56'
subscribed: false
- id: 4632
name: 'resolution:: Duplicate'
description: Duplicate of an existing bug/issue
description_html: Duplicate of an existing bug/issue
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#c21e56'
subscribed: false
- id: 5948
name: resolution::Fixed
description: Fixed bug.
description_html: Fixed bug.
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#c21e56'
subscribed: false
- id: 1216
name: 'resolution:: Won''t Fix'
description: Not actually a bug or beyond a reasonable to fix
description_html: Not actually a bug or beyond a reasonable to fix
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#c21e56'
subscribed: false
- id: 6118
name: Service Wrapper
description: null
description_html: ""
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#6699cc'
subscribed: false
- id: 148
name: small change
description: ""
description_html: ""
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#8E44AD'
subscribed: false
- id: 991
name: spike
description: Tasks which are time-boxed to one day
description_html: Tasks which are time-boxed to one day
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#0033CC'
subscribed: false
- id: 2378
name: Support
description: Issues relating to an end-user support request (such as changing user permissions or fixing incorrect data)
description_html: Issues relating to an end-user support request (such as changing user permissions or fixing incorrect data)
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#0033CC'
subscribed: false
- id: 4831
name: team::Authentication
description: null
description_html: ""
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#330066'
subscribed: false
- id: 4830
name: team::Cloud
description: ""
description_html: ""
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#330066'
subscribed: false
- id: 2928
name: team::DevOps
description: Issues which are likely to be picked up by the DevOps team
description_html: Issues which are likely to be picked up by the DevOps team
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#330066'
subscribed: false
- id: 4587
name: team::Identity
description: null
description_html: ""
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#330066'
subscribed: false
- id: 2381
name: Testing
description: Issues which involve automated or manual testing as the primary aim
description_html: Issues which involve automated or manual testing as the primary aim
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#0033CC'
subscribed: false
- id: 2379
name: UI Design
description: 'Issues which require user interface design work '
description_html: 'Issues which require user interface design work '
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#0033CC'
subscribed: false
- id: 706
name: urgent
description: ""
description_html: ""
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#FF0000'
subscribed: false
- id: 1877
name: user acceptance testing
description: Issue arose as a result of user acceptance testing
description_html: Issue arose as a result of user acceptance testing
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#D9534F'
subscribed: false
- id: 2380
name: UX Research
description: 'Issues which require research into user experience '
description_html: 'Issues which require research into user experience '
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#0033CC'
subscribed: false
- id: 6406
name: Wack-a-mole Wednesday
description: To flag issues suitable for a day blitz
description_html: To flag issues suitable for a day blitz
text_color: '#333333'
color: '#ffeb44'
subscribed: false
- id: 5512
name: workflow::BAU Blocked
description: BAU work which has stalled due to external ussue
description_html: BAU work which has stalled due to external ussue
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#c39953'
subscribed: false
- id: 84
name: workflow::Blocked
description: This cannot proceed because of external restrictions
description_html: This cannot proceed because of external restrictions
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#ff0000'
subscribed: false
- id: 4824
name: workflow::Done
description: Issue meets the Definition of Done
description_html: Issue meets the Definition of Done
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#009966'
subscribed: false
- id: 150
name: workflow::In Progress
description: Currently under development
description_html: Currently under development
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#5CB85C'
subscribed: false
- id: 5329
name: workflow::In Testing
description: Currently being tested
description_html: Currently being tested
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#c39953'
subscribed: false
- id: 82
name: workflow::Needs Deployment
description: Changed need deployment to Production
description_html: Changed need deployment to Production
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#428BCA'
subscribed: false
- id: 2356
name: workflow::Needs Refinement
description: The issue requires refining to meet the Definition of Ready
description_html: The issue requires refining to meet the Definition of Ready
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#7F8C8D'
subscribed: false
- id: 5636
name: workflow::Needs Sizing
description: An issue that has been refined but needs an estimate on how long it will take in order to meet the Definition of Ready
description_html: An issue that has been refined but needs an estimate on how long it will take in order to meet the Definition of Ready
text_color: '#333333'
color: '#f7e7ce'
subscribed: false
- id: 81
name: workflow::Review Required
description: This MR is ready to be reviewed by another developer.
description_html: This MR is ready to be reviewed by another developer.
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#69D100'
subscribed: false
- id: 83
name: workflow::Rework
description: There are issues with this MR which need resolving
description_html: There are issues with this MR which need resolving
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#eee600'
subscribed: false
- id: 1600
name: workflow::Sprint Ready
description: Meets the Definition of Ready
description_html: Meets the Definition of Ready
text_color: '#FFFFFF'
color: '#F0AD4E'
subscribed: false
title: Business
title: Education
title: Generic Services
title: Research
title: Business Systems
title: Cloud and Platforms
title: Education Services
title: Finance
title: Generic
title: HR
title: Identity and Access Management (IAM)
title: Intranet Services
title: Other
title: Postgraduate
title: Shared Web Tech
title: Recruitment
title: Research Admin
title: Teaching and Learning
title: Undergraduate
title: Web Services
# Each entry here is of the form:
# <team-key>:
# title: <team-title>
# shorthand: <team-shorthand>
# email: <team-email>
# lead: <team-lead>
# Only title & email are mandatory.
title: Cloud Team
email: cloud@uis.cam.ac.uk
lead: ad2139
lookup_id: "105531"
portfolio: generic
title: Developer Experience Team
shorthand: DevEx
email: devops-devex@uis.cam.ac.uk
lead: rjw57
portfolio: generic
title: Drupal Team
email: drupal@uis.cam.ac.uk
lead: jag212
portfolio: generic
title: Hamilton Team
email: devops-hamilton@uis.cam.ac.uk
lead: bs461
portfolio: education
title: Holberton Team
email: devops-holberton@uis.cam.ac.uk
lead: wgd23
portfolio: business
title: Hopper Team
email: devops-hopper@uis.cam.ac.uk
lead: bs461
portfolio: education
title: Jackson Team
email: devops-jackson@uis.cam.ac.uk
lead: nb745
portfolio: generic
title: Johnson Team
email: devops-johnson@uis.cam.ac.uk
portfolio: research
title: Lovelace Team
email: devops-lovelace@uis.cam.ac.uk
lead: snr21
portfolio: education
title: Wilson Team
email: devops-wilson@uis.cam.ac.uk
lead: ek599
portfolio: generic
# Each entry here is of the form:
# <service-key>:
# title: <service-page-title>
# product-manager: <crs-id>
# service-owner: <crs-id>
# service-manager: <crs-id>
# tech-lead: <crs-id>
# teams:
# - <team-key>
# - ...
# engineers:
# - <operational engineer crs-id>
# - ...
# The '<service-key>' must match a filename in 'docs/services'
# e.g. 'my-service:' implies 'docs/services/my-service.md' exists.
# Any referenced '<team-key>' must be defined in the 'teams' section below.
# The only mandatory sub-key is 'title'.
category: hr
title: Academic Career Pathways Grade 12 (ACP-12) Submission Portal
service-owner: drb58
- holberton
- jl364
- wgd23
- prb34
- az330
category: iam
title: Activate Account Service
service-owner: nrt33
- wilson
category: business
title: ADA for Disability Office
service-owner: meh37
- jackson
category: cloud
title: API Gateway
tech-lead: rjg21
- cloud
- devex
- wilson
- dkh21
category: research
title: Budget Calculator
tech-lead: meh37
- johnson
category: recruitment
title: Colleges and Affiliated Institutions Advertising System (CAIAS)
service-manager: ajc322
- holberton
- wgd23
category: education
title: Cambridge Data (CamData)
- jackson
- dkh21
- jag212
- jl364
- mh2215
category: iam
title: Card Management System
tech-lead: av603
- wilson
- rjg21
- sdw37
- dkh21
category: research
title: Claims Management System (CMS)
tech-lead: meh37
- johnson
category: other
title: Covid-19 Testing Pools Management
service-owner: jh535
service-manager: rjw57
tech-lead: rjg21
- sdw37
- si202
category: cloud
title: Data Backup Service
service-owner: amc203
service-manager: ad2139
tech-lead: rh841
- cloud
- rh841
- si202
- rk725
- du228
- sdw37
# Outlier - page lists "project leads" and "work-stream lead"
category: other
title: Design System
tech-lead: rp431
- rp431
category: undergraduate
title: Digital Pooling
product-manager: bmd42
service-owner: hr244
service-manager: soj23
team-lead: ek599
tech-lead: amh254
- hopper
- hwtb2
- jb2595
- pfk22
category: web
title: Web Platform (Drupal)
- drupal
category: iam
title: Network Access Tokens Service
service-owner: rcf34
tech-lead: prb34
- wilson
- si202
- sdw37
- ad2139
category: research
title: Equipment Sharing
- johnson
- ao475
category: teaching
title: Education Space Scheduling and Modelling Sync
service-manager: nik22
tech-lead: rjg21
- hamilton
category: shared
title: Events System
- jackson
category: education
title: Exam Office exam time monitoring
- jl364
category: postgraduate
title: Graduate Admissions Course Database (GAOBase)
- lovelace
- ad2139
- rh841
- rk725
- sdw37
- si202
category: other
title: Gates Trust Admin Tool
tech-lead: meh37
- jackson
category: other
title: Gates Cambridge Trust - Selection Module (GCT/SM)
tech-lead: jl364
- jackson
- jl364
category: cloud
title: GitLab service for the Developers' Hub
service-owner: amc203
service-manager: rjw57
tech-lead: rjw57
- cloud
- devex
- ad2139
- rh841
- si202
- rk725
- du228
- sdw37
category: intranet
title: Governance
- jackson
- dj257
- jl364
category: cloud
title: Google Workspace for Education @ Cambridge
- wilson
- rjg21
category: iam
title: Google Workspace Preferences App
service-owner: amc203
tech-lead: rjg21
- wilson
- rjw57
- rjg21
category: hr
title: HR Integration App
service-manager: ajc322
tech-lead: az330
- holberton
- prb34
- du228
- wgd23
category: other
title: Human Tissue Tracker
tech-lead: prb34
- holberton
- si202
- sdw37
- ad2139
- prb34
category: iam
title: Identity and Access Management
- wilson
category: business
title: Information Asset Register
service-owner: jak59
- jackson
- rjg21
category: hr
title: Integrated Reward System (IRS)
service-manager: ajc322
tech-lead: prb34
- holberton
- az330
- wgd23
- av603
category: research
title: Interfacer for Research Systems Team
tech-lead: meh37
- johnson
category: iam
title: Jackdaw
service-owner: vkhs1
service-manager: ukd20
- wilson
- rjw57
- rjg21
- ad2139
- sdw37
- si202
category: recruitment
title: Job Opportunities
service-owner: et305
service-manager: ajc322
tech-lead: wgd23
- holberton
- av603
category: teaching
title: Lab Allocator
- hamilton
- ek599
- db947
category: teaching
title: Lecture Capture Preferences App
- hamilton
service-manager: amc203
- rjw57
- rjg21
category: other
title: Legacy application backups
category: iam
title: Legacy Card System
tech-lead: av603
- wilson
- rjg21
- sdw37
- si202
category: teaching
title: Legacy NST IA Lab Allocation
category: cloud # ..maybe iam in future
title: Lookup To GitLab Sync
service-owner: amc203
service-manager: ad2139
tech-lead: rh841
- rh841
- si202
- rk725
- du228
- sdw37
category: iam
title: Lookup
tech-lead: rjg21
- wilson
- ad2139
- dkh21
- sdw37
- si202
category: other
title: Malware & Virus Scanner (MVS)
tech-lead: mh2215
- jackson
category: undergraduate
title: My Cambridge Application
service-owner: hr244
product-manager: bmd42
service-manager: soj23
team-lead: ek599
tech-lead: amh254
- hopper
- hwtb2
- jb2595
- pfk22
category: generic
title: Nursery Waiting List
tech-lead: meh37
- jackson
category: postgraduate
title: Panel
tech-lead: meh37
- lovelace
category: teaching
title: Panopto Deployment
category: iam
title: Password Management
service-owner: vkhs1
tech-lead: rjg21
- wilson
- ad2139
- si202
- prb34
- sdw37
category: hr
title: PostBox
service-manager: ajc322
tech-lead: wgd23
- holberton
- av603
category: iam
title: Shibboleth Metadata Administration service
service-owner: vkhs1
tech-lead: rjg21
- wilson
- amc203
category: iam
title: Raven OAuth2
service-owner: vkhs1
tech-lead: rjg21
- wilson
- amc203
- rjg21
- sdw37
category: iam
title: Raven Webauth to SAML2 Shim
service-owner: vkhs1
tech-lead: rjg21
- wilson
- rjg21
- mk2155
category: iam
title: Raven SAML2
service-owner: vkhs1
tech-lead: rjg21
- wilson
- amc203
- rjg21
- sdw37
- si202
category: iam
title: Raven Device Statistics API
- wilson
category: iam
title: Raven UCamWebAuth
service-owner: vkhs1
tech-lead: rjg21
- wilson
- amc203
- rjg21
- sdw37
category: research
title: RCO Database
tech-lead: meh37
- johnson
category: recruitment
title: Recruitment Administration System (RAS)
service-manager: ajc322
tech-lead: az330
- holberton
- prb34
- du228
- wgd23
category: research
title: Research Excellence Framework (REF) portals
- johnson
- jl364
category: generic
title: Regent House Ballots application
service-owner: cb765
service-manager: ajc322
- jackson
- rjw57
category: intranet
title: Reporter
- jackson
- mh2215
category: research
title: Research Dashboard
service-owner: dgb26
- johnson
category: research
title: Research Grant Expenditure Application (RGEA)
service-owner: weer2
service-manager: weer2
tech-lead: ad2139
- johnson
- snr21
- si202
category: cloud
title: RONIN
service-owner: amc203
service-manager: jpk28
- cloud
- sdw37
category: research
title: ROO Intranet
tech-lead: meh37
- johnson
category: other
title: SCRIBE
tech-lead: meh37
- jackson
category: cloud
title: Self-Service Gateway
- cloud
- im530
category: other
title: service-template
category: research
title: Staff Information System SharePoint portals (SIS/SP)
tech-lead: jl364
- johnson
- jl364
- dj257
software-sales: # retired
category: generic
title: Software Sales
category: research
title: Staff Information System
service-manager: meh37
tech-lead: meh37
- johnson
category: intranet
title: Statutes and Ordinances
tech-lead: mh2215
- jackson
- mh2215
category: cloud
title: Streaming Media Service
service-owner: amc203
service-manager: si202
tech-lead: si202
- cloud
category: other
title: Project Symphony
service-owner: amc203
service-manager: amc203
tech-lead: ad2139
category: shared
title: talks.cam
service-manager: ad2139
- jackson
category: hr
title: Temporary Employment Service (TES)
service-owner: hmd26
service-manager: ajc322
tech-lead: az330
- holberton
- prb34
- du228
- wgd23
category: hr
title: Time Allocation Survey
tech-lead: nb745
- jackson
- nb745
tls-certificates: # retired
category: generic
title: TLS Certificates
service-owner: amc203
service-manager: rjg21
category: postgraduate
title: TOAST
tech-lead: meh37
- lovelace
category: iam
title: University Human Resources API
- wilson
category: iam
title: University Student API
tech-lead: av603
- wilson
category: finance
title: University Payment System
service-owner: sav25
service-manager: ajc322
- holberton
- az330
- wgd23
- du228
category: hr
title: University Training Booking System
service-owner: mg356
service-manager: mg356
tech-lead: prb34
- holberton
- si202
- ad2139
- wgd23
category: recruitment
title: Web Recruitment System (WRS)
service-manager: ajc322
tech-lead: az330
- holberton
- prb34
- du228
- wgd23
version: "3.8"
build: .
- type: bind
source: .
target: /workspace
- "8000:8000"
- plantuml
image: plantuml/plantuml-server:jetty
- 8080
- ./compose/jetty-logging.properties:/var/lib/jetty/resources/jetty-logging.properties
- JAVA_OPTIONS=-Djava.util.logging.config.file=/var/lib/jetty/resources/jetty-logging.properties
- title: |
content: |
<img class="dtx" src="site:cards/diataxis/img/tutorials.jpg" alt="Tutorials">
<a href="https://diataxis.fr/tutorials/">
<span class="dtx-pill dtx-pill-need"><b>Learning</b></span>
<span class="dtx-pill">&#61;</span>
<span class="dtx-pill dtx-pill-skill dtx-pill-skill1"><b>Acquisition</b></span>
<span class="dtx-pill">&#43;</span>
<span class="dtx-pill dtx-pill-skill dtx-pill-skill2"><b>Action</b></span>
<h4 class="dtx">Learn to create & configure specific features & resources.</h4>
<h6 class="dtx">e.g. <i>"How do I add automated releasing to my Python library?"</i></h6>
- title: |
content: |
<img class="dtx" src="site:cards/diataxis/img/howtos.jpg" alt="How-To's">
<a href="https://diataxis.fr/how-to-guides/">
<span class="dtx-pill dtx-pill-need"><b>Goals</b></span>
<span class="dtx-pill dtx-pill">&#61;</span>
<span class="dtx-pill dtx-pill-skill dtx-pill-skill1"><b>Action</b></span>
<span class="dtx-pill dtx-pill">&#43;</span>
<span class="dtx-pill dtx-pill-skill dtx-pill-skill2"><b>Application</b></span>
<h4 class="dtx">Guided examples of common workflows.</h4>
<h6 class="dtx">e.g. <i>"Walk me through making a new Python library?"</i></h6>
- title: |
content: |
<img class="dtx" src="site:cards/diataxis/img/explanations.jpg" alt="Explanations">
<a href="https://diataxis.fr/explanation/">
<span class="dtx-pill dtx-pill-need"><b>Understanding</b></span>
<span class="dtx-pill">&#61;</span>
<span class="dtx-pill dtx-pill-skill dtx-pill-skill1"><b>Acquisition</b></span>
<span class="dtx-pill">&#43;</span>
<span class="dtx-pill dtx-pill-skill dtx-pill-skill2"><b>Cognition</b></span>
<h4 class="dtx">Our mechanisms & the motivations behind them.</h4>
<h6 class="dtx">e.g. <i>"Why do we use Poetry for packaging?"</i></h6>
- title: |
content: |
<img class="dtx" src="site:cards/diataxis/img/reference.png" alt="Reference">
<a href="https://diataxis.fr/reference/">
<span class="dtx-pill dtx-pill-need"><b>Information</b></span>
<span class="dtx-pill">&#61;</span>
<span class="dtx-pill dtx-pill-skill dtx-pill-skill1"><b>Cognition</b></span>
<span class="dtx-pill">&#43;</span>
<span class="dtx-pill dtx-pill-skill dtx-pill-skill2"><b>Application</b></span>
<h4 class="dtx">Codex for specific information.</h4>
<h6 class="dtx">e.g. <i>"What Python library do we use to implement REST APIs in Django apps?"</i></h6>