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Script changing Google Drive user permissions

Dave Hart requested to merge 5-college-drive-permissions into master

Add scripts for modifying the permissions of groups of Google Drive users. The groups admins and collegeadmins can be specified in a job specification file. The "owner" of the Google Drives is assumed to be the account that the scripts used to authenticate with Google. The groups others contains all users who have access to at least one of the Google Drives but are not the owner and are not in any of the other groups. The affected Google Drives can be specified in a job specification file. The scripts permit one or more of the groups of users to have their access level set for all of the affected Google Drives (or to have their access rights removed).

Add API end-point for calling the scripts that change Google Drive user permissions.

Add command line tool option for calling the scripts that change Google Drive user permissions.

Update example job specification file to include the newly supported properties.

Closes #5 (closed)

Merge request reports