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fix: .terraform-plan job

Dmitrii Unterov requested to merge 95-fix-tf-plan-job into master

Closes #95 (closed)

In expression

(terraform plan $TF_PLAN_ARGS -out=${TF_DATA_DIR}/${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}-${DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT}.tfplan -detailed-exitcode && exit_code=$?) || exit_code=$?

the variable exit_code is set in a sub-shell ( ( ... ) ). Because of that, if actual exit code is zero, the following script can't use it. Example:

bash-5.2$ (terraform plan $TF_PLAN_ARGS -out=123.tfplan -detailed-exitcode && exit_code=$?)

bash-5.2$ echo $exit_code


A subshell inherits the environment of the parent shell, but its exit status and environment changes (like setting variables) do not persist back to the parent shell.

Edited by Dmitrii Unterov

Merge request reports
