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Dmitrii Unterov's avatar
Dmitrii Unterov authored
feat: Adding versioning in maven.gitlab-ci.yml

See merge request !117

CI templates

This repository contains a set of templates intended to be included into CI jobs on GitLab. See the comments at the top of each template for usage information.

There is a "common pipeline" which brings in Auto DevOps and "safe" jobs suitable for a wide array of projects which can be included in your CI configuration. For example:

  - project: 'uis/devops/continuous-delivery/ci-templates'
    file: '/auto-devops/common-pipeline.yml'
    ref: v3.0.0

See the common pipeline definition for more information.

MR pipelines

After a long discussion, we have decided that the default behaviour of the common pipeline is to disable merge request pipelines. This is because the various GitLab template jobs for security scanning, dependency scanning, etc require that they run in a branch pipeline.

For advanced use cases, add configuration to update the workflow rules at the end of the include section of your CI configuration. Note that you will have to override the rules: sections of the various security scanning and test jobs appropriately.

Adding Common Pipelines

Newly added common pipeline components should be mindful that they can be triggered in some repositories by the multi-target-docker-images pipeline. This pipeline is used to create multiple output images from a single repository, and to do so creates a child pipeline to run the actual build.

If the common pipeline being added should run once only in the parent pipeline it must be explicitly disabled under the multi target fragment.

Specific documentation

The following documents describe support for specific languages or repository types:

Automatic Version Management in java libraries

The following documents describe support for semantic versioning in java libraries.