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This directory contains the code that was used for the analyses in "Genome-wide association study of MRI markers of cerebral small vessel disease in 42,310 participants" (Persyn et al.)
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Data and code for the paper under preparation :
Rational design of a sampling protocol for detection of a subcellular pathogen to demonstrate area freedom
Authors: D.B. Bonnéry, L.Pretorius, A.E.C. Jooste, A. Geering, C.A. Gilligan
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This repository contains code implementations for the Discriminative Kalman Filter.
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Evaluation of the quality of imputed data against the original data distribution using Wasserstein distances
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Analysis and simluation code for Abley & Formosa 2020
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Scripts of Cortijo et al., Widespread inter-individual gene expression variability in Arabidopsis thaliana. 2018
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Exhaustive search model selection method using a parallel computing mechanism.
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Scripts for SMT trajectory analysis in 'Changes in searching behaviour of CSL complexes in Notch active conditions'.
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