`roslaunch arbie_bringup arm.launch` - Starts the arm hardware and manipulation
`roslaunch arbie_bringup sim_arm.launch` - Starts Gazebo with the arm simulation
`roslaunch arbie_bringup sim_base.launch` - Starts Gazebo with the base simulation
If using the simulated robots, before running the above, must start the appropriate simulation:
`roslaunch arbie_gazebo sim_arm.launch`
`roslaunch arbie_gazebo sim_base.launch`
This uses a webserver for teleoperation, which can be viewed at:
A more detailed description of these are put on the main software wiki [here](https://gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/curobotics/rescue-major/rescue-major-main/-/wikis/MK.III/Software-interface-and-ROS).
Details on how to start the robot, and an overview of the different packages, is given [here](https://gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/curobotics/rescue-major/rescue-major-main/-/wikis/MK.III/Software-interface-and-ROS).