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  • Robert Franklin's avatar
    v2.0.0 - initial working version · c9a0c8a3
    Robert Franklin authored
    based on net-genconfig v1.5.8 - extracting the code to read an
    inventory from a directory or file and then merge templates
    net-genconfig will be reworked to v2.0.0 to use this library (stripping
    all the local code out to do the same thing) and the version numbers,
    at least initially, brought in line
    'profiles' renamed 'templates'
    device profile code generalised to handle all types of object (assuming
    they're converted to use the 'templates' attribute): all use lists of
    templates to support multiple inheritance (devices worked like this but
    VLAN profiles did not) - anything at the second level of the inventory
    can now use profiles, if desired
    fatal problems now raise exceptions rather than exit() so these can be
    trapped by the caller, if required
    improved debugging messages to minimise extraneous output and give
    clearer paths