University of Cambridge Drupal 7 install profiles
There are two different install profiles available:
In the lite profile the University of Cambridge theme is enabled and a few standard pieces are set up (eg images styles, front-page carousel).
This profile is useful if you would like full control over how your Drupal site is put together.
The full profile contains all the features of the lite profile, plus additions that helps you to quickly get going: various common modules are enabled and pre-configured to sensible defaults, while other common-but-not-always-used modules are bundled but not enabled.
This profile is useful if you don't mind following established patterns when putting your Drupal site together.
Build process
You probably want to use one of the ready-built releases, but in case you're interested:
Installing dependencies
The build process requires Composer. You can install this by executing:
curl -sS | php
Then install the dependencies.
php composer.phar install
Use the Windows installer to make Composer globally available.
Then install the dependencies:
composer install
Finally, you'll also need to execute:
git apply drush_windows_git_apply.patch
This fixes a long-term bug in Drush that stops patches from being applied.
Building the profiles
To build the profiles simply execute:
php make.php
The build
folder will now contain distributable ZIP/TAR files for each profile, as well as source directories.
To build a single profile you can just pass the profile's name:
php make.php cambridge_lite