Sprint 2: Build 'Link Grid' component
Reliant on #61 (closed) and #63 (closed) having been built
Design is at https://www.figma.com/design/DpS9o1LIG27rvzTqc13bcQ/Templates-%E2%80%93-wireframes?node-id=1140-10333&m=dev
Build Link Grid component:
Optional component #63 (closed) - Fixed width of 600px to maintain optional line length Required component #61 (closed) - Minimum of 3 and max of 12 'link with description' components
Component styling: 64px padding all round Please refer to https://www.figma.com/design/DpS9o1LIG27rvzTqc13bcQ/Templates-%E2%80%93-wireframes?node-id=1211-6653&m=dev for padding around 'link with description components'.
Please see https://platform-inky.vercel.app/top-level for how the component works with different numbers of links and grid system.