Sprint 1: Build 'Notification' component
The notification component highlights information to the user that is important and shouldn’t be skipped. This could be information about other resources or a warning before proceeding for example.
Component type Content component
Properties Message - a required piece of rich text (can contain links)
Variant - “information” | “warning“ - the importance of the message, the variant drives the style choices such as the background colour and the icon. Icons: warning & warning-circle https://phosphoricons.com/
Restrictions The message should have a maximum character count of 150 Design https://www.figma.com/design/DpS9o1LIG27rvzTqc13bcQ/Templates-%E2%80%93-wireframes?node-id=264-2199&t=DpIUOCmmgXSqTm4v-0
Prototype The notification component can be found at the top of this basic page prototype: https://platform-inky.vercel.app/