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Create library and dockerfile for ucam-faas

Mike Knee requested to merge dev-initial-library into main

Part of: https://gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/uis/devops/iam/idhub/api/-/issues/101

Adds python library which wraps and builds upon the google functions-framework library to provide a basic FaaS support library, including additional extensions like structlog configuration.

Adds a Dockerfile which can be used to run FaaS applications.

Test Coverage Note

Test coverage is currently low for this library. This is because a large number of lines of code go into configuring logging, which is not usefully testable (I could write a unit test that verifies that the function has been called, but ultimately I don't think that's worthwhile). While I'm happy to hear unit test comments, I'm averse to adding junk tests just to bump the coverage percentage up.

Edited by E. Kirk

Merge request reports