University of Cambridge Salary On-cost Calculation
This repository contains a Python module which calculates total on-costs associated with employing staff members in the University of Cambridge. The total on-costs value calculated by this module reflects the expenditure which will result from employing a staff member on a grant.
The aim is to replicate the information available on the University HR's website using only the publicly available rates.
Documentation is available on this repository's GitHub pages.
Configuring CircleCI
The CircleCI workflow includes automatically building and pushing documentation
to GitHub pages whenever there is a commit to the master branch. In order to
enable this, a personal access token for a robot user must be generated and
added to the CircleCI configuration as the GITHUB_TOKEN
Running JupyterLab
A docker-compose configuration for running
JupyterLab is included.
Start the server using the docker-compose
$ docker-compose -f jupyter.yml up
Follow the http://localhost:8888/ link printed to the console. This repository
is mounted read-only at ~/repo/
and a persistent volume is mounted to the
workspace at ~/work
. The ucamstaffoncosts
module is pre-installed into
the JupyterLab environment.
Releasing a new version
When a new version of the Cambridge Salary On-cost Calculation is released, a new tag should be added to the repository, indicating the version number. This tag is latter used in pip requirements files in other apps or tools that use the calculator, like for example the Research Dashboard or the CUFS Salaries Commitments Calculator.