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chore(deps): update terraform google-beta to v6

uis-devops-renovatebot requested to merge renovate/google-beta-6.x into main

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
google-beta (source) required_provider major ~> 5.0 -> ~> 6.0

Release Notes

hashicorp/terraform-provider-google-beta (google-beta)


Compare Source


  • New Data Source: google_access_context_manager_access_policy (#​8676)
  • New Data Source: google_backup_dr_data_source (#​8641)
  • New Resource: google_dataproc_gdc_spark_application (#​8662)
  • New Resource: google_iam_folders_policy_binding (#​8677)
  • New Resource: google_iam_organizations_policy_binding (#​8679)


  • artifactregistry: added common_repository field to google_artifact_registry_repository resource (#​8681)
  • backupdr: added access_restriction field togoogle_backup_dr_backup_vault resource (beta) (#​8656)
  • cloudrunv2: added urls output field to google_cloud_run_v2_service resource (#​8686)
  • compute: added IDPF as a possible value for the network_interface.nic_type field in google_compute_instance resource (#​8664)
  • compute: added IDPF as a possible value for the guest_os_features.type field in google_compute_image resource (#​8664)
  • compute: added replica_names field to sql_database_instance resource (#​8637)
  • filestore: added performance_config field to google_filestore_instance resource (#​8647)
  • redis: added persistence_config to google_redis_cluster. (#​8643)
  • securesourcemanager: added workforce_identity_federation_config field to google_secure_source_manager_instance resource (#​8670)
  • spanner: added default_backup_schedule_type field to google_spanner_instance (#​8644)
  • sql: added psc_auto_connections fields to google_sql_database_instance resource (#​8682)


  • accesscontextmanager: fixed permadiff in perimeter google_access_context_manager_service_perimeter_ingress_policy and google_access_context_manager_service_perimeter_egress_policy resources when there are duplicate resources in the rules (#​8675)
  • accesscontextmanager: fixed comparison of identity_type in ingress_from and egress_from when the IDENTITY_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED is set (#​8648)
  • compute: fixed permadiff on attempted type field updates in google_computer_security_policy, updating this field will now force recreation of the resource (#​8689)
  • identityplatform: fixed perma-diff in google_identity_platform_config (#​8663)


Compare Source


  • vertexai: fixed issue with google_vertex_ai_endpoint where upgrading to 6.11.0 would delete all traffic splits that were set outside Terraform (which was previously a required step for all meaningful use of this resource). (#​8708)


Compare Source


  • container: fixed diff on google_container_cluster.user_managed_keys_config field for resources that had not set it. (#​8687)
  • container: marked google_container_cluster.user_managed_keys_config as immutable because it can't be updated in place. (#​8687)


Compare Source


  • compute: migrated google_compute_firewall_policy_rule from DCL engine to MMv1 engine. (#​8604)


  • looker: made oauth_config a required field in google_looker_instance, as creating this resource without that field always triggers an API error (#​8633)


  • backupdr: deprecated force_delete on google_backup_dr_backup_vault. Use ignore_inactive_datasources instead (#​8616)


  • New Data Source: google_backup_dr_backup_plan_association (#​8632)
  • New Data Source: google_backup_dr_backup_plan (#​8603)
  • New Data Source: google_spanner_database (#​8568)
  • New Resource: google_apigee_api (#​8567)
  • New Resource: google_backup_dr_backup_plan_association (#​8632)
  • New Resource: google_backup_dr_backup_plan (#​8603)
  • New Resource: google_compute_region_resize_request (#​8588)
  • New Resource: google_dataproc_gdc_application_environment (#​8609)
  • New Resource: google_dataproc_gdc_service_instance (#​8591)
  • New Resource: google_iam_principal_access_boundary_policy (#​8634)
  • New Resource: google_network_management_vpc_flow_logs_config (#​8623)


  • apigee: added in-place update support for google_apigee_env_references (#​8621)
  • apigee: added in-place update support for google_apigee_environment resource (#​8627)
  • backupdr: added ignore_inactive_datasources and ignore_backup_plan_references fields to google_backup_dr_backup_vault resource (#​8616)
  • bigquery: added external_catalog_dataset_options fields to google_bigquery_dataset resource (#​8558)
  • cloudrunv2: added gcs.mount_options to google_cloud_run_v2_service and google_cloud_run_v2_job (#​8613)
  • compute: added rules property to google_compute_region_security_policy resource (#​8574)
  • compute: added disks field to google_compute_node_template resource (#​8620)
  • compute: added replica_names field to sql_database_instance resource (#​8637)
  • compute: added new field instance_flexibility_policy to resource google_compute_region_instance_group_manager (#​8581)
  • compute: increased google_compute_security_policy timeouts from 20 minutes to 30 minutes (#​8589)
  • container: added control_plane_endpoints_config field to google_container_cluster resource. (#​8630)
  • container: added parallelstore_csi_driver_config field to google_container_cluster resource. (#​8607)
  • container: added user_managed_keys_config field to google_container_cluster resource. (#​8562)
  • firestore: allowed single field indexes to support __name__ DESC indexes in google_firestore_index resources (#​8576)
  • privateca: added support for google_privateca_certificate_authority with type = "SUBORDINATE" to be activated into "STAGED" state (#​8560)
  • spanner: added default_backup_schedule_type field to google_spanner_instance (#​8644)
  • vertexai: added traffic_split, private_service_connect_config, predict_request_response_logging_config, dedicated_endpoint_enabled, and dedicated_endpoint_dns fields to google_vertex_ai_endpoint resource (#​8619)
  • workflows: added deletion_protection field to google_workflows_workflow resource (#​8563)


  • compute: fixed a diff based on server-side reordering of match.src_address_groups and match.dest_address_groups in google_compute_network_firewall_policy_rule (#​8592)
  • compute: fixed permadiff on the preconfigured_waf_config field for google_compute_security_policy resource (#​8622)
  • container: fixed in-place updates for node_config.containerd_config in google_container_cluster and google_container_node_pool (#​8566)


Compare Source


  • New Data Source: google_compute_instance_guest_attributes (#​8556)
  • New Data Source: google_service_accounts (#​8532)
  • New Resource: google_iap_settings (#​8548)


  • apphub: added GLOBAL enum value to scope.type field in google_apphub_application resource (#​8504)
  • assuredworkloads: added workload_options field to google_assured_workloads_workload resource (#​8495)
  • backupdr: marked networks field optional in google_backup_dr_management_server resource (#​8594)
  • bigquery: added external_catalog_dataset_options fields to google_bigquery_dataset resource (beta) (#​8558)
  • bigquery: added descriptive validation errors for missing required fields in google_bigquery_job destination table configuration (#​8542)
  • compute: desired_status on google_compute_instance can now be set to TERMINATED or SUSPENDED on instance creation (#​8515)
  • compute: added header_action and redirect_options fields to google_compute_security_policy_rule resource (#​8544)
  • compute: added interface.ipv6-address field in google_compute_external_vpn_gateway resource (#​8552)
  • compute: added plan-time validation to name on google_compute_instance (#​8520)
  • compute: added support for advanced_machine_features.turbo_mode to google_compute_instance, google_compute_instance_template, and google_compute_region_instance_template (#​8551)
  • container: added in-place update support for labels, resource_manager_tags and workload_metadata_config in google_container_cluster.node_config (#​8522)
  • memorystore: added mode flag to google_memorystore_instance (#​8498)
  • resourcemanager: added disabled to google_service_account datasource (#​8518)
  • spanner: added asymmetric_autoscaling_options field to google_spanner_instance (#​8503)
  • sql: removed the client-side default of ENTERPRISE for edition in google_sql_database_instance so that edition is determined by the API when unset. This will cause new instances to use ENTERPRISE_PLUS as the default for POSTGRES_16. (#​8490)
  • vmwareengine: added autoscaling_settings to google_vmwareengine_private_cloud resource (#​8529)


  • accesscontextmanager: fixed permadiff for perimeter ingress / egress rule resources (#​8526)
  • compute: fixed an error in google_compute_region_security_policy_rule that prevented updating the default rule (#​8535)
  • compute: fixed an error in google_compute_security_policy_rule that prevented updating the default rule (#​8535)
  • container: fixed missing in-place updates for some google_container_cluster.node_config subfields (#​8522)


Compare Source


  • containerattached: deprecated security_posture_config field in google_container_attached_cluster resource (#​8446)


  • New Data Source: google_oracle_database_autonomous_database (#​8440)
  • New Data Source: google_oracle_database_autonomous_databases (#​8438)
  • New Data Source: google_oracle_database_cloud_exadata_infrastructures (#​8430)
  • New Data Source: google_oracle_database_cloud_vm_clusters (#​8437)
  • New Resource: google_apigee_app_group (#​8451)
  • New Resource: google_apigee_developer (#​8445)
  • New Resource: google_network_connectivity_group (#​8439)


  • compute: google_compute_network_firewall_policy_association now uses MMv1 engine instead of DCL. (#​8489)
  • compute: google_compute_region_network_firewall_policy_association now uses MMv1 engine instead of DCL. (#​8489)
  • compute: added creation_timestamp field to google_compute_instance, google_compute_instance_template, google_compute_region_instance_template (#​8442)
  • compute: added key_revocation_action_type to google_compute_instance and related resources (#​8473)
  • looker: added deletion_policy to google_looker_instance to allow force-destroying instances with nested resources by setting deletion_policy = FORCE (#​8453)
  • monitoring: added alert_strategy.notification_prompts field to google_monitoring_alert_policy (#​8457)
  • storage: added hierarchical_namespace to google_storage_bucket resource (#​8428)
  • sql: removed the client-side default of ENTERPRISE for edition in google_sql_database_instance so that edition is determined by the API when unset. This will cause new instances to use ENTERPRISE_PLUS as the default for POSTGRES_16. (#​8490)
  • vmwareengine: added autoscaling_settings to google_vmwareengine_cluster resource (#​8477)
  • workstations: added max_usable_workstations field to google_workstations_workstation_config resource. (#​8421)


  • compute: fixed an issue where immutable distribution_zones was incorrectly sent to the API when updating distribution_policy_target_shape in google_compute_region_instance_group_manager resource (#​8470)
  • container: fixed a crash in google_container_node_pool caused by an occasional nil pointer (#​8452)
  • essentialcontacts: fixed google_essential_contacts_contact import to include required parent field. (#​8423)
  • sql: made google_sql_database_instance.0.settings.0.data_cache_config accept server-side changes when unset. When unset, no diffs will be created when instances change in edition and the feature is enabled or disabled as a result. (#​8485)
  • storage: removed retry on 404s during refresh for google_storage_bucket, preventing hanging when refreshing deleted buckets (#​8478)


Compare Source


  • New Data Source: google_oracle_database_cloud_exadata_infrastructure (#​8407)
  • New Data Source: google_oracle_database_cloud_vm_cluster (#​8410)
  • New Data Source: google_oracle_database_db_nodes (#​8420)
  • New Data Source: google_oracle_database_db_servers (#​8389)
  • New Resource: google_oracle_database_autonomous_database (#​8411)
  • New Resource: google_oracle_database_cloud_exadata_infrastructure (#​8371)
  • New Resource: google_oracle_database_cloud_vm_cluster (#​8397)
  • New Resource: google_transcoder_job_template (#​8406)
  • New Resource: google_transcoder_job (#​8406)


  • cloudfunctions: increased the timeouts to 20 minutes for google_cloudfunctions_function resource (#​8372)
  • cloudrunv2: added invoker_iam_disabled field to google_cloud_run_v2_service (#​8395)
  • compute: made google_compute_network_firewall_policy_rule use MMv1 engine instead of DCL. (#​8412)
  • compute: made google_compute_region_network_firewall_policy_rule use MMv1 engine instead of DCL. (#​8412)
  • compute: added ip_address_selection_policy field to google_compute_backend_service and google_compute_region_backend_service. (#​8413)
  • compute: added provisioned_throughput field to google_compute_instance_template resource (#​8405)
  • compute: added provisioned_throughput field to google_compute_region_instance_template resource (#​8405)
  • container: google_container_cluster will now accept server-specified values for node_pool_auto_config.0.node_kubelet_config when it is not defined in configuration and will not detect drift. Note that this means that removing the value from configuration will now preserve old settings instead of reverting the old settings. (#​8385)
  • container: added support for additional values KCP_CONNECTION, and KCP_SSHDin google_container_cluster.logging_config (#​8381)
  • dialogflowcx: added advanced_settings.logging_settings and advanced_settings.speech_settings to google_dialogflow_cx_agent and google_dialogflow_cx_flow (#​8374)
  • networkconnectivity: added linked_producer_vpc_network field to google_network_connectivity_spoke resource (#​8376)
  • secretmanager: added is_secret_data_base64 field to google_secret_manager_secret_version and google_secret_manager_secret_version_access datasources (#​8394)
  • secretmanager: added is_secret_data_base64 field to google_secret_manager_regional_secret_version and google_secret_manager_regional_secret_version_access datasources (#​8394)
  • spanner: added kms_key_names to encryption_config in google_spanner_database (#​8403)
  • workstations: added max_usable_workstations field to google_workstations_workstation_config resource (#​8421)
  • workstations: added field allowed_ports to google_workstations_workstation_config (#​8402)


  • bigquery: fixed a regression that caused google_bigquery_dataset_iam_* resources to attempt to set deleted IAM members, thereby triggering an API error (#​8408)
  • compute: fixed an issue in google_compute_backend_service and google_compute_region_backend_service to allow sending false for iap.enabled (#​8369)
  • container: node_config.linux_node_config, node_config.workload_metadata_config and node_config.kubelet_config will now successfully send empty messages to the API when terraform plan indicates they are being removed, rather than null, which caused an error. The sole reliable case is node_config.linux_node_config when the block is removed, where there will still be a permadiff, but the update request that's triggered will no longer error and other changes displayed in the plan should go through. (#​8400)


Compare Source


  • New Resource: google_healthcare_pipeline_job (#​8330)
  • New Resource: google_secure_source_manager_branch_rule (#​8360)


  • container: google_container_cluster will now accept server-specified values for node_pool_auto_config.0.node_kubelet_config when it is not defined in configuration and will not detect drift. Note that this means that removing the value from configuration will now preserve old settings instead of reverting the old settings. (#​8385)
  • discoveryengine: added chat_engine_config.dialogflow_agent_to_link field to google_discovery_engine_chat_engine resource (#​8333)
  • networkconnectivity: added field migration to resource google_network_connectivity_internal_range (#​8350)
  • networkservices: added routing_mode field to google_network_services_gateway resource (#​8355)


  • bigtable: fixed an error where BigTable IAM resources could be created with conditions but the condition was not stored in state (#​8334)
  • container: fixed issue which caused to not being able to disable enable_cilium_clusterwide_network_policy field on google_container_cluster. (#​8338)
  • container: fixed a diff triggered by a new API-side default value for node_config.0.kubelet_config.0.insecure_kubelet_readonly_port_enabled. Terraform will now accept server-specified values for node_config.0.kubelet_config when it is not defined in configuration and will not detect drift. Note that this means that removing the value from configuration will now preserve old settings instead of reverting the old settings. (#​8385)
  • dataproc: fixed a bug in google_dataproc_cluster that prevented creation of clusters with internal_ip_only set to false (#​8363)
  • iam: addressed google_service_account creation issues caused by the eventual consistency of the GCP IAM API by ignoring 403 errors returned on polling the service account after creation. (#​8336)
  • logging: fixed the whitespace permadiff on exclusions.filter field in google_logging_billing_account_sink, google_logging_folder_sink, google_logging_organization_sink and google_logging_project_sink resources (#​8343)
  • pubsub: fixed permadiff with configuring an empty retry_policy in google_pubsub_subscription. This will result in minimum_backoff and maximum_backoff using server-side defaults. To use "immedate retry", do not specify a retry_policy block at all. (#​8365)
  • secretmanager: fixed the issue of unpopulated fields labels, annotations and version_destroy_ttl in the terraform state for the google_secret_manager_secrets datasource (#​8346)


Compare Source


  • New Resource: google_dataproc_batch (#​8306)
  • New Resource: google_healthcare_pipeline_job (#​8330)
  • New Resource: google_site_verification_owner (#​8287)


  • assuredworkloads: added HEALTHCARE_AND_LIFE_SCIENCES_CONTROLS and HEALTHCARE_AND_LIFE_SCIENCES_CONTROLS_WITH_US_SUPPORT enum values to compliance_regime in the google_assured_workloads_workload resource (#​8326)
  • compute: added bgp_best_path_selection_mode ,bgp_bps_always_compare_med and bgp_bps_inter_region_cost fields to google_compute_network resource (#​8321)
  • compute: added next_hop_origin ,next_hop_med and next_hop_inter_region_cost output fields to google_compute_route resource (#​8321)
  • compute: added enum STATEFUL_COOKIE_AFFINITY and strong_session_affinity_cookie field to google_compute_backend_service and google_compute_region_backend_service resource (#​8296)
  • compute: added TDX instance option for confidential_instance_type in google_compute_instance (#​8320)
  • containeraws: added kubelet_config field group to the google_container_aws_node_pool resource (#​8326)
  • dataproc: switched to the v1 API for google_dataproc_autoscaling_policy resource (#​8306)
  • pubsub: added GCS ingestion settings and platform log settings to google_pubsub_topic resource (#​8298)
  • sourcerepo: added create_ignore_already_exists field to google_sourcerepo_repository resource (#​8329)
  • sql: added in-place update support for settings.time_zone in google_sql_database_instance resource (#​8293)
  • tags: increased maximum accepted input length for the short_name field in google_tags_tag_key and google_tags_tag_value resources (#​8324)


  • bigquery: fixed google_bigquery_dataset_iam_member to be able to delete itself and overwrite the existing iam members for bigquery dataset keeping the authorized datasets as they are. (#​8304)
  • bigquery: fixed an error which could occur with service account field values containing non-lower-case characters in google_bigquery_dataset_access (#​8319)
  • compute: fixed an issue where the boot_disk.initialize_params.resource_policies field in google_compute_instance forced a resource recreation when used in combination with google_compute_disk_resource_policy_attachment (#​8309)
  • compute: fixed the issue that labels was not set when creating the resource google_compute_interconnect (#​8284)
  • tags: removed google_tags_location_tag_binding resource from the Terraform state when its parent resource has been removed outside of Terraform (#​8310)
  • workbench: fixed a bug in the google_workbench_instance resource where the removal of labels was not functioning as expected. (#​8280)


Compare Source


  • compute: deprecated macsec.pre_shared_keys.fail_open field in google_compute_interconnect resource. Use the new macsec.fail_open field instead (#​8245)


  • New Data Source: google_compute_region_instance_group_manager (#​8259)
  • New Data Source: google_privileged_access_manager_entitlement (#​8253)
  • New Data Source: google_secret_manager_regional_secret_version_access (#​8220)
  • New Data Source: google_secret_manager_regional_secret_version (#​8209)
  • New Data Source: google_secret_manager_regional_secrets (#​8217)
  • New Resource: google_compute_region_network_firewall_policy_with_rules (#​8225)
  • New Resource: google_compute_router_nat_address (#​8227)
  • New Resource: google_logging_log_scope (#​8235)


  • apigee: added activate field to google_apigee_nat_address resource (#​8261)
  • bigquery: added biglake_configuration field to google_bigquery_table resource to support BigLake Managed Tables (#​8221)
  • cloudrun: added node_selector field to google_cloud_run_service resource (#​8216)
  • cloudrunv2: added node_selector field to google_cloud_run_v2_service resource (#​8216)
  • compute: added existing_reservations field to google_compute_region_commitment resource (#​8256)
  • compute: added host_error_timeout_seconds field to google_compute_instance resource (#​8252)
  • compute: added hostname field to google_compute_instance data source (#​8268)
  • compute: added initial_nat_ip field to google_compute_router_nat resource (#​8227)
  • compute: added macsec.fail_open field to google_compute_interconnect resource (#​8245)
  • compute: added SUSPENDED as a possible value to desired_state field in google_compute_instance resource (#​8257)
  • compute: added import support for projects/{{project}}/meta-data/{{key}} format for google_compute_project_metadata_item resource (#​8274)
  • compute: marked customer_name and location fields as optional in google_compute_interconnect resource to support cross cloud interconnect (#​8279)
  • container: added linux_node_config.hugepages_config field to google_container_node_pool resource (#​8210)
  • looker: added psc_enabled and psc_config fields to google_looker_instance resource (#​8211)
  • networkconnectivity: added include_import_ranges field to google_network_connectivity_spoke resource for linked_vpn_tunnels, linked_interconnect_attachments and linked_router_appliance_instances (#​8215)
  • secretmanagerregional: added version_aliases field to google_secret_manager_regional_secret resource (#​8209)
  • workbench: increased create timeout to 20 minutes for google_workbench_instance resource (#​8228)


  • bigquery: fixed in-place update of google_bigquery_table resource when external_data_configuration.schema field is set (#​8234)
  • bigquerydatapolicy: fixed permadiff on policy_tag field in google_bigquery_datapolicy_data_policy resource (#​8239)
  • composer: fixed storage_config.bucket field to support a bucket name with or without "gs://" prefix (#​8229)
  • container: added support for setting addons_config.gcp_filestore_csi_driver_config and enable_autopilot in the same google_container_cluster (#​8260)
  • container: fixed node_config.kubelet_config updates in google_container_cluster resource (#​8238)
  • container: fixed a bug where specifying node_pool_defaults.node_config_defaults with enable_autopilot = true would cause google_container_cluster resource creation failure (#​8223)
  • workbench: fixed a bug in the google_workbench_instance resource where the removal of labels was not functioning as expected (#​8280)


Compare Source


  • securitycenterv2: deprecated google_scc_v2_organization_scc_big_query_exports. Use google_scc_v2_organization_scc_big_query_export instead. (#​8166)


  • New Data Source: google_secret_manager_regional_secret_version (#​8209)
  • New Data Source: google_secret_manager_regional_secret (#​8189)
  • New Resource: google_compute_firewall_policy_with_rules (#​8181)
  • New Resource: google_database_migration_service_migration_job (#​8187)
  • New Resource: google_discovery_engine_target_site (#​8174)
  • New Resource: google_healthcare_workspace (#​8179)
  • New Resource: google_scc_folder_scc_big_query_export (#​8183)
  • New Resource: google_scc_organization_scc_big_query_export (#​8172)
  • New Resource: google_scc_project_scc_big_query_export (#​8173)
  • New Resource: google_scc_v2_organization_scc_big_query_export (#​8166)
  • New Resource: google_secret_manager_regional_secret_version (#​8199)
  • New Resource: google_secret_manager_regional_secret (#​8170)
  • New Resource: google_site_verification_web_resource (#​8180)
  • New Resource: google_spanner_backup_schedule (#​8160)


  • alloydb: added enable_outbound_public_ip field to google_alloydb_instance resource (#​8156)
  • apigee: added in-place update for consumer_accept_list field in google_apigee_instance resource (#​8155)
  • compute: added interface field to google_compute_attached_disk resource (#​8154)
  • compute: added in-place update in google_compute_interconnect resource except for remote_location and requested_features fields (#​8203)
  • filestore: added deletion_protection_enabled and deletion_protection_reason fields to google_filestore_instance resource (#​8158)
  • looker: added fips_enabled field to google_looker_instance resource (#​8206)
  • metastore: added deletion_protection field to google_dataproc_metastore_service resource (#​8200)
  • netapp: added allow_auto_tiering field to google_netapp_storage_pool resource (#​8163)
  • netapp: added tiering_policy field to google_netapp_volume resource (#​8163)
  • secretmanagerregional: added version_aliases field to google_secret_manager_regional_secret resource (#​8209)
  • spanner: added edition field to google_spanner_instance resource (#​8160)


  • compute: fixed a permadiff on iap field in google_compute_backend and google_compute_region_backend resources (#​8204)
  • container: fixed a bug where specifying node_pool_defaults.node_config_defaults with enable_autopilot = true will cause google_container_cluster resource creation failure (#​8223)
  • container: fixed a permadiff on node_config.gcfs_config field in google_container_cluster and google_container_node_pool resources (#​8207)
  • container: fixed the in-place update for node_config.gcfs_config in google_container_cluster and google_container_node_pool resources (#​8207)
  • container: made node_config.kubelet_config.cpu_manager_policy field optional to fix its update in google_container_cluster resource (#​8171)
  • dns: fixed a permadiff on dnssec_config field in google_dns_managed_zone resource (#​8165)
  • pubsub: allowed filter field to contain line breaks in google_pubsub_subscription resource (#​8161)


Compare Source


  • New Data Source: google_bigquery_tables (#​8130)
  • New Resource: google_compute_network_firewall_policy_with_rules (#​8118)
  • New Resource: google_developer_connect_connection (#​8150)
  • New Resource: google_developer_connect_git_repository_link (#​8150)
  • New Resource: google_memorystore_instance (#​8126)


  • compute: added connected_endpoints.consumer_network and connected_endpoints.psc_connection_id fields to google_compute_service_attachment resource (#​8148)
  • compute: added propagated_connection_limit and connected_endpoints.propagated_connection_count fields to google_compute_service_attachment resource (#​8148)
  • compute: added field http_keep_alive_timeout_sec to google_region_compute_target_http_proxy and google_region_compute_target_http_proxy resources (#​8151)
  • compute: added support for boot_disk.initialize_params.resource_policies in google_compute_instance and google_instance_template (#​8134)
  • container: added storage_pools to node_config in google_container_cluster and google_container_node_pool (#​8146)
  • containerattached: added security_posture_config field to google_container_attached_cluster resource (#​8137)
  • netapp: added large_capacity and multiple_endpoints to google_netapp_volume resource (#​8116)
  • resourcemanager: added tags field to google_folder to allow setting tags for folders at creation time (#​8113)


  • compute: setting network_ip to "" will no longer cause diff and will be treated the same as null (#​8128)
  • dataproc: updated google_dataproc_cluster to protect against handling nil kerberos_config values (#​8129)
  • dns: added a mutex to google_dns_record_set to prevent conflicts when multiple resources attempt to operate on the same record set (#​8139)
  • managedkafka: added 5 second wait post google_managed_kafka_topic creation to fix eventual consistency errors (#​8149)


Compare Source


  • New Data Source: google_certificate_manager_certificates (#​8099)
  • New Resource: google_backup_dr_backup_vault (#​8083)
  • New Resource: google_scc_v2_folder_scc_big_query_export (#​8079)
  • New Resource: google_scc_v2_project_scc_big_query_export (#​8070)


  • assuredworkload: added field partner_service_billing_account to google_assured_workloads_workload (#​8097)
  • bigtable: added support for column_family.type in google_bigtable_table (#​8069)
  • cloudrunv2: added template.service_mesh to google_cloud_run_v2_service (#​8096)
  • compute: added boot_disk.interface field to google_compute_instance resource (#​8075)
  • container: added node_pool_auto_config.node_kublet_config.insecure_kubelet_readonly_port_enabled field to google_container_cluster. (#​8076)
  • container: added insecure_kubelet_readonly_port_enabled to node_pool.node_config.kubelet_config and node_config.kubelet_config in google_container_node_pool resource. (#​8071)
  • container: added insecure_kubelet_readonly_port_enabled to node_pool_defaults.node_config_defaults, node_pool.node_config.kubelet_config, and node_config.kubelet_config in google_container_cluster resource. (#​8071)
  • container: added support for in-place updates for google_compute_node_pool.node_config.gcfs_config and google_container_cluster.node_config.gcfs_cluster and google_container_cluster.node_pool.node_config.gcfs_cluster (#​8101)
  • iambeta: added x509 field to google_iam_workload_identity_pool_provider resource (#​8110)
  • networkconnectivity: added include_export_ranges to google_network_connectivity_spoke (#​8088)
  • pubsub: added cloud_storage_config.max_messages and cloud_storage_config.avro_config.use_topic_schema fields to google_pubsub_subscription resource (#​8086)
  • redis: added the maintenance_policy field to the google_redis_cluster resource (#​8087)
  • resourcemanager: added tags field to google_project to allow setting tags for projects at creation time (#​8091)
  • securitycenter: added support for empty streaming_config.filter values in google_scc_notification_config resources (#​8105)


  • compute: fixed google_compute_interconnect to support correct available_features option of IF_MACSEC (#​8082)
  • compute: fixed a bug where advertised_route_priority was accidentally set to 0 during updates in google_compute_router_peer (#​8102)
  • compute: fixed a permadiff caused by setting start_time in an incorrect H:mm format in google_compute_resource_policies resources (#​8067)
  • compute: fixed network_interface.subnetwork_project validation to match with the project in network_interface.subnetwork field when network_interface.subnetwork has full self_link in google_compute_instance resource (#​8089)
  • kms: updated the google_kms_autokey_config resource's folder field to accept values that are either full resource names (folders/{folder_id}) or just the folder id ({folder_id} only) (#​8100)
  • storage: added retry support for 429 errors in google_storage_bucket resource (#​8092)


Compare Source


  • New Data Source: google_kms_crypto_key_latest_version (#​8032)
  • New Data Source: google_kms_crypto_key_versions (#​8026)


  • databasemigrationservice: added support in google_database_migration_service_connection_profile for creating DMS connection profiles that link to existing Cloud SQL instances/AlloyDB clusters. (#​8062)
  • alloydb: added subscription_type and trial_metadata field to google_alloydb_cluster resource (#​8042)
  • bigquery: added encryption_configuration field to google_bigquery_data_transfer_config resource (#​8045)
  • bigqueryanalyticshub: added selected_resources, and restrict_direct_table_access to google_bigquery_analytics_hub_listing resource (#​8029)
  • bigqueryanalyticshub: added sharing_environment_config to google_bigquery_analytics_hub_data_exchange resource (#​8029)
  • cloudtasks: added http_target field to google_cloud_tasks_queue resource (#​8033)
  • compute: added accelerators field to google_compute_node_template resource (#​8063)
  • compute: allowed disabling server_tls_policy during update in google_compute_target_https_proxy resources (#​8023)
  • datastream: added transaction_logs and change_tables to datastream_stream resource (#​8031)
  • discoveryengine: added chunking_config and layout_parsing_config fields to google_discovery_engine_data_store resource (#​8049)
  • dlp: added inspect_template_modified_cadence field to big_query_target and cloud_sql_target in google_data_loss_prevention_discovery_config resource (#​8054)
  • dlp: added tag_resources field to google_data_loss_prevention_discovery_config resource (#​8054)


  • bigquery: fixed an error which could occur with email field values containing non-lower-case characters in google_bigquery_dataset_access resource (#​8039)
  • bigqueryanalyticshub: made bigquery_dataset immutable in google_bigquery_analytics_hub_listing as it was not updatable in the API. Now modifying the field in Terraform will correctly recreate the resource rather than causing Terraform to report it would attempt an invalid update. (#​8029)
  • container: fixed update inconsistency in google_container_cluster resource (#​8030)
  • pubsub: fixed a validation bug that didn't allow empty filter definitions for google_pubsub_subscription resources (#​8055)
  • resourcemanager: fixed a bug where data.google_client_config failed silently when inadequate credentials were used to configure the provider (#​8057)
  • sql: fixed importing google_sql_user where host is an IPv4 CIDR (#​8028)
  • sql: fixed overwriting of name field for IAM Group user for google_sql_user resource (#​8024)


Compare Source


  • sql: removed settings.ip_configuration.require_ssl from google_sql_database_instance in favor of settings.ip_configuration.ssl_mode. This field was intended to be removed in 6.0.0. (#​8043)


Compare Source

Terraform Google Provider 6.0.0 Upgrade Guide


  • provider: changed provider labels to add the goog-terraform-provisioned: true label by default. (#​8004)
  • activedirectory: added deletion_protection field to google_active_directory_domain resource. This field defaults to true, preventing accidental deletions. To delete the resource, you must first set deletion_protection = false before destroying the resource. (#​7837)
  • alloydb: removed network in google_alloy_db_cluster. Use network_config.network instead. (#​7999)
  • billing: revised the format of id for google_billing_project_info (#​7793)
  • bigquery: added client-side validation to prevent table view creation if schema contains required fields for google_bigquery_table resource (#​7755)
  • bigquery: removed allow_resource_tags_on_deletion from google_bigquery_table. Resource tags are now always allowed on table deletion. (#​7940)
  • bigqueryreservation: removed multi_region_auxiliary from google_bigquery_reservation (#​7844)
  • cloudrunv2: added deletion_protection field to google_cloudrunv2_service to make deleting them require an explicit intent. This field defaults to true, preventing accidental deletions. To delete the resource, you must first set deletion_protection = false before destroying the resource. (#​7901)
  • cloudrunv2: changed liveness_probe to no longer infer a default value from api on google_cloud_run_v2_service. Removing this field and applying the change will now remove liveness probe from the Cloud Run service. (#​7753)
  • cloudrunv2: retyped containers.env to SET from ARRAY for google_cloud_run_v2_service and google_cloud_run_v2_job. (#​7812)
  • composer: ip_allocation_policy = [] in google_composer_environment is no longer valid configuration. Removing the field from configuration should not produce a diff. (#​8011)
  • compute: added new required field enabled in google_compute_backend_service and google_compute_region_backend_service (#​7758)
  • compute: revised and in some cases removed default values of connection_draining_timeout_sec, balancing_mode and outlier_detection in google_compute_region_backend_service and google_compute_backend_service. (#​7723)
  • compute: updated resource id for compute_network_endpoints (#​7806)
  • compute: stopped the certifcate_id field in google_compute_managed_ssl_certificate resource being incorrectly marked as a user-configurable value when it should just be an output. (#​7936)
  • compute: guest_accelerator = [] is no longer valid configuration in google_compute_instance. To explicitly set an empty list of objects, set guest_accelerator.count = 0. (#​8011)
  • compute: google_compute_instance_from_template and google_compute_instance_from_machine_image network_interface.alias_ip_range, network_interface.access_config, attached_disk, guest_accelerator, service_account, scratch_disk can no longer be set to an empty block []. Removing the fields from configuration should not produce a diff. (#​8011)
  • compute: secondary_ip_ranges = [] in google_compute_subnetwork is no longer valid configuration. To set an explicitly empty list, use send_secondary_ip_range_if_empty and completely remove secondary_ip_range from config. (#​8011)
  • container: made advanced_datapath_observability_config.enable_relay required in google_container_cluster (#​7930)
  • container: removed deprecated field advanced_datapath_observability_config.relay_mode from google_container_cluster resource. Users are expected to use enable_relay field instead. (#​7930)
  • container: three label-related fields are now in google_container_cluster resource. resource_labels field is non-authoritative and only manages the labels defined by the users on the resource through Terraform. The new output-only terraform_labels field merges the labels defined by the users on the resource through Terraform and the default labels configured on the provider. The new output-only effective_labels field lists all of labels present on the resource in GCP, including the labels configured through Terraform, the system, and other clients. (#​7932)
  • container: made three fields resource_labels, terraform_labels, and effective_labels be present in google_container_cluster datasources. All three fields will have all of labels present on the resource in GCP including the labels configured through Terraform, the system, and other clients, equivalent to effective_labels on the resource. (#​7932)
  • container: guest_accelerator = [] is no longer valid configuration in google_container_cluster and google_container_node_pool. To explicitly set an empty list of objects, set guest_accelerator.count = 0. (#​8011)
  • container: guest_accelerator.gpu_driver_installation_config = [] and guest_accelerator.gpu_sharing_config = [] are no longer valid configuration in google_container_cluster and google_container_node_pool. Removing the fields from configuration should not produce a diff. (#​8011)
  • datastore: removed google_datastore_index in favor of google_firestore_index (#​7987)
  • edgenetwork: three label-related fields are now in google_edgenetwork_network and google_edgenetwork_subnet resources. labels field is non-authoritative and only manages the labels defined by the users on the resource through Terraform. The new output-only terraform_labels field merges the labels defined by the users on the resource through Terraform and the default labels configured on the provider. The new output-only effective_labels field lists all of labels present on the resource in GCP, including the labels configured through Terraform, the system, and other clients. (#​7932)
  • identityplatform: removed resource google_identity_platform_project_default_config in favor of google_identity_platform_project_config (#​7880)
  • integrations: removed create_sample_workflows and provision_gmek from google_integrations_client (#​7977)
  • pubsub: allowed schema_settings in google_pubsub_topic to be removed (#​7674)
  • redis: added a deletion_protection_enabled field to the google_redis_cluster resource. This field defaults to true, preventing accidental deletions. To delete the resource, you must first set deletion_protection_enabled = false before destroying the resource. (#​7995)
  • resourcemanager: added deletion_protection field to google_folder to make deleting them require an explicit intent. Folder resources now cannot be destroyed unless deletion_protection = false is set for the resource. (#​7903)
  • resourcemanager: made deletion_policy in google_project 'PREVENT' by default. This makes deleting them require an explicit intent. google_project resources cannot be destroyed unless deletion_policy is set to 'ABANDON' or 'DELETE' for the resource. (#​7946)
  • storage: removed no_age field from lifecycle_rule.condition in the google_storage_bucket resource (#​7923)
  • sql: removed settings.ip_configuration.require_ssl in google_sql_database_instance. Please use settings.ip_configuration.ssl_mode instead. (#​7804)
  • vpcaccess: removed default values for min_throughput and min_instances fields on google_vpc_access_connector and made them default to values returned from the API when not provided by users (#​7709)
  • vpcaccess: added a conflicting fields restriction between min_throughput and min_instances fields on google_vpc_access_connector (#​7709)
  • vpcaccess: added a conflicting fields restriction between max_throughput and max_instances fields on google_vpc_access_connector (#​7709)
  • workstation: defaulted host.gce_instance.disable_ssh to true for google_workstations_workstation_config (#​7946)


  • compute: added fields reserved_internal_range and secondary_ip_ranges[].reserved_internal_range to google_compute_subnetwork resource (#​7980)
  • compute: changed the behavior of name_prefix in multiple Compute resources to allow for a longer max length of 54 characters. See the upgrade guide and resource documentation for more details. (#​7981)


  • compute: fixed an issue regarding sending enabled field by default for null iap message in google_compute_backend_service and google_compute_region_backend_service (#​7758)


Compare Source


  • 5.45.0 is a backport release, responding to a new Spanner feature that may result in creation of unwanted backups for users. The changes in this release will be available in 6.11.0 and users upgrading to 6.X should upgrade to that version or higher.


  • spanner: added default_backup_schedule_type field to google_spanner_instance (#​8644)


Compare Source


  • 5.44.2 is a backport release, responding to a GKE rollout that created permadiffs for many users. The changes in this release will be available in 6.7.0 and users upgrading to 6.X should upgrade to that version or higher.


  • container: google_container_cluster will now accept server-specified values for node_pool_auto_config.0.node_kubelet_config when it is not defined in configuration and will not detect drift. Note that this means that removing the value from configuration will now preserve old settings instead of reverting the old settings. (#​8385)


  • container: fixed a diff triggered by a new API-side default value for node_config.0.kubelet_config.0.insecure_kubelet_readonly_port_enabled. Terraform will now accept server-specified values for node_config.0.kubelet_config when it is not defined in configuration and will not detect drift. Note that this means that removing the value from configuration will now preserve old settings instead of reverting the old settings. (#​8385)


Compare Source


  • 5.44.1 is a backport release, intended to pull in critical container improvements and fixes for issues introduced in 5.44.0


  • container: added in-place update support for gcfs_config in in google_container_cluster and google_container_node_pool (#​8101) (#​8207)


  • container: fixed a permadiff on gcfs_config in google_container_cluster and google_container_node_pool (#​8207)
  • container: fixed a bug where specifying node_pool_defaults.node_config_defaults with enable_autopilot = true will cause google_container_cluster resource creation failure. (#​8223)


Compare Source


  • 5.44.0 is a backport release, intended to pull in critical container improvements from 6.2.0


  • container: added insecure_kubelet_readonly_port_enabled to node_pool.node_config.kubelet_config and node_config.kubelet_config in google_container_node_pool resource. (#​8071)
  • container: added insecure_kubelet_readonly_port_enabled to node_pool_defaults.node_config_defaults, node_pool.node_config.kubelet_config, and node_config.kubelet_config in google_container_cluster resource. (#​8071)
  • container: added node_pool_auto_config.node_kublet_config.insecure_kubelet_readonly_port_enabled field to google_container_cluster. (#​8076)


Compare Source


  • 5.43.1 is a backport release, and some changes will not appear in 6.X series releases until 6.1.0


  • pubsub: fixed a validation bug that didn't allow empty filter definitions for google_pubsub_subscription resources (#​8055)


Compare Source


  • storage: deprecated lifecycle_rule.condition.no_age field in google_storage_bucket. Use the new lifecycle_rule.condition.send_age_if_zero field instead. (#​7994)


  • New Resource: google_kms_ekm_connection_iam_binding (#​7969)
  • New Resource: google_kms_ekm_connection_iam_member (#​7969)
  • New Resource: google_kms_ekm_connection_iam_policy (#​7969)
  • New Resource: google_scc_v2_organization_scc_big_query_exports (#​8002)


  • compute: exposed service side id as new output field forwarding_rule_id on resource google_compute_forwarding_rule (#​7972)
  • container: added EXTENDED as a valid option for release_channel field in google_container_cluster resource (#​7973)
  • logging: changed enable_analytics parsing to "no preference" in analytics if omitted, instead of explicitly disabling analytics in google_logging_project_bucket_config. (#​7964)
  • networkservices: added idle_timeout field to the google_network_services_tcp_route resource (#​7996)
  • pusbub: added validation to filter field in resource google_pubsub_subscription (#​7968)
  • resourcemanager: added default_labels field to google_client_config data source (#​7992)
  • vmwareengine: added PC undelete support in google_vmwareengine_private_cloud (#​8005)


  • alloydb: fixed a permadiff on psc_instance_config in google_alloydb_instance resource (#​7975)
  • compute: fixed a malformed URL that affected updating the server_tls_policy property on google_compute_target_https_proxy resources (#​7988)
  • compute: fixed force diff replacement logic for network_ip on resource google_compute_instance (#​7971)


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