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Add devops team keys

Steve Ison requested to merge add-devops-team-keys into master

We decided not to pull the list of team members from Lookup (as we're not the only people who can add to the list).

So, this PR keeps it simple. It adds the teams public keys and a vars file to list team members. This means that we can use to infra gp_role 'add_users' to add devops team keys to our servers.

The gp_roles need to be on the roles_path for this to work and the vars file needs to be included with, something like:


roles_path=<path to gp_roles>/gp_roles


- hosts: <hosts>
  vars_files: vars/devops_team_members.yml
  user: root
    # use gp_roles add_users role
    - add_users

Merge request reports