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Update specs/card.yaml with latest

Benjamin Woods requested to merge issue-381-update-specs-card-yaml into main

For uis/devops/iam/card-database/card-api#381

What does this MR do?

Updates all email address in this repo from devops+cardapi@uis.cam.ac.uk to universitycard-dev@uis.cam.ac.uk.

Does this by using the latest specs/card.yaml from the Card API repo.


  1. I ran a quick grep check:

    grep "devops+cardapi@uis.cam.ac.uk" -R ./ 
  2. Very light smoke test by checking if test_api_client_mixin.py is all passing -- we should encounter some errors if identitylib.card_client.api.v1beta1_api (generated from specs/card.yaml) does not produce the expected client.

Edited by Benjamin Woods

Merge request reports