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Prioritized labels 5

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
  • priority0 Highest
    Information Services / DevOps
  • priority1 High
    Information Services / DevOps
  • priority2 Medium
    Information Services / DevOps
  • priority3 Low
    Information Services / DevOps
  • priority4 Lowest
    Information Services / DevOps
  • Labels 104

  • moodle
    Information Services / DevOps
    Issues which relate to the Moodle Cloud project
  • Operations
    Information Services / DevOps
    Issues which relate to deployment or packaging of products
  • placeholder
    Information Services / DevOps
    Issues which arose during the sprint and were not present at the beginning
  • Pooled Testing
    Information Services / DevOps
  • question
    Information Services / DevOps
    A question has been asked that will determine if rework is required
  • quick to review
    Information Services / DevOps
    Issues whose MRs are small changes or which are otherwise easy to review
  • RAS
    Information Services / DevOps
    Recruitment Administration System
  • resolution Can't Reproduce
    Information Services / DevOps
    Can't reproduce the bug/issue
  • resolution DevNotPlanned
    Information Services / DevOps
  • resolution Duplicate
    Information Services / DevOps
    Duplicate of an existing bug/issue
  • resolutionFixed
    Information Services / DevOps
    Fixed bug.
  • resolution Won't Fix
    Information Services / DevOps
    Not actually a bug or beyond a reasonable to fix
  • RGEA
    Information Services / DevOps
  • RHEL6 Migration
    Information Services / DevOps
    RHEL6 Migration Project
  • Security
    Information Services / DevOps / Identity and Access Management
  • Service Wrapper
    Information Services / DevOps
  • sizeL
    Information Services / DevOps
    Used for t-shirt sizing epics or tickets.
  • sizeM
    Information Services / DevOps
    Used for t-shirt sizing epics or tickets.
  • sizeS
    Information Services / DevOps
    Used for t-shirt sizing epics or tickets.
  • sizeXL
    Information Services / DevOps
    Used for t-shirt sizing epics or tickets.