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Add Remote and Front-end Analytics

E. Evstafiev requested to merge add-remote-and-front-end-analytics into main

This merge request introduces changes to support google analytics and cookie management. Key changes include:

  1. Added CookieBannerWrapper.tsx to manage the display and configuration of the cookie consent banner.

  2. Integrated Google Analytics configuration across the application to enable analytics tracking based on user consent for cookies. This includes the setup of GA_TRACKING_ID in ConfigProvider.tsx, entrypoint.sh, and secrets.env.example for env-specific configurations.

  3. Modified src/app/page.tsx to include checks for cookie consent before initializing Google Analytics.

This merge request is currently in draft as it depends on the local version of the @ucam.uis.devops/ucam-observe-remote-analytics package. It will be finalized once version 0.1.4 of the package is published to the npm registry, necessitating an update to the package reference from local to the published version.

Closes: #41 (closed)

Edited by E. Evstafiev

Merge request reports
