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Workaround API oddity when updating buildings

Robin Goodall requested to merge fix-building-update into master

Tested on CambTest DB by changing a name of one building and just the campus of another.

INFO:essmsync.comparison:Comparing Booker buildings with TermTime
INFO:essmsync.comparison:'n' mismatch for buildings 'B014' ('Mill Lane Lecture Theatres' != 'Mills Lane Lecture Theatres')
INFO:essmsync.comparison:'cn' mismatch for buildings 'S014' ('Sidgwick Site' != 'New Museums Site')
INFO:essmsync.comparison:...invalid: '0'
INFO:essmsync.comparison:...match: '8'
INFO:essmsync.comparison:...create: '0'
INFO:essmsync.comparison:...update: '2'
INFO:essmsync.comparison:...delete: '70'
INFO:essmsync.termtime:Updating building 'B014':
INFO:essmsync.termtime:    Name       : 'Mill Lane Lecture Theatres'
INFO:essmsync.termtime:    Campus Code: '21022660'
INFO:essmsync.termtime:Updating building 'S014':
INFO:essmsync.termtime:    Name       : 'Lecture Block' (unchanged)
INFO:essmsync.termtime:    Campus Code: '21022770'

Closes: #34 (closed)

Edited by Robin Goodall

Merge request reports
