1.6.1 - 09/10/2015
- Return empty LookupGroup list if IbisException
1.6 - 09/10/2015
- Dropped support for django 1.6 (no longer supported by django project)
- Added the option to retrieve the LookupGroup object using get_user_lookupgroups
1.5 - 25/06/2015
- Updated ibisclient to 1.2.5
1.4 - 14/05/2015
- Unified debian and pypi versions
1.2.1 - 13/05/2015

Dr Abraham Martin
- Limitation of the maximum characters the User.last_name (30) and (80) can have
1.2 - 01/05/2015
- Updated ibisclient to 1.2.3
1.1 - 19/09/2014
- The templates macros now support multiple calls: more than one lookup input tag can be used in a template
1.0 - 19/08/2014
- Initial version