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Other labels 118
Business Analysis
Information Services / DevOps
Issues which ask questions about an existing business process or which require the development of a new one
Information Services / DevOps
Issues where the work required is "straightforward" (such as fixing typos, manually configuring a service), usually time-boxed to half-a-day
Information Services / DevOps
Issues which are of benefit to multiple teams but the direct responsibility of none. All teams should consider these issues in sprint planning.
design needed
Information Services / DevOps
Issues which cannot be addressed without some design work being carried out
Developer Experience
Information Services / DevOps
Issue relates to developer tooling or documentation
Information Services / DevOps
Issues which require active software or infrastructure-as-code development work
Information Services / DevOps
Issues which primarily contain or require a discussion rather than a task
Information Services / DevOps
Issues which require writing documentation for the team or end users
Information Services / DevOps
The most detailed type of epic - issues are attached to epics at this level
Information Services / DevOps
Used for grouping detailed epics for easier management
Information Services / DevOps
To capture anticipated work while allowing it to be filtered out of epic lists/boards
Information Services / DevOps
Work derived from past incidents (e.g. degradation of service) that aims to help avoid future incidents. This can be both symptom/short term geared, like improving SQL queries efficiency of an API call or root cause/long term geared, like reporting SQL queries stats or load tests.