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Improve Qualtrics sync efficiency and re-process mismatched responses

Dave Hart requested to merge 117-123-qualtrics-sync-improvements into master

When syncing Qualtrics survey responses to applicant folders on Google Drive, query the Google Drive API for all survey responses in advance rather than per response. This makes processing responses that have already been processed much quicker as far fewer API calls are made.

Re-process mismatched responses by parsing the names of all folders in the mismatched responses folder for UCAS PID. If a matching applicant folder exists then move the response folder (and its contents) to the applicant folder. This process assumes that each folder in the mismatched responses folder corresponds to an applicant response and has a reliable naming convention (which is true as long as users do not manually rename or add folders to the mismatched response folder).

Closes https://gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/uis/devops/digital-admissions/synchronisation-service/-/issues/117

Closes https://gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/uis/devops/digital-admissions/synchronisation-service/-/issues/123

Edited by Dave Hart

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