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  • Dr Rich Wareham's avatar
    feat(release-it): tweak template to be common pipeline amenable · beeb2e01
    Dr Rich Wareham authored
    As noted in #94, release-it was not yet present in the common pipeline
    which was a blocker of the vision of "OpenAPI client generation releases
    are zero-configuration". #94 also noted that not much had to be done to
    add release-it to the common pipeline.
    Gate the release-it jobs behind the presence of a `.release-it.json`
    file in the root of the repository. This should have zero effect on
    current users since that file needs to be present in order to use
    release-it. Guard against inadvertent triggering by allowing jobs to be
    explicitly disabled via a `RELEASE_IT_DISABLED` variable.
    To guard against future namespace clashes, namespace all the release-it
    jobs. In #94, it was originally suggested that the
    `USE_MERGE_REQUEST_RELEASE_FLOW` variable could be namespaces and given
    the backup value of `USE_MERGE_REQUEST_RELEASE_FLOW` to avoid breaking
    clients but, upon reflection, having *two* variables controlling this
    behaviour adds more confusion than it prevents. As such, leave the
    variable un-namespaced as an interesting historical remnant.
    feat(release-it): tweak template to be common pipeline amenable
    Dr Rich Wareham authored
    As noted in #94, release-it was not yet present in the common pipeline
    which was a blocker of the vision of "OpenAPI client generation releases
    are zero-configuration". #94 also noted that not much had to be done to
    add release-it to the common pipeline.
    Gate the release-it jobs behind the presence of a `.release-it.json`
    file in the root of the repository. This should have zero effect on
    current users since that file needs to be present in order to use
    release-it. Guard against inadvertent triggering by allowing jobs to be
    explicitly disabled via a `RELEASE_IT_DISABLED` variable.
    To guard against future namespace clashes, namespace all the release-it
    jobs. In #94, it was originally suggested that the
    `USE_MERGE_REQUEST_RELEASE_FLOW` variable could be namespaces and given
    the backup value of `USE_MERGE_REQUEST_RELEASE_FLOW` to avoid breaking
    clients but, upon reflection, having *two* variables controlling this
    behaviour adds more confusion than it prevents. As such, leave the
    variable un-namespaced as an interesting historical remnant.
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