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Silas S. Brown / gradint
481 commits behind the upstream repository.
Silas S. Brown authored
git-svn-id: 29193198-4895-4776-b068-10539e920549
Silas S. Brown authoredgit-svn-id: 29193198-4895-4776-b068-10539e920549
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# This file is part of the source code of
# gradint v0.9958 (c) 2002-2010 Silas S. Brown. GPL v3+.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# Start of - GUI-based management of recorded words
try: import tkSnack
except: tkSnack = 0
class InputSource(object):
def startRec(self,outFile,lastStopRecVal=None): pass # start recording to outFile
def stopRec(self): pass # stop recording
def close(self): pass # stop everything
def currentTime(self): return 0 # (makes sense only for PlayerInput, but here just in case)
def __del__(self): self.close()
class MicInput(InputSource):
def __init__(self):
rates =
for rate in [22050, 16000, 24000, 44100]:
if rate in rates:
self.rate = rate ; return
if rates: self.rate = max(rates)
else: self.rate = None
def startRec(self,outFile,lastStopRecVal=None):
if not self.rate: return # TODO tell the user we can't record anything on this system (currently we just let them find out)
self.sound = tkSnack.Sound(file=outFile, rate=self.rate, channels=1, encoding="Lin16")
def stopRec(self): self.sound.stop()
class PlayerInput(InputSource): # play to speakers while recording to various destinations
def __init__(self,fileToPlay,startNow=True,startTime=0): # (if startNow=False, starts when you start recording)
global paranoid_file_management
if use_unicode_filenames: fileToPlay=ensure_unicode(fileToPlay)
assert not type(fileToPlay)==type(u"")
if not paranoid_file_management and filter(lambda x:ord(x)>=128,list(fileToPlay)): paranoid_file_management = True # hack to try to work around a Tkinter fault on Linux with utf-8 filenames
if paranoid_file_management: # try to ensure it's ready for reading
if filelen(fileToPlay)<1048576:
# only small - copy to temp 1st
self.fileToDel = os.tempnam()+fileToPlay[fileToPlay.rfind(extsep):]
else: open(fileToPlay)
if fileToPlay.lower().endswith(dotwav) and filelen(fileToPlay)<1048576: self.sound=tkSnack.Sound(load=fileToPlay) # in-memory if <1M (saves problems with Windows keeping them open even after object deleted), TODO is this still needed now that .destroy() is called properly? (but might be a good idea to keep it in anyway)
else: self.sound = tkSnack.Sound(file=fileToPlay)
self.startSample = 0
self.sampleRate =[1]
self.length = self.sound.length()*1.0/self.sampleRate
if not self.length: self.length=lengthOfSound(fileToPlay) # tkSnack bug workaround. NB don't just set it to 3 because it may be less than that, and user may press Record before the 3secs are up, expecting to record from mic.
self.autostop_thread_id = 0
self.inCtor = 1
if startNow: self.startPlaying(max(0,int(startTime*self.sampleRate)))
self.inCtor = 0
def startPlaying(self,curSample=0):
theISM.nowPlaying = self # as we might be still in c'tor and just about to be assigned to replace the previously-playing sound (i.e. it might not have stopped yet), and we don't want to confuse elapsedTime
self.startSample = curSample ; self.startTime = time.time()
def autostop(self,thread_id=None):
if thread_id==None:
self.autostop_thread_id += 1
elif not thread_id==self.autostop_thread_id: return # a stale autostop thread
if not theISM or not theISM.nowPlaying==self or not tkSnack or not return # closing down anyway
elapsedTime = self.elapsedTime()
if elapsedTime>=self.length-self.startSample*1.0/self.sampleRate: self.close()
import thread
def stopMe(self,thread_id):
def elapsedTime(self):
except: t=0.0
if t==0.0: t=time.time()-self.startTime
return t
def currentSample(self): return int(self.elapsedTime()*self.sampleRate)+self.startSample
def currentTime(self): return self.currentSample()*1.0/self.sampleRate
def startRec(self,outFile,lastStopRecVal=None):
if lastStopRecVal: self.recordingStartSample = lastStopRecVal
elif theISM.nowPlaying==self: self.recordingStartSample = self.currentSample()
self.recordingStartSample = 0
self.fileToWrite = outFile
def stopRec(self,closing = False):
if not hasattr(self,"fileToWrite"): return
curSample = self.currentSample()
if not closing: self.startPlaying(curSample)
del self.fileToWrite
return curSample
def close(self):
if not hasattr(self,"sound"): return # called twice?
if theISM.nowPlaying == self:
theISM.nowPlaying = None
del self.sound
if hasattr(self,"fileToDel"): os.unlink(self.fileToDel)
global theRecorderControls
try: theRecorderControls
except: theRecorderControls=0
if theRecorderControls:
if self.inCtor: # tried to skip off end - DO ensure the GUI resets its controls when that happens, even if it has "protected" itself due to restarting the sample at different position
theRecorderControls.current_recordFrom_button = theRecorderControls.old_recordFrom_button
app.todo.undoRecordFrom=True # we might not be the GUI thread
if not tkSnack:
if macsound: # might still be able to use Audio Recorder
if fileExists(""): unzip_and_delete("")
if fileExists("Audio"): # Audio Recorder with our special preferences list
runAudioRecorderYet = 0
def MacStartRecording():
global runAudioRecorderYet
if not runAudioRecorderYet: os.system("mv ~/Library/Preferences/com.benshan.AudioRecorder31.plist ~/Library/Preferences/com.benshan.AudioRecorder31.plist-OLD 2>/dev/null ; cp Audio\\ ~/Library/Preferences/com.benshan.AudioRecorder31.plist; open Audio\\")
os.system("osascript -e 'Tell application \"Audio Recorder\" to Record'")
runAudioRecorderYet = 1
def MacStopRecording(): os.system("osascript -e 'Tell application \"Audio Recorder\" to Stop'")
MacRecordingFile = "/tmp/audiorec-output-for-gradint.wav" # specified in the plist
def quitAudioRecorder():
if runAudioRecorderYet: os.system("osascript -e 'Tell application \"Audio Recorder\" to quit' ; rm ~/Library/Preferences/com.benshan.AudioRecorder31.plist ; mv ~/Library/Preferences/com.benshan.AudioRecorder31.plist-OLD ~/Library/Preferences/com.benshan.AudioRecorder31.plist 2>/dev/null")
import atexit ; atexit.register(quitAudioRecorder)
del MicInput
class MicInput(InputSource): # Mac Audio Recorder version
def startRec(self,outFile,lastStopRecVal=None):
self.fileToWrite = outFile
def stopRec(self):
tkSnack = "MicOnly"
elif unix and useTK and isDirectory("/dev/snd") and got_program("arecord"): # no tkSnack, but can record via ALSA (but no point doing the tests if not useTK)
del MicInput
class MicInput(InputSource):
def startRec(self,outFile,lastStopRecVal=0.5): = os.spawnl(os.P_NOWAIT,"/bin/bash","/bin/bash","-c","arecord -f S16_LE -r 22050 "+shell_escape(outFile))
time.sleep(lastStopRecVal) # allow process to start
def stopRec(self):
os.kill(,2) # INT
return 0.3
tkSnack = "MicOnly"
class InputSourceManager(object):
def __init__(self):
self.currentInputSource = None
self.currentOutfile = self.nowPlaying = None
# (nowPlaying is for PlayerInputSource to manage)
def setInputSource(self,inputSource):
if self.currentInputSource: self.currentInputSource.close()
self.currentInputSource = inputSource
def finished(self,inputSource): # called by the inputSource itself; we don't need to call its close()
if not self.currentInputSource==inputSource: return # irrelevant
self.currentInputSource = None
def startRecording(self, newOutfile):
if not self.currentInputSource: self.currentInputSource = MicInput()
if self.currentOutfile: self.currentInputSource.startRec(newOutfile,self.currentInputSource.stopRec())
else: self.currentInputSource.startRec(newOutfile)
self.currentOutfile = newOutfile
def stopRecording(self):
if self.currentOutfile: self.currentInputSource.stopRec()
self.currentOutfile = None
theISM = InputSourceManager() ; del InputSourceManager # singleton
def wavToMp3(directory):
# Compress all WAVs in directory to MP3 (CBR for gradint i/p)
# don't worry about progress.txt - mergeProgress will recognise WAVs replaced with mp3
for l in os.listdir(directory):
if l.lower().endswith(dotwav):
needRetry = 1 ; tries = 0
while needRetry:
tries += 1
needRetry = system("lame \"%s\" --cbr -b 48 -m m -o \"%s\"" % (directory+os.sep+l, directory+os.sep+l[:-len(dotwav)]+dotmp3))
if not needRetry: os.remove(directory+os.sep+l)
elif paranoid_file_management and tries<10: time.sleep(0.5)
show_warning("lame failed on "+directory+os.sep+l) ; break
elif isDirectory(directory+os.sep+l):
def makeMp3Zips(baseDir,outDir,zipNo=0,direc=None):
zipSplitThreshold = 5*1048576 # to be safe (as will split when it goes OVER that)
if baseDir==outDir: return zipNo # omit
elif not direc:
for f in os.listdir(baseDir): zipNo = makeMp3Zips(baseDir,outDir,zipNo,f)
elif isDirectory(baseDir+os.sep+direc): zipNo = makeMp3Zips(baseDir+os.sep+direc,outDir,zipNo)
if zipNo: zipNo -= 1
zipfile = None
while not zipfile or (fileExists(zipfile) and filelen(zipfile) >= zipSplitThreshold):
zipNo += 1
zipfile = outDir+os.sep+"zipfile"+str(zipNo)+extsep+"zip"
system("zip -9 \"%s\" \"%s\"" % (zipfile,baseDir+os.sep+direc))
return zipNo
class RecorderControls:
def __init__(self):
self.snack_initialized = 0
self.currentDir = samplesDirectory
self.coords2buttons = {}
self.syncFlag = False
self.always_enable_rerecord = self.always_enable_synth = False
self.old_recordFrom_button = None
self.renamevar_msg = "Renaming a variant from the GUI is not implemented yet. Please press the Advanced button and do it from the file manager."
def changeDir(self,newDir):
oldDir = self.currentDir
self.currentDir = newDir
def global_rerecord(self,*args):
self.always_enable_rerecord = True
def enable_synth(self,*args):
self.always_enable_synth = True
def finished(self,*args):
del app.scanrow
if recorderMode: app.cancel()
else: app.todo.set_main_menu=1
def undraw(self):
if hasattr(self,"renameToCancel"): del self.renameToCancel
self.coords2buttons = {}
del self.ourCanvas
def addButton(self,row,col,text,command,colspan=None):
if (row,col) in self.coords2buttons: self.coords2buttons[(row,col)].grid_forget()
b = makeButton(self.grid,text=text,command=command)
b.bind('<FocusIn>',lambda *args:self.scrollIntoView(b))
if not hasattr(app,"gotFocusInHandler"):
# (see scrollIntoView method's use of justGotFocusIn)
def set(*args):
def clear(*args):
try: del app.justGotFocusIn
except: pass
app.justGotFocusIn = 1
app.after(1, clear) # (that delay is quite short, but it shouldn't execute until after the current chain of FocusIn events finishes)
self.coords2buttons[(row,col)] = b
if not colspan:
if not col: colspan=1+3*len(self.languagesToDraw)
else: colspan = 1
if olpc and colspan==1: # don't have the biggest font otherwise can't get to Record buttons on rightmost column
if len(text)>6: self.coords2buttons[(row,col)]["font"]="Helvetica 9"
else: self.coords2buttons[(row,col)]["font"]="Helvetica 12"
if col: self.coords2buttons[(row,col)].grid(row=row,column=col,columnspan=colspan)
else: self.coords2buttons[(row,col)].grid(row=row,column=0,columnspan=colspan,sticky="w")
def addLabel(self,row,col,utext):
if (row,col) in self.coords2buttons: self.coords2buttons[(row,col)].grid_forget()
self.coords2buttons[(row,col)] = self.makeLabel_lenLimit(utext)
if col==0: self.coords2buttons[(row,col)].bind('<Button-1>',lambda *args:self.startRename(row,col,utext))
def makeLabel_lenLimit(self,utext): return Tkinter.Label(self.grid,text=utext,wraplength=int(self.ourCanvas.winfo_screenwidth()/(1+len(self.languagesToDraw))))
def addSynthLabel(self,filename,row,col):
try: ftext = ensure_unicode(u8strip(open(filename).read().strip(wsp)))
except IOError: return False
l = self.makeLabel_lenLimit(ftext)
l.bind('<Button-1>',lambda *args:self.startSynthEdit(l,row,col,filename))
return True # do NOT put it in self.coords2buttons (not to do with space bar stuff etc)
def startSynthEdit(self,l,row,col,filename):
if hasattr(self,"renameToCancel"):
rr,cc = self.renameToCancel
if l: l.grid_forget()
editText,editEntry = addTextBox(self.grid,"nopack")
try: editText.set(ensure_unicode(u8strip(open(filename).read().strip(wsp))))
except IOError: pass
editEntry.bind('<Return>',lambda *args:self.doEdit(editText,editEntry,row,col,filename))
editEntry.bind('<Escape>',lambda *args:self.cancelEdit(editEntry,row,col,filename))
if hasattr(self.coords2buttons.get((row-1,col+1),""),"is_synth_label"):
self.coords2buttons[(row-1,col+1)].is_synth_label = True
def doEdit(self,editText,editEntry,row,col,filename):
text = asUnicode(editText.get()).encode("utf-8").strip(wsp)
if text: open(filename,"w").write(text+"\n")
try: os.remove(filename)
except: pass
if row+1 < self.addMoreRow and (row+1,col+1) in self.coords2buttons: focusButton(self.coords2buttons[(row+1,col+1)]) # focus the next "synth" button if it exists (don't press it as well like file renaming because it might be a variant etc, TODO can we skip variants?)
def cancelEdit(self,editEntry,row,col,filename):
labelAdded = self.addSynthLabel(filename,row,col)
if hasattr(self.coords2buttons.get((row-1,col+1),""),"is_synth_label"):
if labelAdded: self.addLabel(row-1,col+1,localise("(synth'd)"))
else: self.addButton(row-1,col+1,text=localise("Synthesize"),command=(lambda *args:self.startSynthEdit(None,row,col,filename)))
self.coords2buttons[(row-1,col+1)].is_synth_label = True
def all2mp3_or_zip(self,*args):
self.CompressButton["text"] = localise("Compressing, please wait")
if got_program("lame"): wavToMp3(self.currentDir) # TODO not in the GUI thread !! (but lock our other buttons while it's doing it)
if got_program("zip") and (explorerCommand or winCEsound) and (not got_program("lame") or tkMessageBox.askyesno(app.master.title(),localise("All recordings have been compressed to MP3. Do you also want to make a ZIP file for sending as email?"))):
try: os.mkdir(self.currentDir+os.sep+"zips")
except: pass # already exists?
numZips = makeMp3Zips(self.currentDir,self.currentDir+os.sep+"zips")
if numZips:
if numZips>1: app.todo.alert=localise("Please send the %d zip files as %d separate messages, in case one very large message doesn't get through.") % (zipNo,zipNo)
else: app.todo.alert=localise("You may now send the zip file by email.")
else: app.todo.alert=localise("No recordings found")
self.undraw() ; self.draw()
def startRename(self,row,col,filename):
if hasattr(self,"renameToCancel"):
rr,cc = self.renameToCancel
if self.has_variants and filename.find(" (")>-1:
self.renameToCancel = (row,col)
if (row,col) in self.coords2buttons: self.coords2buttons[(row,col)].grid_forget()
renameText,renameEntry = addTextBox(self.grid,"nopack")
renameEntry.theText = renameText
renameEntry.origName = filename
self.coords2buttons[(row,col)] = renameEntry
if number.startswith("word"): number=number[4:]
if number and "0"<=number[0]<="9":
selectAllFunc = selectAllButNumber
selectAllFunc = selectAll
class E: pass
e=E() ; e.widget = renameEntry
self.ourCanvas.after(50,lambda *args:(e.widget.focus(),self.scrollIntoView(e.widget),selectAllFunc(e)))
renameEntry.bind('<Return>',lambda *args:self.doRename(row,col))
renameEntry.bind('<Escape>',lambda *args:self.cancelRename(row,col))
def doRename(self,row,col):
if hasattr(self,"renameToCancel"): del self.renameToCancel
origName = self.coords2buttons[(row,col)].origName
newNames = filter(lambda x:x,asUnicode(self.coords2buttons[(row,col)].theText.get()).split("\n")) # multiline paste, ignore blank lines
for newName in newNames:
if not origName: # extra lines - need to get their origNames
if row==self.addMoreRow: self.addMore()
elif not (row,col) in self.coords2buttons: row += 1 # skip extra row if there are notes
if self.has_variants and origName.find(" (")>-1:
if len(newNames)>1 and not '0'<=newName[0]<='9': # multiline paste and not numbered - we'd better keep the original number
o2 = origName
if o2.startswith("word"): o2=o2[4:]
if intor0(o2): newName=o2+"-"+newName
if isDirectory(unicode2filename(self.currentDir+os.sep+origName)):
try: os.rename(unicode2filename(self.currentDir+os.sep+origName),unicode2filename(self.currentDir+os.sep+newName))
tkMessageBox.showinfo(app.master.title(),localise("Could not rename %s to %s") % (origName,newName))
self.addButton(row,col,text=newName,command=(lambda e=None,f=self.currentDir+os.sep+newName:self.changeDir(f)))
else: # not a directory - rename individual files
self.doStop() # just in case
for lang in self.languagesToDraw:
for ext in [dottxt, dotwav, dotmp3]:
if fileExists_stat(unicode2filename(self.currentDir+os.sep+origName+"_"+lang+ext)):
try: os.rename(unicode2filename(self.currentDir+os.sep+origName+"_"+lang+ext),unicode2filename(self.currentDir+os.sep+newName+"_"+lang+ext))
tkMessageBox.showinfo(app.master.title(),localise("Could not rename %s to %s") % (origName+"_"+lang+ext,newName+"_"+lang+ext)) # TODO undo any that did succeed first! + check for destination-already-exists (OS may not catch it)
self.updateFile(unicode2filename(newName+"_"+lang+ext),row,self.languagesToDraw.index(lang),cond(ext==dottxt,0,2)) # TODO the 2 should be 1 if and only if we didn't just record it
if not updated: self.updateFile(unicode2filename(newName+"_"+lang+dotwav),row,self.languagesToDraw.index(lang),0)
# TODO what about updating progress.txt with wildcard changes (cld be going too far - we have the move script in utilities)
origName = None # get any others from the form
row += 1
if len(newNames)==1 and row<self.addMoreRow: # put cursor on the next one
if not (row,col) in self.coords2buttons: row += 1 # skip extra row if there are notes
if row<self.addMoreRow:
if not isDirectory(unicode2filename(self.currentDir+os.sep+origName)): self.startRename(row,0,origName)
def cancelRename(self,row,col):
if hasattr(self,"renameToCancel"): del self.renameToCancel
origName = self.coords2buttons[(row,col)].origName
if isDirectory(unicode2filename(self.currentDir+os.sep+origName)): self.addButton(row,col,text=origName,command=(lambda e=None,f=ensure_unicode(self.currentDir+os.sep+origName).encode('utf-8'):self.changeDir(f)))
else: self.addLabel(row,col,origName)
def updateFile(self,filename,row,languageNo,state,txtExists="unknown"): # state: 0 not exist, 1 already existed, 2 we just created it
if not os.sep in filename: filename = self.currentDir+os.sep+filename
recFilename = filename
if recFilename.lower().endswith(dotmp3): recFilename=recFilename[:-len(dotmp3)]+dotwav # always record in WAV; can compress to MP3 after
if state: # exists
if not tkSnack or tkSnack=="MicOnly": self.addButton(row,2+3*languageNo,text="Play",command=(lambda e=None,f=filename:(self.doStop(),SampleEvent(f).play()))) # but if got full tkSnack, might as well use setInputSource instead to be consistent with the non-_ version:
else: self.addButton(row,2+3*languageNo,text=localise("Play"),command=(lambda e=None,f=filename:(self.doStop(),theISM.setInputSource(PlayerInput(f,not self.syncFlag)))))
if tkSnack and (state==2 or self.always_enable_rerecord):
self.addButton(row,3+3*languageNo,text=localise("Re-record"),command=(lambda e=None,f=recFilename,r=row,l=languageNo:self.doRecord(f,r,l,needToUpdatePlayButton=(not filename==recFilename))))
self.need_reRecord_enabler = not (not tkSnack)
else: # does not exist
synthFilename = filename[:filename.rfind(extsep)]+dottxt
if txtExists=="unknown": txtExists=fileExists(synthFilename)
if txtExists: self.addLabel(row,2+3*languageNo,localise("(synth'd)"))
elif self.always_enable_synth and get_synth_if_possible(self.languagesToDraw[languageNo],0): self.addButton(row,2+3*languageNo,text=localise("Synthesize"),command=(lambda *args:self.startSynthEdit(None,row+1,1+3*languageNo,synthFilename)))
else: self.addLabel(row,2+3*languageNo,localise("(empty)"))
self.coords2buttons[(row,2+3*languageNo)].is_synth_label = True
if winCEsound and not tkSnack: self.addLabel(row,3+3*languageNo,"")
else: self.addButton(row,3+3*languageNo,text=localise("Record"),command=(lambda e=None,f=recFilename,r=row,l=languageNo:self.doRecord(f,r,l)))
def add_addMore_button(self):
if winCEsound and not tkSnack: pass # no 'add more words' button on WinCE; use PocketPC record button instead
else: self.addButton(self.addMoreRow,0,text=localise("Add more words"),command=(lambda *args:self.addMore()),colspan=cond(self.need_reRecord_enabler,2,4))
if self.need_reRecord_enabler: self.addButton(self.addMoreRow,2,text=localise("Re-record"),command=(lambda *args:self.global_rerecord()),colspan=2)
self.addButton(self.addMoreRow,4,text=localise("New folder"),command=(lambda *args:self.newFolder()),colspan=3)
def del_addMore_button(self):
if (self.addMoreRow,0) in self.coords2buttons: self.coords2buttons[(self.addMoreRow,0)].grid_forget() # old 'add more' button
if (self.addMoreRow,2) in self.coords2buttons: self.coords2buttons[(self.addMoreRow,2)].grid_forget() # old 're-record' button
self.coords2buttons[(self.addMoreRow,4)].grid_forget() # old 'new folder' button
def addMore(self,*args):
for r in range(5):
if self.maxPrefix<=99: prefix = "word%02d" % self.maxPrefix
else: prefix = "word_%04d" % self.maxPrefix
for lang in self.languagesToDraw:
self.addMoreRow += 2 ; self.maxPrefix += 1
def gridLabel(self,lang,row): Tkinter.Label(self.grid,text=" "+localise(cond(lang.find("-meaning_")>-1,"meaning",lang))+": ").grid(row=row,column=1+3*self.languagesToDraw.index(lang))
def doRecord(self,filename,row,languageNo,needToUpdatePlayButton=False):
if not tkSnack: return tkMessageBox.showinfo(app.master.title(),localise("Sorry, cannot record on this computer because the tkSnack library (python-tksnack) is not installed."))
if needToUpdatePlayButton: self.updateFile(filename,row,languageNo,2)
self.currentRecording = (filename,row,languageNo)
self.coords2buttons[(row,3+3*languageNo)]["command"]=(lambda *args:self.doStop())
if app.scanrow.get()=="2": # "stop"
moved = 0
if app.scanrow.get()=="1": # move along 1st
while languageNo+1<len(self.languagesToDraw):
languageNo += 1
if (row,3+3*languageNo) in self.coords2buttons:
languageNo = 0 # start of the row
# fall-through - vertical movement
for r in [row+1,row+2]:
if r==self.addMoreRow: self.addMore()
if (r,3+3*languageNo) in self.coords2buttons:
return focusButton(self.coords2buttons[(r,3+3*languageNo)])
def scrollIntoView(self,button):
if hasattr(app,"justGotFocusIn"): return # ignore double <FocusIn> event - allows switch out of app and back in again w/out scrolling back to the keyboard-focused button
self.scrollingIntoView = button
def continueScrollIntoView(self,button):
# TODO this logic should be separated from this class and used for the multiple-students scrollbar also (along with the FocusIn binding above)
if not self.scrollingIntoView==button: return # some other button took over
if not hasattr(self,"ourCanvas"): return # closing down?
by,bh,cy,ch = button.winfo_rooty(),button.winfo_height(),self.ourCanvas.winfo_rooty(),self.ourCanvas.winfo_height()
if not by or not bh or not cy or not ch: pass # wait a bit longer
elif by+bh >= cy+ch-cond(ch>2*bh,bh,0):
self.ourCanvas.yview("scroll","1","units") # can't specify pixels, so have to keep advancing until we get it
if by+bh<=cy+ch: return # make this the last one - don't loop consuming CPU on bottom of list
elif by < cy: self.ourCanvas.yview("scroll","-1","units")
else: return # done
app.after(10,lambda *args:self.continueScrollIntoView(button))
def doStop(self,*args):
def updateForStopOrChange(self):
if hasattr(self,"currentRecording"):
filename,row,languageNo = self.currentRecording
del self.currentRecording
def reconfigure_scrollbar(self):
if not hasattr(app,"scanrow"): return # closing down
if hasattr(self,"ourCanvas"):
c = self.ourCanvas
bbox = c.bbox(Tkinter.ALL)
if hasattr(self,"oldCanvasBbox") and bbox==self.oldCanvasBbox: pass
self.oldCanvasBbox = bbox
if hasattr(self,"currentRecording") and not theISM.currentOutfile: self.doStop() # ensure GUI updates the recording button after player auto-stop (for want of a better place to put it)
app.after(cond(winCEsound,3000,600),lambda *args:self.reconfigure_scrollbar())
def setSync(self,syncFlag): self.syncFlag = syncFlag
def newFolder(self,*args):
while True:
fname = "folder%d" % count
try: os.mkdir(unicode2filename(self.currentDir+os.sep+fname))
count += 1 ; continue
row=self.addMoreRow ; col=0
self.addMoreRow += 1
def doRecordFrom(self,filename,row):
theISM.setInputSource(PlayerInput(filename,not self.syncFlag))
self.current_recordFrom_button = (row, self.coords2buttons[(row,0)])
self.addButton(row,0,text=localise("Stop"),command=(lambda *args:(self.doStop(),theISM.setInputSource(MicInput()))),colspan=1)
col = 1
for inc in [-30, -5, 5, 30]:
if inc<0: text="<"+str(-inc)
else: text=str(inc)+">"
self.addButton(row,col,text=text,command=(lambda e=None,i=inc:self.handleSkip(filename,i)))
col += 1
def handleSkip(self,filename,i):
if hasattr(app.todo,"undoRecordFrom"): del app.todo.undoRecordFrom
def protect_currentRecordFrom(self): self.old_recordFrom_button, self.current_recordFrom_button = self.current_recordFrom_button, None
def restore_currentRecordFrom(self): self.current_recordFrom_button, self.old_recordFrom_button = self.old_recordFrom_button, None
def undoRecordFrom(self):
if hasattr(self,"current_recordFrom_button") and self.current_recordFrom_button:
row, button = self.current_recordFrom_button
for col in range(1+3*len(self.languagesToDraw)):
if (row,col) in self.coords2buttons:
del self.coords2buttons[(row,col)]
self.coords2buttons[(row,0)] = button
del self.current_recordFrom_button
def do_openInExplorer(self,*args):
tkMessageBox.showinfo(app.master.title(),localise("Gradint has opened the current folder for you to work on. When you press OK, Gradint will re-scan the folder for new files."))
def pocketPCrecord(self,*args):
# (apparently get 11.025kHz 16-bit mono. Can set Notes to NOT switch to notes app when holding Recording button, in which case you then need the task manager to actually get into Notes.)
if firstLanguage==secondLanguage: tup=("word","meaning","word")
else: tup=(secondLanguage,firstLanguage,secondLanguage)
if tkMessageBox.askyesno(app.master.title(),localise("Press and hold the PocketPC's Record button to record; release to stop. Record %s to 1st Note, %s to 2nd, %s to 3rd etc. Import all Notes now?") % tup):
if import_recordings(self.currentDir):
getLsDic(self.currentDir) # to rename them
self.undraw() ; self.draw()
else: app.todo.alert="No files found to import. Check this setting: import_recordings_from = "+repr(import_recordings_from)
except CannotOverwriteExisting: app.todo.alert="Filenames conflict with those already in this folder. Clear the folder first, or choose another, then press the button again (your recordings have been left in the Notes app)."
def do_recordFromFile(self,*args):
if not tkSnack or tkSnack=="MicOnly": return tkMessageBox.showinfo(app.master.title(),localise("Sorry, cannot record from file on this computer because the tkSnack library (python-tksnack) is not installed"))
msg1 = localise("You can record from an existing recording (i.e. copy parts from it) if you first put the existing recording into the samples folder and then press its Play button.")+"\n\n"
if not self.has_recordFrom_buttons:
tkMessageBox.showinfo(app.master.title(),msg1+localise("Gradint has opened the current folder for you to do this. When you press OK, Gradint will re-scan the folder for new files."))
msg1 = ""
self.setSync(tkMessageBox.askyesno(app.master.title(),localise(msg1+"Do you want your next Play operation to be delayed until you also press a Record button?")))
def draw(self,dirToHighlight=1): # 1 is used as a "not exist" token
if secondLanguage==firstLanguage: self.languagesToDraw = [secondLanguage, firstLanguage+"-meaning_"+firstLanguage]
else: self.languagesToDraw = [secondLanguage,firstLanguage] # each lang cn take 3 columns, starting at column 1 (DO need to regenerate this every draw - languages may have changed!)
if self.currentDir==samplesDirectory: app.master.title(localise("Recordings manager"))
else: app.master.title(localise("Recordings manager: ")+filename2unicode((os.sep+self.currentDir)[(os.sep+self.currentDir).rindex(os.sep)+1:]))
if not self.snack_initialized:
if tkSnack and not tkSnack=="MicOnly":
if paranoid_file_management and<500: # at least 500ms latency if we're paranoid_file_management, just in case (since does not account for hold-ups)
self.snack_initialized = True
if not hasattr(app,"scanrow"):
app.scanrow = Tkinter.StringVar(app) # (keep StringVars in app not self to avoid d'tor confusion when close box pressed)
if tkSnack: theISM.setInputSource(MicInput())
self.frame=Tkinter.Frame(app.leftPanel) ; self.frame.pack()
self.need_reRecord_enabler = 0 # no previously-existing words yet (when we get existing words we 'lock' them and have to unlock by pressing a global 'rerecord' button 1st, just in case)
if winCEsound and not tkSnack: makeButton(self.frame,text=localise("PocketPC record..."),command=self.pocketPCrecord).grid(row=1,columnspan=2)
r = Tkinter.Frame(self.frame)
Tkinter.Label(r,text=localise("Action of spacebar during recording")).pack()
r=Tkinter.Frame(r) ; r.pack()
for button in [
Tkinter.Radiobutton(r, text=localise("move down"), variable=app.scanrow, value="0", indicatoron=1),
Tkinter.Radiobutton(r, text=localise("move along"), variable=app.scanrow, value="1", indicatoron=1),
Tkinter.Radiobutton(r, text=localise("stop"), variable=app.scanrow, value="2", indicatoron=1)]:
self.grid,self.ourCanvas = setupScrollbar(self.frame,2)
if hasattr(self,"oldCanvasBbox"): del self.oldCanvasBbox # unconditionally reconfigure scrollbar even if bounds are unchanged
for languageNo in range(len(self.languagesToDraw)): self.grid.grid_columnconfigure(3+3*languageNo,weight=1) # prefer expanding the last col of each language rather than evenly
curRow = 0 ; prefix2row = {}
maxPrefix = 0 ; self.has_recordFrom_buttons = False
if not self.currentDir==samplesDirectory and os.sep in self.currentDir:
self.addButton(curRow,0,text=localise("(Up)"),command=(lambda e=None,f=self.currentDir[:self.currentDir.rindex(os.sep)]:self.changeDir(f)))
curRow += 1
l = os.listdir(self.currentDir)
def cmpfunc(a,b): # sort alphabetically but ensure L2 comes before L1 for tab order
if "_" in a and "_" in b and a[:a.rindex("_")]==b[:b.rindex("_")]: # the same apart from language? (TODO this won't work with variants)
if languageof(a)==secondLanguage: a='1'
elif languageof(a)==firstLanguage: a='2'
if languageof(b)==secondLanguage: b='1'
elif languageof(b)==firstLanguage: b='2'
if a>b: return 1
elif b>a: return -1
else: return 0
self.has_variants = check_has_variants(self.currentDir,l)
allLangs = list2set([firstLanguage,secondLanguage]+possible_otherLanguages+otherLanguages)
hadDirectories = False
for fname in l:
flwr = fname.lower() ; isMeaning=0
if firstLanguage==secondLanguage and firstLanguage+"-meaning_"+secondLanguage in fname: isMeaning,languageOverride = True, firstLanguage+"-meaning_"+secondLanguage # hack for re-loading a dir of word+meaning in same language. TODO hope not combining -meaning_ with variants
elif self.has_variants and fname.find("_",fname.find("_")+1)>-1 and not fname.find("_explain_")>-1: languageOverride=fname[fname.find("_")+1:fname.find("_",fname.find("_")+1)]
else: languageOverride=None
if isDirectory(self.currentDir+os.sep+fname):
if not flwr in ["zips","utils","advanced utilities"]: # NOT "prompts", that can be browsed
newDir = self.currentDir+os.sep+fname
self.addButton(curRow,0,text=filename2unicode(fname),command=(lambda e=None,f=newDir:self.changeDir(f)))
# TODO if _disabled have an Enable button ?
# if not have a Disable ??
# (NB though the above button will have a column span)
if self.currentDir+os.sep+fname == dirToHighlight:
dirToHighlight = None # done
curRow += 1
if fileExists(self.currentDir+os.sep+fname+os.sep+longDescriptionName): description=u8strip(open(self.currentDir+os.sep+fname+os.sep+longDescriptionName).read()).strip(wsp)
elif fileExists(self.currentDir+os.sep+fname+os.sep+shortDescriptionName): description=u8strip(open(self.currentDir+os.sep+fname+os.sep+shortDescriptionName).read()).strip(wsp)
else: description=None
if description:
l = Tkinter.Label(self.grid,text=" "+description,wraplength=self.ourCanvas.winfo_screenwidth())
curRow += 1
if not flwr=="prompts": hadDirectories = True
elif "_" in fname and (languageOverride in allLangs or languageof(fname) in allLangs): # something_lang where lang is a recognised language (don't just take "any _" because some podcasts etc will have _ in them)
# TODO what about letting them record _explain_ files etc from the GUI (can be done but have to manually enter the _zh_explain bit), + toggling !poetry etc?
if languageOverride:
if not isMeaning: prefix += (" ("+(fname+extsep)[fname.find("_",fname.find("_")+1)+1:fname.rfind(extsep)]+")")
languageOverride = languageof(fname)
wprefix = prefix
if wprefix.startswith("word"): wprefix=wprefix[4:] # ditch any "word" before the integer
try: iprefix = int(wprefix)
except: iprefix = -1
if iprefix>maxPrefix: maxPrefix=iprefix # max existing numerical prefix
if (flwr.endswith(dotwav) or flwr.endswith(dotmp3) or flwr.endswith(dottxt)): # even if not languageOverride in self.languagesToDraw e.g. for prompts - helps setting up gradint in a language it doesn't have prompts for (creates blank rows for the prefixes that other languages use). TODO do we want to add 'and languageOverride in self.languagesToDraw' if NOT in prompts?
if not prefix in prefix2row:
foundTxt = {}
for lang in self.languagesToDraw:
if prefix+"_"+lang+dottxt in l: foundTxt[lang]=(self.currentDir+os.sep+prefix+"_"+lang+dottxt,2+3*self.languagesToDraw.index(lang))
prefix2row[prefix] = curRow
for lang in self.languagesToDraw:
if lang==languageOverride: # do it here to preserve tab order
languageOverride=None # so not done again
else: self.updateFile(prefix+"_"+lang+dotwav,curRow,self.languagesToDraw.index(lang),state=0,txtExists=(lang in foundTxt))
for filename,col in foundTxt.values(): self.addSynthLabel(filename,curRow+1,col)
curRow += 2
if languageOverride in self.languagesToDraw and not flwr.endswith(dottxt):
elif (flwr.endswith(dotwav) or flwr.endswith(dotmp3)) and tkSnack and not tkSnack=="MicOnly": # no _ in it but we can still play it for splitting
self.addButton(curRow,0,text=(localise("Record from %s") % (filename2unicode(fname),)),command=(lambda e=None,r=curRow,f=self.currentDir+os.sep+fname:self.doRecordFrom(f,r)))
self.has_recordFrom_buttons = True
curRow += 1
self.addMoreRow = curRow ; self.maxPrefix = maxPrefix+1
if curRow<3 and not hadDirectories: self.addMore() # anyway
if not dirToHighlight==None: # didn't find it, so focus the first one
b = self.coords2buttons.get((0,2),None)
if not b: b = self.coords2buttons.get((0,0),None)
if b: b.focus() # don't focusButton in this case - no Mac flashing
r2 = Tkinter.Frame(r) ; r2.pack(side="left")
makeButton(r2,text=localise("Record from file"),command=self.do_recordFromFile).pack()
r2 = Tkinter.Frame(r) ; r2.pack(side="left")
if not self.always_enable_synth: makeButton(r2,text=localise("Mix with computer voice"),command=self.enable_synth).pack()
r = Tkinter.Frame(r2) ; r.pack()
if got_program("lame"): self.CompressButton = makeButton(r,text=localise("Compress all"),command=(lambda *args:self.all2mp3_or_zip())) # was "Compress all recordings" but it takes too much width
# TODO else can we see if it's possible to get the encoder on the fly, like in the main screen? (would need some restructuring)
elif got_program("zip") and (explorerCommand or winCEsound): self.CompressButton = makeButton(r,text=localise("Zip for email"),command=(lambda *args:self.all2mp3_or_zip()))
if hasattr(self,"CompressButton"): self.CompressButton.pack(side="left")
makeButton(r,text=localise(cond(recorderMode,"Quit","Back to main menu")),command=self.finished).pack(side="left")
if winCEsound and not tkSnack: msg="Click on filenames at left to rename; click synthesized text to edit it"
else: msg="Choose a word and start recording. Then press space to advance (see control at top). You can also browse and manage previous recordings. Click on filenames at left to rename (multi-line pastes are allowed); click synthesized text to edit it."
Tkinter.Label(self.frame,text=msg,wraplength=cond(olpc or winCEsound,self.ourCanvas.winfo_screenwidth(),min(int(self.ourCanvas.winfo_screenwidth()*.7),512))).grid(columnspan=2) # (512-pixel max. so the column isn't too wide to read on wide screens, TODO increase if the font is large)
# (Don't worry about making the text files editable - editable filenames should be enough + easier to browse the result outside Gradint; can include both languages in the filename if you like - hope the users figure this out as we don't want to make the instructions too complex)
def doRecWords(): # called from GUI thread
if hasattr(app,"LessonRow"): app.thin_down_for_lesson() # else recorderMode
app.Label.pack_forget() ; app.CancelRow.pack_forget()
global theRecorderControls
try: theRecorderControls
except: theRecorderControls=RecorderControls()
# Functions for recording on S60 phones:
def s60_recordWord():
if secondLanguage==firstLanguage: l1Suffix, l1Display = firstLanguage+"-meaning_"+firstLanguage, "meaning"
else: l1Suffix, l1Display = firstLanguage, firstLanguage
while True:
l2 = s60_recordFile(secondLanguage)
if not l2: return
l1 = None
while not l1:
if (not maybeCanSynth(firstLanguage)) or getYN("Record "+l1Display+" too? (else computer voice)"): l1 = s60_recordFile(l1Suffix) # (TODO what if maybeCanSynth(secondLanguage) but not first, and we want to combine 2nd-lang synth with 1st-lang recorded? low priority as if recording will prob want to rec L2)
l1txt = appuifw.query(u""+firstLanguage+" text:","text")
if l1txt:
l1 = "newfile_"+firstLanguage+dottxt
if not l1 and getYN("Discard the "+secondLanguage+" recording?"):
os.remove(l2) ; break
if not l1: continue
ls = list2set(os.listdir(samplesDirectory))
def inLs(prefix):
for ext in [dotwav,dotmp3,dottxt]:
for l in [firstLanguage,secondLanguage]:
if prefix+"_"+l+ext in ls: return 1
c = 1
while inLs("%02d" % c): c += 1
origPrefix = prefix = u""+("%02d" % c)
while True:
prefix = appuifw.query(u"Filename:","text",prefix)
if not prefix: # pressed cancel ??
if getYN("Discard this recording?"):
os.remove(l1) ; os.remove(l2) ; return
prefix = origPrefix ; continue
if not inLs(prefix) or getYN("File exists. overwrite?"): break
if samplesDirectory: prefix=samplesDirectory+os.sep+prefix
if not getYN("Record another?"): break
def s60_recordFile(language):
fname = "newfile_"+language+dotwav
while True:
def forgetS():
try: os.remove(fname)
except: pass
if not getYN("Press OK to record "+language+" word"): return forgetS()
ret = getYN("Press OK to stop") ; S.stop()
if not ret:
forgetS() ; continue
ret = getYN("Are you happy with this?")
S.stop() ; S.close()
if not ret:
os.remove(fname) ; continue
return fname