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# This file is part of the source code of
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# gradint v0.9973 (c) 2002-2011 Silas S. Brown. GPL v3+.
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#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.

# Start of loop.py - the main loop (not including Tk front-end etc)

def doOneLesson(dbase):
    global saveLesson
    if dbase:
        soFar = dbase.message()
        lesson = dbase.makeLesson()
        soFar = "Re-loading saved lesson, so not scanning collection."
        if compress_progress_file: lesson=pickle.Unpickler(os.popen('gzip -fdc "'+saveLesson+'"','rb')).load()
        else: lesson=pickle.Unpickler(open(saveLesson,'rb')).load()
    if app and not dbase: app.setNotFirstTime()
    while 1:
      global cancelledFiles ; cancelledFiles = []
      global askAgain_explain ; askAgain_explain = ""
      if not justSaveLesson:
        if emulated_interruptMain: check_for_interrupts() # (avoid confusion if cancel pressed before message shown)
        msg = soFar+"\n"+lesson.message() # +"\n(When you continue, there will be a 5 second delay\nto sit comfortably)"
        if waitBeforeStart:
            time.sleep(2) # less confusing for beginners
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        elif not app and not appuifw: show_info(msg+interrupt_instructions()+"\n",True)
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        if startFunction: startFunction()
        if app:
            app.setLabel("Starting lesson")
            app.cancelling = 0
      if dbase and saveProgress and not dbase.saved_completely: # justSaveLesson is a no-op if not first time through lesson (because scripts that use it probably mean "save if not already save"; certainly don't mean "play if is saved")
          if cancelledFiles: dbase.savePartial(cancelledFiles)
          else: dbase.save()
          if dbase.saved_completely and app: app.setNotFirstTime() # dbase.saved_completely could have been done by EITHER of the above (e.g. overlapping partial saves)
          if saveLesson:
              if compress_progress_file: pickle.Pickler(os.popen('gzip -9 > "'+saveLesson+'"','wb'),-1).dump(lesson)
              else: pickle.Pickler(open(saveLesson,"wb"),-1).dump(lesson)
              saveLesson = None # so saves only the first when doing multiple lessons
              if justSaveLesson: break
      if not app and not app==None: break # close box pressed
      if not waitBeforeStart or not getYN(cond(not askAgain_explain and (not dbase or not saveProgress or dbase.saved_completely),"Hear this lesson again?",askAgain_explain+"Start this lesson again?")): break

if loadLesson==-1: loadLesson=(fileExists(saveLesson) and time.localtime(os.stat(saveLesson).st_mtime)[:3]==time.localtime()[:3])

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def lesson_loop():
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  global app,availablePrompts,teacherMode
  if ask_teacherMode and not soundCollector and waitBeforeStart: teacherMode=getYN("Use teacher assistant mode? (say 'no' for self-study)")
    # doLabel("Scanning prompts") # rarely takes long even on low-end systems
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    init_scanSamples() # in case was messed around with before
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    availablePrompts = AvailablePrompts() # here so app is already initialised before any warnings
    global dbase # so can be accessed by interrupt handler
    if loadLesson: dbase=None
        doLabel("Loading progress data")
        dbase = ProgressDatabase()
        if not dbase.data:
            msg = "There are no words to put in the lesson."
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            if app or appuifw:
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                drop_to_synthloop = False
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                msg = localise(msg)+"\n"+localise("Please add some words first.")
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                drop_to_synthloop = (synth_partials_voices or get_synth_if_possible("en",0) or viable_synths) # the get_synth_if_possible call here is basically to ensure viable_synths is populated
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                msg += "\nPlease read the instructions on the website\nwhich tell you how to add words.\n"+cond(drop_to_synthloop,"Dropping back to justSynthesize loop.\n","")
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            if drop_to_synthloop:
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                clearScreen() ; show_info(msg)
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            else: waitOnMessage(msg)
    doLabel("Making lesson")
  finally: teacherMode=0