elifd=="Eth=":# Eth=ethernet address, to connect via Bluetooth, tested on Raspberry Pi 400 with Raspbian 11
os.system("if ! pacmd list-sinks | grep "+eth.replace(":","_")+" >/dev/null; then while true; do bluetoothctl --timeout 1 disconnect ; sleep 5 ; while ! bluetoothctl --timeout 5 connect "+eth+" | egrep 'Connection.successful|Connected'; do sleep 5; done ; Got=0; for Try in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z; do if pacmd list-sinks | grep "+eth.replace(":","_")+" >/dev/null; then Got=1; break; fi; sleep 1; done; if [ $Got = 1 ] ; then break; fi; done; fi; pacmd set-default-sink bluez_sink."+eth.replace(":","_")+".a2dp_sink")# ; play /usr/share/scratch/Media/Sounds/Animal/Dog1.wav # (not really necessary if using 'close the socket' to signal we're ready)
os.system("M=/dev/null;E="+eth+";if ! pacmd list-sinks | grep "+eth.replace(":","_")+" >$M; then while true; do bluetoothctl --timeout 1 disconnect | grep Missing >$M||sleep 5;T=5;while ! bluetoothctl --timeout $T connect $E | tee $M | egrep \"Connectionsuccessful|Device $E Connected: yes\"; do sleep 5; T=10;M=/dev/stderr;bluetoothctl --timeout 1 devices;echo Retrying $E; done ; Got=0; for Try in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z; do if pacmd list-sinks | grep "+eth.replace(":","_")+" >/dev/null; then Got=1; break; fi; sleep 1; done; if [ $Got = 1 ] ; then break; fi; done; fi; pacmd set-default-sink bluez_sink."+eth.replace(":","_")+".a2dp_sink")# ; play /usr/share/scratch/Media/Sounds/Animal/Dog1.wav # (not really necessary if using 'close the socket' to signal we're ready)