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thindown.py 13.2 KiB
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#!/usr/bin/env python
#  (works on either Python 2 or Python 3)

# program to "thin down" the gradint .py for low memory environments
# by taking out some of the code that's unused on that platform

# This file is part of the source code of Gradint
# (c) Silas S. Brown.
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#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
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import sys, re
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tk_only = [ # we want these on WinCE but not S60:
# note: comments are stripped BEFORE checking against this list
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"def words_exist():",
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"def reviseCount(num):", # used only in Tk for now
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"if mp3web:",
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"class InputSourceManager(object):",
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"class InputSource(object):",
"class MicInput(InputSource):",
"class PlayerInput(InputSource):",
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"class ButtonScrollingMixin(object):",
"class RecorderControls(ButtonScrollingMixin):",
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"def doRecWords():",
"if app:","elif app:",
"def addStatus(widget,status,mouseOnly=0):",
"def addButton(parent,text,command,packing=None,status=None):",
"def addLabel(row,label):",
"def CXVMenu(e):",
"def selectAll(e):",
"def selectAllButNumber(e):",
"def addTextBox(row,wide=0):",
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"def addLabelledBox(row,wide=0,status=None):",
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"def addRow(parent,wide=0):",
"def addRightRow(widerow):",
"def make_output_row(parent):",
"def select_userNumber(N,updateGUI=1):",
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"def select_userNumber2(N):",
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"def updateUserRow(fromMainMenu=0):","def get_userNames():",
"def set_userName(N,unicodeName):",
"def wrapped_set_userName(N,unicodeName):",
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"def renameUser(i,radioButton,parent,cancel=0):",
"def deleteUser(i):",
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"def addUserToFname(fname,userNo):",
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"def setupScrollbar(parent,rowNo):",
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"def focusButton(button):",
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"def bindUpDown(o,alsoLeftRight=False):",
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"class ExtraButton(object):",
"def make_extra_buttons_waiting_list():",
"def startTk():",
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# "def guiVocabList(parsedVocab):", # now actually used on S60
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"def synchronizeListbox(listbox,masterList):",
"if useTK:",
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"if useTK and not tkSnack:",
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"def openDirectory(dir,inGuiThread=0):",
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"def gui_event_loop():",
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"def makeButton(parent,text,command):",
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"def vocabLinesWithLangs():",
"if Tk_might_display_wrong_hanzi:",
"def setup_samplesDir_ifNec(d=0):",
"def filename2unicode(f):",
"def unicode2filename(u):",
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not_S60_or_android = [ # but may still need on winCE
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"if winsound:",
"if winsound or mingw32:",
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"class ESpeakSynth(Synth):","def espeak_volume_ok():",
'if winCEsound or ((winsound or mingw32) and not os.sep in tmpPrefix and not tmpPrefix.startswith("C:")):',
'def got_program(prog):', # as no non-winsound/unix
'if useTK and runInBackground and not (winsound or mingw32) and hasattr(os,"fork") and not "gradint_no_fork" in os.environ:',
'def maybe_warn_mp3():',
'elif (cygwin or ((winsound or mingw32) and winsound_also)) and os.sep in file:',
'elif (winsound and not (self.length>10 and wavPlayer)) or winCEsound:',
"elif wavPlayer.find('sndrec32')>=0:",
'elif wavPlayer:', # it'll take appuifw/android 1st
'if winsound or mingw32 or cygwin:',
'elif winsound or mingw32 or cygwin:',
'for s in synth_priorities.split():', # Ekho/eSpeak/MacOS/SAPI not available on S60/Android (well, not that we can yet call into)
'def import_recordings(destDir=None):', # TODO: document in advanced.txt that this option is non-functional on S60/Android?  (code WOULD work if suitably configured, but unlikely to be used and we need to save size)
"elif msvcrt:",
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not_android = [
"if not app and not app==False and not appuifw and not android:",
"elif not android:",
"def fileExists(f):", # assume we got os.path
"def fileExists_stat(f):",
"def isDirectory(directory):",
"for p in [progressFile,progressFileBackup,pickledProgressFile]:", # this coherence check is not likely to be a problem on Android, and we could do with saving the space
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"if need_say_where_put_progress:", # ditto
'def check_for_interrupts():','if emulated_interruptMain:','if emulated_interruptMain or winCEsound:','def handleInterrupt():', # no current way to do this on Android (unlike S60/WinCE)
r"if not '\xc4'.lower()=='\xc4':", # this workaround is not needed on Android
r"if not fileExists(configFiles[0]) and sys.argv and (os.sep in sys.argv[0] or (os.sep=='\\' and '/' in sys.argv[0])):", # that logic not likely to work on Android (but we do need the rest of that block)
"def guiVocabList(parsedVocab):", # not yet available on Android (unlike S60, TODO?)

riscos_only = [
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"if riscos_sound:",
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"elif riscos_sound:",
'if riscos_sound and hex(int(time.time())).find("0xFFFFFFFF")>=0 and not outputFile:',
"class OldRiscosSynth(Synth):",
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'if not extsep==".":', # RISC OS
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mac_only = [
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'if macsound and __name__=="__main__":',
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'if macsound and "_" in os.environ:',
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"if macsound:","elif macsound:",
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'if hasattr(app,"isBigPrint") and macsound:',
'elif macsound and got_program("afconvert"):',
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desktop_only = [ # Don't want these on either WinCE or S60:
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'if hasattr(app,"isBigPrint") and winsound:',
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"if unix:","elif unix:",
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"def disable_lid(restore):",
'if unix and isDirectory("/dev/snd") and got_program("arecord"):',
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"if unix and (';' in cmd or '<' in cmd):",
'elif wavPlayer=="sox":',
'elif wavPlayer=="aplay" and ((not fileType=="mp3") or madplay_path or gotSox):',
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"def simplified_header(fname):",
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"def win2cygwin(path):","elif cygwin:",
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"if paranoid_file_management:",
"elif unix and not macsound:",
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"elif unix and hasattr(os,\"popen\"):",
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"def wavToMp3(directory):",
"def makeMp3Zips(baseDir,outDir,zipNo=0,direc=None):",
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"def check_for_slacking():",
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"def checkAge(fname,message):",
"def downloadLAME():",
"def decode_mp3(file):",
"class Mp3FileCache(object):",
"class OSXSynth_Say(Synth):",
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"def aiff2wav(fname):", # (used only on Mac)
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"class OSXSynth_OSAScript(Synth):",
"class PttsSynth(Synth):",
"def sapi_sox_bug_workaround(wavdata):",
"class FliteSynth(Synth):",
"def espeak_stdout_works():", # called only if unix
# (keep ESpeakSynth for WinCE)
"class EkhoSynth(Synth):",
"class FestivalSynth(Synth):",
"class GeneralSynth(Synth):", # (needs os.system, so not S60/WinCE)
"class GeneralFileSynth(Synth):", # (ditto)
"class ShellEvent(Event):",
# And the following are desktop only because they need sox:
"if gotSox and unix:",
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"class SoundCollector(object):","if soundCollector:",
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"def oggenc():",
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"def outfile_writeBytes(o,bytes):",
"def outfile_close(o):",
"def outfile_writeFile(o,handle,filename):",
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"class ShSoundCollector(object):",
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"def outfile_write_error():",
"def lame_quiet():",
"def beepCmd(soxParams,fname):",
"def collector_time():",
"def collector_sleep(s):",
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"def dd_command(offset,length):",
"def lame_endian_parameters():",
"if outputFile:",
"def setSoundCollector(sc):",
"def getAmplify(directory):",
"def doAmplify(directory,fileList,factor):",
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"def gui_outputTo_end(openDir=True):",
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"def gui_outputTo_start():",
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"def warn_sox_decode():",
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'if disable_once_per_day==1:',
'if once_per_day&2 and not hasattr(sys,"_gradint_innerImport"):',
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'if once_per_day&1 and fileExists(progressFile) and time.localtime(os.stat(progressFile).st_mtime)[:3]==time.localtime()[:3]:',
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'def optimise_partial_playing(ce):',
'def optimise_partial_playing_list(ceList):',
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winCE_only = [
"if use_unicode_filenames:",
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"if winCEsound:",'elif winCEsound:',
'if winCEsound and __name__=="__main__":',
'elif winCEsound and fileType=="mp3":',
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"if WMstandard:",
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not_winCE = [
"if not winCEsound:",

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S60_only = [
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'if sys.platform.find("ymbian")>-1:',
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"class S60Synth(Synth):",
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"if appuifw:","elif appuifw:",
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"def s60_recordWord():",
"def s60_recordFile(language):",
"def s60_addVocab():",
"def s60_changeLang():",
"def s60_runLesson():",
"def s60_viewVocab():",
"def s60_main_menu():",

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android_only = [
"if android:",
"elif android:",
"class AndroidSynth(Synth):",
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"def android_recordWord():",
"def android_recordFile(language):",
"def android_main_menu():",
"def android_addVocab():",
"def android_changeLang():",

android_or_S60 = [
"def droidOrS60RecWord(recFunc,inputFunc):",
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if "s60" in sys.argv: # S60 version
  version = "S60"
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  to_omit = tk_only + desktop_only + winCE_only + not_S60_or_android + android_only + riscos_only + mac_only
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elif "android" in sys.argv: # Android version
  version = "Android"
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  to_omit = tk_only + desktop_only + winCE_only + S60_only + not_S60_or_android + not_android + riscos_only + mac_only
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elif "wince" in sys.argv: # Windows Mobile version
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  version = "WinCE"
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  to_omit = desktop_only + S60_only + android_only + android_or_S60 + not_winCE + riscos_only + mac_only
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elif "core" in sys.argv: # experimental "core code only" for 'minimal embedded porting' starting point (no UI, no synth, limited file I/O; you'll probably have to load up the event data yourself)
  version = "core"
  to_omit = tk_only + not_S60_or_android + not_android + riscos_only + mac_only + desktop_only + winCE_only + S60_only + android_only + android_or_S60 + [
"def main():",
"def rest_of_main():",
'if __name__=="__main__":',
"def transliterates_differently(text,lang):",
"def primitive_synthloop():",
"def appendVocabFileInRightLanguages():",
'def delOrReplace(L2toDel,L1toDel,newL2,newL1,action="delete"):',
"def generalCheck(text,language,pauseOnError=0):",
"def localise(s):",
"def singular(number,s):",
"def readText(l):",
"def asUnicode(x):",
"def updateSettingsFile(fname,newVals):",
"def clearScreen():",
"def startBrowser(url):",'def getYN(msg,defaultIfEof="n"):',"def waitOnMessage(msg):",
"def interrupt_instructions():",
"def parseSynthVocab(fname,forGUI=0):",
"def scanSamples_inner(directory,retVal,doLimit):",
"def getLsDic(directory):",
"def check_has_variants(directory,ls):",
"def exec_in_a_func(x):",
"def scanSamples(directory=None):",
"def synth_from_partials(text,lang,voice=None,isStart=1):",
"def partials_langname(lang):",
"if partialsDirectory and isDirectory(partialsDirectory):",
'for zipToCheck in ["yali-voice","yali-lower","cameron-voice"]:',
'def stripPuncEtc(text):',
'def can_be_synthesized(fname,dirBase=None,lang=None):',
'def synthcache_lookup(fname,dirBase=None,printErrors=0,justQueryCache=0,lang=None):',
'def textof(fname):',
'if synthCache and transTbl in synthCache_contents:',
'if synthCache:',
'class Partials_Synth(Synth):',
'def abspath_from_start(p):',
'class SynthEvent(Event):',
'def pinyin_uColon_to_V(pinyin):',
'def synth_event(language,text,is_prompt=0):',
'def get_synth_if_possible(language,warn=1,to_transliterate=False):',
'if wavPlayer_override or (unix and not macsound and not (oss_sound_device=="/dev/sound/dsp" or oss_sound_device=="/dev/dsp")):',
'def fix_compatibility(utext):',
'def read_chinese_number(num):',
'def preprocess_chinese_numbers(utext,isCant=0):',
'def intor0(v):',
'def fix_pinyin(pinyin,en_words):',
'def fix_commas(text):',
'def shell_escape(text):',
'class SimpleZhTransliterator(object):',
'def sort_out_pinyin_3rd_tones(pinyin):',
'def ensure_unicode(text):',
'def unzip_and_delete(f,specificFiles="",ignore_fail=0):',
'class Synth(object):',
'def quickGuess(letters,lettersPerSec):',"def changeToDirOf(file,winsound_also=0):",'if app or appuifw or android:',
'def subst_some_synth_for_synthcache(events):',
'def decide_subst_synth(cache_fname):',
'if winsound or winCEsound or mingw32 or riscos_sound or not hasattr(os,"tempnam") or android:',
'if len(sys.argv)>1:',
'def readSettings(f):',
'def exc_info(inGradint=True):',
'if not fileExists(configFiles[0]):',
'def u8strip(d):']
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else: assert 0, "Unrecognised version on command line"

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revertToIndent = lastIndentLevel = indentLevel = -1
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lCount = -1 ; inTripleQuotes=0 ; orig = []
for l in sys.stdin:
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  lCount += 1
  if lCount==2: print ("\n# NOTE: this version has been automatically TRIMMED for "+version+" (some non-"+version+" code taken out)\n")
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  assert not "\t" in l, "can't cope with tabs"
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  lastIndentLevel,indentLevel = indentLevel,-1
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  for i in range(len(l)):
    if not l[i]==" ":
      indentLevel = i ; break
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  was_inTripleQuotes = inTripleQuotes
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  if (len(l.split('"""'))%2) == 0: inTripleQuotes = not inTripleQuotes
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  if indentLevel<0 or indentLevel==len(l) or (revertToIndent>=0 and (indentLevel>revertToIndent or was_inTripleQuotes)): continue
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  justRevertedI,revertToIndent = revertToIndent,-1
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  code0 = (l+"#")[:l.find("#")].rstrip()
  code = code0.lstrip()
  if (code in to_omit or (':' in code and code[:code.index(':')+1] in to_omit)) and not was_inTripleQuotes:
    if ':' in code and code[:code.index(':')+1] in to_omit: code = code[:code.index(':')+1]
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    if code.startswith("def "): code=re.sub(r"\([^)][^)][^)]+\)",r"(*_)",code)
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    if code.startswith("elif "): pass # can always remove those lines completely, even if will be followed by an 'else' (and will never be the only thing in its block)
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      if code.startswith("if "): code="if 0:"
      print (" "*indentLevel+code+" pass # trimmed")
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    revertToIndent = indentLevel
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  elif not code:
    if "#    " in l or lCount < 2: print (l) # keep start and GPL comments
  elif ('"' in code and '"' in l[len(code):]) or ("'" in code and "'" in l[len(code):]): print (l) # perhaps # was in a string, keep it
  else: print (code0)
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orig = "".join(orig)
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for o in to_omit:
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  if not o in orig: sys.stderr.write("Warning: line not matched: "+o)