#!/usr/bin/env python
# (should work in both Python 2 and Python 3)
# Silas S. Brown - public domain - no warranty
# connect to port 8124 (assumes behind firewall)
# and each connection can send WAV or MP3 data
# so gradint advanced.txt can do
# wavPlayer = mp3Player = "nc HostName 8124 -q 0 <"
# (most of this script assumes GNU/Linux)
import socket, select, os, sys, os.path, time
for a in sys.argv:
if a.startswith("--rpi-bluetooth-eth="):
# tested on Raspberry Pi 400 with Raspbian 11
os.system("if ! pacmd list-sinks | grep "+eth.replace(":","_")+" >/dev/null; then while true; do bluetoothctl --timeout 1 disconnect "+eth+" ; sleep 5 ; while ! bluetoothctl --timeout 5 connect "+eth+" | egrep 'Connection.successful|Connected'; do sleep 5; done ; Got=0; for Try in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z; do if pacmd list-sinks | grep "+eth.replace(":","_")+" >/dev/null; then Got=1; break; fi; sleep 1; done; if [ $Got = 1 ] ; then break; fi; done; fi; pacmd set-default-sink bluez_sink."+eth.replace(":","_")+".a2dp_sink; play /usr/share/scratch/Media/Sounds/Animal/Dog1.wav; sudo ethtool --set-eee eth0 eee off; echo Ready") # (eee off: improves reliability of gigabit ethernet on RPi400)
elif a.startswith("--rpi-bluetooth-setup-eth="):
os.system('mkdir -p /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi && cp /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/ && echo python '+os.path.join(os.getcwd(),sys.argv[0])+' --rpi-bluetooth-eth='+eth+' >> /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart && sudo "usermod -G bluetooth -a pi ; (echo load-module module-switch-on-connect;echo load-module module-bluetooth-policy;echo load-module module-bluetooth-discover) >> /etc/pulse/ ; (echo [General];echo FastConnectable = true) >> /etc/bluetooth/main.conf ; reboot"')
elif a=="--aplay": use_aplay = True # aplay and madplay, for older embedded devices, NOT tested together with --rpi-bluetooth-* above
elif a.startswith("--delegate="): delegate_to_check=a.split('=')[1] # will ping that IP and delegate all sound to it when it's up. E.g. if it has better amplification but it's not always switched on.
elif a.startswith("--chime="): chime_mp3=a.split('=')[1] # if clock bell desired, e.g. echo '$i-14vfff$c48o0l1b- @'|mwr2ly > && lilypond && timidity -Ow chime.midi && audacity chime.wav (amplify + trim) + mp3-encode (keep default 44100 sample rate so ~38 frames per sec). Not designed to work with --delegate. Pi1's 3.5mm o/p doesn't sound very good with this bell.
try: delegate_to_check
except: delegate_to_check = None
try: chime_mp3
except: chime_mp3 = None
last_chime = last_play = 0
if type(b"")==type(""): S=lambda x:x # Python 2
else: S=lambda x:x.decode("latin1") # Python 3
if chime_mp3:
t = time.time()
if t > last_chime+60 and t%1800 < 60 and not t<last_play+20:
last_chime = t ; h,m=time.localtime(t)[3:5]
if m>1: numChimes = 1
elif not h%12: numChimes = 12
else: numChimes = h%12
if not 7<=h%24<=22: pass # silence the chime at night
elif use_aplay:
if numChimes > 1: os.system("(madplay -Q -t 1 -o wav:- '"+chime_mp3+"'"+(";madplay -Q -t 1 -o raw:- '"+chime_mp3+"'")*(numChimes-2)+";madplay -Q -o raw:- '"+chime_mp3+"') | aplay -q")
else: os.system("madplay -Q -o wav:- '%s' | aplay -q" % chime_mp3)
elif numChimes > 1: os.system("(mpg123 -w - -n 38 --loop %d '%s' ; mpg123 -s '%s') 2>/dev/null | play -t wav --ignore-length - 2>/dev/null" % (numChimes-1,chime_mp3,chime_mp3))
else: os.system("mpg123 -q '%s'" % chime_mp3)
if not[s],[],[],1800-time.time()%1800)[0]: continue
try: d = S(c.recv(4))
except: # e.g. timeout, or there was an error reading the file on the remote side and we got 0 bytes
c.close() ; continue
if delegate_to_check and not a==delegate_to_check and delegate_known_down < time.time()-60 and not os.system("ping -c 1 -w 0.5 '"+delegate_to_check+"' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null"): player = "nc -N '"+delegate_to_check+"' 8124"
elif d=='RIFF': # WAV
if use_aplay: player = "aplay -q"
else: player = "play - 2>/dev/null"
try: d = S(c.recv(5))
except: d = ""
elif use_aplay: player = "madplay -Q -o wav:- - | aplay -q" # MP3
else: player = "mpg123 - 2>/dev/null" # MP3 non-aplay
if delegate_known_down < time.time()-60 and not player.startswith("nc -N "): delegate_known_down = time.time()
d = d.encode("latin1") # no-op on Python 2
try: player.write(d)
except TypeError: # Python 3
try: d = c.recv(4096)
except: d = ""