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21 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.025Mar232118826Feb24Jan20177130Dec2238Oct322Aug75330Jul27251311925Jun232124May22212Feb29Jan20426Nov2164231Oct19181714131229Sep23141226Aug72130Jul2928272120625Jun1917422May2019181716151413121195432129Apr28272625232220181726Mar241923Feb211917151311975331Jan292724221816141210529Dec262412920Nov1715136121Oct1218Sep96230Aug2822201511874223Jul211920Jun18121121May976543128Apr2512111027Mar25Feb23221229Jan28211929Dec24853225Nov18171615141312111098765432127Oct252424Sep20191817131211109854323Aug222116151486129Jul2719139219Jun181716151476523May211916151311943229Apr282726252413111026Mar24232221191716111097543226Feb987123Jan2215121019Dec1716151119Nov18211Oct29Sep253114Aug526Jul2519161413876329Jun2219121110983224May2119151317Apr129Mar2725211918141164327Feb261729Jan21181710854228Dec241396124Nov232211103214Oct12865425Sep242322212019131211109875432130Aug29262524232221928Jul24191513118762130Jun282726252420181514131287643130May272625222117161514119330Apr28272625242318171512103128Mar252120749Feb5432127Jan26251673230Dec272211106528Nov2715141187631Oct292630Sep29282522212015135229Aug282625242322212019161311987642131Jul281716125128Jun2726232221201897654131May30292827262418161514982130Apr272419181613111098643229Mar2827261918151485228Feb1918138643fix IP monitoring in face of timeouts on Python 3v3.243 masterv3.243 masterannogen Android apps try to override sites disabling user-selectannogen Android apps EPUB improve page-change speed in some circumstancesannogen Android apps fix EPUBs with unusual characters in internal filenames + skip toc on Nextwildcard-limit optionv3.242v3.242alt-dot * option + adjust URLs with usernamesalt-dot _ 404.html 4dml access adjuster ai.html blindsight.html blindsight.html~ buttery.html cds.html cedpane cgi clara compos config css cvi.html disclaimer elec exam-f.html exam.html game gemini git gradint hedgehog.html hifu.html hifu.html~ htaccess htp.def indexer index.html index-zhf.html index-zh.html law lexconvert london.html Makefile misread.html mwrhome notes old-ccs papers phrases.py poem pooler project public robots.txt russia.py s60 setup site-index.html site-index-zhf.html site-index-zh.html taken-down timetrack.html trademarks.html trademarks.py transcript.html typography-russia.js update WIP wm option + adjust URLs with usernamesv3.241v3.241urlscheme + alt-dot options for post-Feb2020 AppEngine deploys, with limitationsv3.24v3.24annogen Android apps EPUB viewer: back-to-start link when no more pagesfix regression in annogen v3.3591 that sometimes broke page mutation observer on Android 4.4 and abovecall pypi tests from testsfix HTML formatting tweaksmore HTML formatting tweaksannogen improve HTML formatting of help text on small devicesannogen cite legal research by The Pile project (an English text source used by EleutherAI/pythia)Update README.md, man/adjuster.1, man/annogen.1, man/termlayout.1annogen apps epub auto-generated contents filename %-decodeannogen gloss-simplify optionannogen apps 3line short mode: avoid sometimes clearing gloss that starts with parenthesisannogen Android apps reduce initial load delay for image-heavy EPUB pagesannogen Android apps use built-in zoom instead of PinchZoom, see https://github.com/manuelstofer/pinchzoom/issues/64annogen Android apps PinchZoom support for EPUB imagesUpdate README.mdannogen --version + tweak HTML helptermlayout --versionFreeBSD port update (committed)annogen apps update SDK level requirement (tested on S21/Android 14)annogen fix v3.37 regression on ManifestV3 extensionsUI options: submitPromptTitle, submitPromptAction, htmlFilterCollapse, identifyAdjusterOnUploadedTextv3.239v3.239fix for Selenium 4v3.238v3.238annogen gecko-id optionfix wrong host log on extension crash; fix help text paging on some Tornado 6 versionsv3.237v3.237annogen avoid using concurrent.futures Python 2 backport when running as submodule (known deadlock)v3.236v3.236PyPI packages; annogen multicore now working on Mac Python 3.4+ and 3.14 forward compatibilityannogen allow known-characters option in browser extensionsannogen refactor, fixes isTxt-etc regexes in browser extensionfix warnings in Python 3.12getdefaultlocale deprecated in Python 3.11annogen browser extensions help text: postponed MV3 dateupdate URL in comment