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annogen.py 198 KiB
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Silas S. Brown's avatar
Silas S. Brown committed
  int u8bytes=0; while(u16[u8bytes++]); u8bytes*=3;
  do {
    if(!(*u16&~0x7f)) *p++=*u16;
    else {
      if(!(*u16&~0x7ff)) {
      } else {
  } while(*u16++);
  char fname[MAX_PATH];
  #ifndef _WINCE
  GetTempPathA(sizeof(fname) - 7, fname);
  strcat(fname,"c.html"); /* c for clipboard */
  outFile = fopen(fname,"w");
  if (!outFile) {
  OutWriteStr("<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\"><meta name=\"mobileoptimized\" content=\"0\"><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width\"></head><body><style id=\"ruby\">ruby { display: inline-table; vertical-align: bottom; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 1px; padding-top: 0.5ex; } ruby * { display: inline; vertical-align: top; line-height:1.0; text-indent:0; text-align:center; white-space: nowrap; } rb { display: table-row-group; font-size: 100%; } rt { display: table-header-group; font-size: 100%; line-height: 1.1; }</style>\n<!--[if !IE]>-->\n<style>rt { font-family: Gandhari, DejaVu Sans, Lucida Sans Unicode, Times New Roman, serif !important; }</style>\n<!--<![endif]-->\n");
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  p=pOrig; copyP=p;
  OutWriteStr("<script><!--\nfunction treewalk(n) { var c=n.firstChild; while(c) { if (c.nodeType==1 && c.nodeName!=\"SCRIPT\" && c.nodeName!=\"TEXTAREA\" && !(c.nodeName==\"A\" && c.href)) { treewalk(c); if(c.nodeName==\"RUBY\" && c.title && !c.onclick) c.onclick=Function(\"alert(this.title)\") } c=c.nextSibling; } } function tw() { treewalk(document.body); window.setTimeout(tw,5000); } treewalk(document.body); window.setTimeout(tw,1500);\n//--></script></body></html>");
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Silas S. Brown committed
  TCHAR fn2[sizeof(fname)]; int i;
  for(i=0; fname[i]; i++) fn2[i]=fname[i]; fn2[i]=(TCHAR)0;
  memset(&sei, 0, sizeof(sei));
  sei.cbSize = sizeof(sei);
  sei.lpVerb = TEXT("open");
  sei.lpFile = fn2;
  sei.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
  if (!ShellExecuteEx(&sei)) errorExit("ShellExecuteEx");

  // TODO: sleep(); remove{fname); ?
  // (although it will probably be the same on each run)

  DestroyWindow(win); // TODO: needed?
else: c_end += r"""
  int i; for(i=1; i<argc; i++) {
    if(!strcmp(argv[i],"--help")) {
      puts("Use --ruby to output ruby markup (default)");
      puts("Use --raw to output just the annotations without the base text");
      puts("Use --braces to output as {base-text|annotation}");
      return 0;
    } else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"--ruby")) {
      annotation_mode = ruby_markup;
    } else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"--raw")) {
      annotation_mode = annotations_only;
    } else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"--braces")) {
      annotation_mode = brace_notation;
    } else {
      fprintf(stderr,"Unknown argument '%s'\n(Text should be on standard input)\n",argv[i]); return 1;
Silas S. Brown's avatar
Silas S. Brown committed
# ANDROID: setDefaultTextEncodingName("utf-8") is included as it might be needed if you include file:///android_asset/ URLs in your app (files put into assets/) as well as remote URLs.  (If including ONLY file URLs then you don't need to set the INTERNET permission in Manifest, but then you might as well pre-annotate the files and use a straightforward static HTML app like http://people.ds.cam.ac.uk/ssb22/gradint/html2apk.html )
# Also we get shouldOverrideUrlLoading to return true for URLs that end with .apk .pdf .epub .mp3 etc so the phone's normal browser can handle those (search code below for ".apk" for the list)
additional_intents=''.join(('\n<intent-filter><action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /><category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /><category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" /><data android:scheme="%s" android:host="%s" android:pathPrefix="%s" /></intent-filter>'%(urlparse.urlparse(x).scheme,urlparse.urlparse(x).netloc,urlparse.urlparse(x).path)) for x in os.environ.get("ANNOGEN_ANDROID_URLS","").split())
if additional_intents and "?" in os.environ["ANNOGEN_ANDROID_URLS"]: errExit("Can't include '?' queries in ANNOGEN_ANDROID_URLS (it and anything after it would be ignored)")
Silas S. Brown's avatar
Silas S. Brown committed
android_src = r"""
   As I've been unable to make "Android Studio" work
   on my equipment (I'm not entirely sure why), all I
   can offer are these instructions for compiling on the
   older "Android Developer Tools" (ADT), which were
   deprecated in June 2015 and the download was removed
   in June 2017.  But in case you still have them:

   1.  You might need to increase the amount of RAM it's
       allowed to use, e.g. put -Xmx2g into eclipse.ini
       (be sure to remove any existing -Xmx settings
        otherwise they might override your new setting)
   2.  Go to File / New / Android application project
   3.  Application name = anything you want (for the phone's app menu)
       Project name = anything you want (unique on your development machine)
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       Package name = %%JPACKAGE%%
       Minimum Required SDK = API 1: Android 1.0
       Leave everything else as default
       but make a note of the project directory
       (usually on the second setup screen as "location")
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Silas S. Brown committed
    4. Put *.java into src/%%JPACK2%%
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       (If you DON'T want the app to run in full screen,
       see "Delete the following line if you don't want full screen" below)
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Silas S. Brown committed
    5. Edit project.properties and add the line
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Silas S. Brown committed
    6. Edit AndroidManifest.xml and make it look as below
       (you might need to change targetSdkVersion="19" if
Silas S. Brown's avatar
Silas S. Brown committed
       your SDK has a different targetSdkVersion setting,
       and if you're creating a new version of a
       previously-released app then you might want to
       increase the values of android:versionCode and
       android:versionName for your new app version)
---------------------- cut here ----------------------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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Silas S. Brown committed
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="%%JPACKAGE%%" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0" >
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="1" android:targetSdkVersion="19" />
<application android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:label="@string/app_name" android:theme="@style/AppTheme" >
<activity android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize|keyboardHidden" android:name="%%JPACKAGE%%.MainActivity" android:label="@string/app_name" android:launchMode="singleInstance" >
<intent-filter><action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /><category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /></intent-filter>
<intent-filter><action android:name="android.intent.action.SEND" /><category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /><data android:mimeType="text/plain" /></intent-filter>"""+additional_intents+r"""
---------------------- cut here ----------------------
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Silas S. Brown committed
    7. Copy new AndroidManifest.xml to the bin/ directory
       (so there will be 2 copies, one in the top level
        and the other in bin/ )
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Silas S. Brown committed
    8. Edit res/layout/activity_main.xml and make it like:
---------------------- cut here ----------------------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:orientation="vertical">
  <WebView android:id="@+id/browser" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:layout_width="match_parent" />
---------------------- cut here ----------------------
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Silas S. Brown committed
    9. Restart ADT, do Run / Run As / Android application
   10. Watch ADT's Console window until it says the app
       has started, then interact with the Android virtual
       device to test.  (If install fails, try again.)
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Silas S. Brown committed
   11. .apk file should now be in the bin subdirectory.
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       On a real phone go to "Application settings" or
       "Security" and enable "Unknown sources".  Or if
       you're ready to ship your .apk, select it in
       Eclipse's Package Explorer (left-hand pane) and
       do File / Export / Export Android Application (it
       lets you create a keystore and private signing key)
   12. If you ship your app on Play Store, you are advised
       to use the "beta test" facility before going live.
       Play Store has been known to somehow 'corrupt' APKs
       generated by Annogen, for an unknown reason.  (The
       APK works just fine when run standalone, but fails
       to annotate when downloaded from Play Store.)  When
       this happens, simply incrementing the
       version numbers in the AndroidManifest.xml files
       and re-uploading to Play Store somehow 'fixes' it.
       (Similarly, you might find one version works fine
       but the next does not, even if you've only fixed a
       'typo' between the versions.  Use beta test, and if
       it goes wrong then re-upload.)

       To copy/paste from the annotated text, make sure to
       start the long-press ON a word (not in a space).  This
       appears to be an Android/Chrome limitation (especially
       in version 4, but I haven't been able to test all versions).

       You can annotate local HTML files as well as Web pages.
       Local HTML is placed in the 'assets' folder and referred
       to via --android=file:///android_asset/FILENAME
       where FILENAME is the name of your HTML file.
       A clipboard viewer is placed in clipboard.html.
       You can also set ANNOGEN_ANDROID_URLS to a
       whitespace-separated list of URL prefixes to
       offer to be a browser for.  For example,
       ANNOGEN_ANDROID_URLS="http://example.com http://example.org/documents"
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Silas S. Brown committed
package %%JPACKAGE%%;
import android.webkit.WebView;
import android.webkit.WebChromeClient;
import android.webkit.WebViewClient;
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import android.content.Intent;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
    @android.annotation.TargetApi(19) // 19 for setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled; 7 for setAppCachePath; 3 for setBuiltInZoomControls (but only API 1 is required)
    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // for conditional SDK below
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
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        // ---------------------------------------------
        // Delete the following line if you DON'T want full screen:
        requestWindowFeature(android.view.Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); getWindow().addFlags(android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN);
        // ---------------------------------------------
        browser = (WebView)findViewById(R.id.browser);
        // ---------------------------------------------
        // Delete the following long line if you DON'T want caching (Android 2.1+); caching is useful for persistence if app is removed from memory and then switched back to while user is offline
        if(Integer.valueOf(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK) >= 7) { browser.getSettings().setAppCachePath(getApplicationContext().getCacheDir().getAbsolutePath()); browser.getSettings().setAppCacheMaxSize(10*1048576) /* if API==7 i.e. exactly Android 2.1 (deprecated in API 8) */ ; browser.getSettings().setAppCacheEnabled(true); if(Integer.valueOf(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK)<=19 && savedInstanceState==null) browser.clearCache(true); } // (Android 4.4 has Chrome 33 which has Issue 333804 XMLHttpRequest not revalidating, which breaks some sites, so clear cache when we 'cold start' on 4.4 or below)
        // ---------------------------------------------
        if(Integer.valueOf(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK) >= 19) WebView.setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled(true); // so you can use chrome://inspect in desktop Chromium when connected via USB to Android 4.4+
        browser.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient());
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        class A {
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            public A(MainActivity act) { this.act = act; }
            MainActivity act;
            @android.webkit.JavascriptInterface public String annotate(String t,boolean inLink) { String r=new %%JPACKAGE%%.Annotator(t).result(); if(!inLink) r=r.replaceAll("<ruby","<ruby onclick=\"annotPopAll(this)\""); return r; } // now we have a Copy button, it's convenient to put this on ALL ruby elements, not just ones with title
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            @android.webkit.JavascriptInterface public void alert(String t,String a) {
                class DialogTask implements Runnable {
                    String tt,aa;
                    DialogTask(String t,String a) { tt=t; aa=a; }
                    public void run() {
                        android.app.AlertDialog.Builder d = new android.app.AlertDialog.Builder(act);
                        d.setTitle(tt); d.setMessage(aa);
                        d.setNegativeButton("Copy",new android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                                public void onClick(android.content.DialogInterface dialog,int id) {
                                        String text=tt+" "+aa;
                                if(Integer.valueOf(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK) < android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) // SDK_INT requires API 4 but this works on API 1
                                else ((android.content.ClipboardManager)getSystemService(android.content.Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE)).setPrimaryClip(android.content.ClipData.newPlainText(text,text));
                        d.setPositiveButton("OK", null); // or can just click outside the dialog to clear. (TODO: would be nice if it could pop up somewhere near the word that was touched)
                act.runOnUiThread(new DialogTask(t,a));
            @android.webkit.JavascriptInterface public String getClip() { return readClipboard(); }
            @android.webkit.JavascriptInterface public String getSentText() { return sentText; }
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        browser.addJavascriptInterface(new A(this),"ssb_local_annotator"); // hope no conflict with web JS
        browser.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
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                public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view,String url) { if(url.endsWith(".apk") || url.endsWith(".pdf") || url.endsWith(".epub") || url.endsWith(".mp3") || url.endsWith(".zip")) { startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,android.net.Uri.parse(url))); return true; } else return false; }
                public void onPageFinished(WebView view,String url) {
                    if(Integer.valueOf(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK) < 19) // Pre-Android 4.4, so below runTimer() alternative won't work.  This version has to wait for the page to load entirely (including all images) before annotating.
                    browser.loadUrl("javascript:"+js_common+"function AnnotMonitor() { AnnotIfLenChanged();window.setTimeout(AnnotMonitor,1000)} AnnotMonitor()");
                    else browser.loadUrl("javascript:"+js_common+"AnnotIfLenChanged();var m=window.MutationObserver;if(m)new m(function(mut,obs){if(mut[0].type=='childList'){AnnotIfLenChanged()}}).observe(document.body,{childList:true,subtree:true})"); // (no point waiting the rest of the second for runTimer() to run, especially if this is the initial assets page; also Android 4.4+ has MutationObserver for even faster response to changes, so set that up as well) (and yes we do need to include js_common on this line because we don't know if runTimer has yet happened on this new page)
        if(Integer.valueOf(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK) >= 3) {
        int size=Math.round(16*getResources().getConfiguration().fontScale); // from device accessibility settings
        if (savedInstanceState!=null) browser.restoreState(savedInstanceState); else
        if (!handleIntent(getIntent())) browser.loadUrl("%%ANDROID-URL%%");
    public void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
        super.onNewIntent(intent); handleIntent(intent);
    boolean handleIntent(Intent intent) {
        if (Intent.ACTION_SEND.equals(intent.getAction()) && "text/plain".equals(intent.getType())) {
            sentText = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT);
            if (sentText == null) return false;
            browser.loadUrl("javascript:document.close();document.rubyScriptAdded=0;document.write('<html><head><meta name=\"mobileoptimized\" content=\"0\"><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width\"></head><body>'+ssb_local_annotator.getSentText().replace(/&/g,'&amp;').replace(/</g,'&lt;').replace('\\n','<br>')+'</body>')");
        else if (Intent.ACTION_VIEW.equals(intent.getAction())) {
            browser.loadUrl("javascript:document.close();document.write('<html><head><meta name=\"mobileoptimized\" content=\"0\"><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width\"></head><body>Loading, please wait...</body>')"); // to avoid misunderstanding if there's already a page there and user thinks it's not working
        else return false; return true;
    String sentText = null;
    static final String js_common="""+'"'+jsAnnot("ssb_local_annotator.alert(f(e.firstChild)+' '+f(e.firstChild.nextSibling),e.title||'')","function AnnotIfLenChanged() { var getLen=function(w) { var r=0; if(w.frames && w.frames.length) { var i; for(i=0; i<w.frames.length; i++) r+=getLen(w.frames[i]) } if(w.document && w.document.body && w.document.body.innerHTML) r+=w.document.body.innerHTML.length; return r },curLen=getLen(window); if(curLen!=window.curLen) { annotScan(); window.curLen=getLen(window) } }","","tw0(); "+jsAddRubyCss,"var nv=ssb_local_annotator.annotate(cnv,inLink); if(nv!=cnv) { var newNode=document.createElement('span'); newNode.className='_adjust0'; n.replaceChild(newNode, c); newNode.innerHTML=nv }")+r"""";
    android.os.Handler theTimer;
    void runTimerLoop() {
        if(Integer.valueOf(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK) >= 19) { // on Android 4.4+ we can do evaluateJavascript while page is still loading (useful for slow-network days) - but setTimeout won't usually work so we need an Android OS timer
           theTimer = new android.os.Handler();
            theTimer.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
    @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
        if ((keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) &&
            browser.canGoBack()) {
            browser.goBack(); return true;
        } else return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);
    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // using getText so works on API 1 (TODO consider adding a version check and the more-modern alternative android.content.ClipData c=((android.content.ClipboardManager)getSystemService(android.content.Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE)).getPrimaryClip(); if (c != null && c.getItemCount()>0) return c.getItemAt(0).coerceToText(this).toString(); return ""; )
    public String readClipboard() {
        if(Integer.valueOf(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK) < android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) // SDK_INT requires API 4 but this works on API 1
            return ((android.text.ClipboardManager)getSystemService(android.content.Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE)).getText().toString();
        android.content.ClipData c=((android.content.ClipboardManager)getSystemService(android.content.Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE)).getPrimaryClip();
        if (c != null && c.getItemCount()>0) {
            return c.getItemAt(0).coerceToText(this).toString();
        return "";
    @Override protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { browser.saveState(outState); }
    WebView browser;
if ndk: c_start = c_start.replace("%%android_src%%",android_src.replace("Put *.java into src/%%JPACK2%%","Optionally edit this file, but beware it will be overwritten if the script to generate it is re-run").replace('new %%JPACKAGE%%.Annotator(t).result()','jniAnnotate(t)').replace('%%JPACKAGE%%',ndk).replace('public class MainActivity extends Activity {','public class MainActivity extends Activity {\n    static { System.loadLibrary("Annotator"); }\n    static synchronized native String jniAnnotate(String in);').replace('%%ANDROID-URL%%',android))
android_clipboard = r"""<html><head><meta name="mobileoptimized" content="0"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head><body>
<script>window.onerror=function(msg,url,line){ssb_local_annotator.alert('Error!',''+msg); return true}</script>
    <div id="clip">waiting for clipboard contents</div>
var curClip="";
function update() {
var newClip = ssb_local_annotator.getClip();
if (newClip != curClip) {
  document.getElementById('clip').innerHTML = newClip.replace(/&/g,'&amp;').replace(/</g,'&lt;').replace(/\u200b/g,'');
  curClip = newClip;
} window.setTimeout(update,1000) } update(); </script>
if ndk: c_start = c_start.replace("%%android_clipboard%%",android_clipboard)
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Silas S. Brown committed
java_src = r"""package %%JPACKAGE%%;
public class Annotator {
// use: new Annotator(txt).result()
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public Annotator(String txt) {  nearbytes=%%YBYTES%%; inBytes=s2b(txt); inPtr=0; writePtr=0; needSpace=false; outBuf=new java.util.ArrayList<Byte>(); }
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Silas S. Brown committed
byte[] inBytes;
public int inPtr,writePtr; boolean needSpace;
java.util.List<Byte> outBuf; // TODO improve efficiency (although hopefully this annotator is called for only small strings at a time)
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public void sn(int n) { nearbytes = n; }
static final byte EOF = (byte)0; // TODO: a bit hacky
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public byte nB() {
  if (inPtr==inBytes.length) return EOF;
  return inBytes[inPtr++];
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public boolean n(String s) {
  // for Yarowsky-like matching (use Strings rather than byte arrays or Java compiler can get overloaded)
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  byte[] bytes=s2b(s);
  int offset=inPtr, maxPos=inPtr+nearbytes;
  if (maxPos > inBytes.length) maxPos = inBytes.length;
  maxPos -= bytes.length;
  if(offset>nearbytes) offset-=nearbytes; else offset = 0;
  while(offset <= maxPos) {
    boolean ok=true;
    for(int i=0; i<bytes.length; i++) {
      if(bytes[i]!=inBytes[offset+i]) { ok=false; break; }
    if(ok) return true;
  return false;
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public void o(byte c) { outBuf.add(c); }
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public void o(String s) { byte[] b=s2b(s); for(int i=0; i<b.length; i++) outBuf.add(b[i]); } // TODO: is there a more efficient way to do it than this?
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public void s() {
  if (needSpace) o((byte)' ');
  else needSpace=true;
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public void o(int numBytes,String annot) {
  o("</rb><rt>"); o(annot);
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public void o2(int numBytes,String annot,String title) {
  o("<ruby title=\""); o(title);
  o("</rb><rt>"); o(annot);
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byte[] s2b(String s) {
  // Convert string to bytes - version that works before Android API level 9 i.e. in Java 5 not 6.  (Some versions of Android Lint sometimes miss the fact that s.getBytes(UTF8) where UTF8==java.nio.charset.Charset.forName("UTF-8")) won't always work.  We could do an API9+ version and use @android.annotation.TargetApi(9) around the class (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT won't work on API less than 4 but Integer.valueOf(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK) works), but anyway we'd rather not have to generate a special Android-specific version of Annotator as well as putting Android stuff in a separate class.)
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  try { return s.getBytes("UTF-8"); }
  catch(java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    // should never happen for UTF-8
    return null;
public String result() {
  while(inPtr < inBytes.length) {
    int oldPos=inPtr;
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    if (oldPos==inPtr) { needSpace=false; o(nB()); writePtr++; }
  byte[] b=new byte[outBuf.size()];
  for(int i=0; i<b.length; i++) b[i]=outBuf.get(i); // TODO: is this as efficient as we can get??
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  try { return new String(b, "UTF-8"); } catch(java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return null; }
if os.environ.get("ANNOGEN_CSHARP_NO_MAIN",""):
  cSharp_mainNote = ""
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// or just use the Main() at end (compile with csc, and
// see --help for usage)
//   (to omit this Main() from the generated file, set
//    the environment variable ANNOGEN_CSHARP_NO_MAIN before
//    running Annotator Generator)"""

cSharp_start = "// C# code "+version_stamp+r"""
// use: new Annotator(txt).result()
// (can also set annotation_mode on the Annotator)"""+cSharp_mainNote+r"""
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enum Annotation_Mode { ruby_markup, annotations_only, brace_notation };

class Annotator {
public const string version="""+'"'+version_stamp+r"""";
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public Annotator(string txt) { nearbytes=%%YBYTES%%; inBytes=System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(txt); inPtr=0; writePtr=0; needSpace=false; outBuf=new System.IO.MemoryStream(); annotation_mode = Annotation_Mode.ruby_markup; }
int nearbytes;
public Annotation_Mode annotation_mode;
byte[] inBytes;
int inPtr,writePtr; bool needSpace;
System.IO.MemoryStream outBuf;
const byte EOF = (byte)0; // TODO: a bit hacky
byte nB() {
  if (inPtr==inBytes.Length) return EOF;
  return inBytes[inPtr++];
bool near(string s) {
  byte[] bytes=System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s);
  int offset=inPtr, maxPos=inPtr+nearbytes;
  if (maxPos > inBytes.Length) maxPos = inBytes.Length;
  maxPos -= bytes.Length;
  if(offset>nearbytes) offset-=nearbytes; else offset = 0;
  while(offset <= maxPos) {
    bool ok=true;
    for(int i=0; i<bytes.Length; i++) {
      if(bytes[i]!=inBytes[offset+i]) { ok=false; break; }
    if(ok) return true;
  return false;
void o(byte c) { outBuf.WriteByte(c); }
void o(string s) { byte[] b=System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s); outBuf.Write(b,0,b.Length); }
void s() {
  if (needSpace) o((byte)' ');
  else needSpace=true;
void o(int numBytes,string annot) {
  switch (annotation_mode) {
  case Annotation_Mode.annotations_only:
    o(annot); break;
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Silas S. Brown committed
  case Annotation_Mode.ruby_markup:
    o("</rb><rt>"); o(annot);
    o("</rt></ruby>"); break;
  case Annotation_Mode.brace_notation:
    o("|"); o(annot);
    o("}"); break;
  writePtr += numBytes;
void o2(int numBytes,string annot,string title) {
  if (annotation_mode == Annotation_Mode.ruby_markup) {
    o("<ruby title=\""); o(title);
    writePtr += numBytes;
    o("</rb><rt>"); o(annot);
  } else o(numBytes,annot);
public string result() {
  while(inPtr < inBytes.Length) {
    int oldPos=inPtr;
    if (oldPos==inPtr) { needSpace=false; o(nB()); writePtr++; }
  return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(outBuf.ToArray());
cSharp_end = "}\n"
if cSharp_mainNote: cSharp_end += r"""
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class Test {
  static void Main(string[] args) {
    Annotation_Mode annotation_mode = Annotation_Mode.ruby_markup;
    for(int i=0; i<args.Length; i++) {
      if (args[i]=="--help") {
        System.Console.WriteLine("Use --ruby to output ruby markup (default)");
        System.Console.WriteLine("Use --raw to output just the annotations without the base text");
        System.Console.WriteLine("Use --braces to output as {base-text|annotation}");
      } else if(args[i]=="--ruby") {
        annotation_mode = Annotation_Mode.ruby_markup;
      } else if(args[i]=="--raw") {
        annotation_mode = Annotation_Mode.annotations_only;
      } else if(args[i]=="--braces") {
        annotation_mode = Annotation_Mode.brace_notation;
    Annotator a=new Annotator(System.Console.In.ReadToEnd());
    a.annotation_mode = annotation_mode;

golang_start = '/* "Go" code '+version_stamp+r"""

To set up a Web service on GAE, put this file in a
subdirectory of your project, and create a top-level .go
file with something like:

package server
import (
func init() {
    http.HandleFunc("/", %%PKG%%_handler)
    // add other handlers as appropriate
func %%PKG%%_handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

Then in app.yaml:
application: whatever
version: 1
runtime: go
api_version: go1
- url: /.*
  script: _go_app

Then test with: goapp serve
(and POST to localhost:8080, e.g. via Web Adjuster --htmlFilter="http://localhost:8080")

(To deploy with Web Adjuster also on GAE, you'll need 2 different GAE instances, because
although you could add Web Adjuster on the SAME one - put adjuster's app.yaml into a
python-api.yaml with "module: pythonapi" - there will be the issue of how to set the
URL handlers while making sure that Golang's has priority if it's an exception to .*
- unless you want to port the whole of Web Adjuster to Golang and integrate it into your
annotator that way.)


package %%PKG%%

import (
// We have a Mutex for thread safety.  TODO: option to put
// the global variables into a per-instance struct instead
var mutex sync.Mutex

var inBytes []byte = nil
var outBuf bytes.Buffer
var inPtr int
var writePtr int
var needSpace bool
var nearbytes int = 15

func nB() byte {
   if (inPtr == len(inBytes)) {
      return 0
   tmp := inBytes[inPtr]
   return tmp

func near(s0 string) bool {
   s := make([]byte, len(s0))
   copy (s,s0)
   offset := inPtr
   maxPos := inPtr + nearbytes
   if maxPos > len(inBytes) {
      maxPos = len(inBytes)
   maxPos -= len(s)
   if (offset > nearbytes) {
      offset -= nearbytes
   } else {
      offset = 0
   for(offset <= maxPos) {
      ok := true ; i := 0
      for (i < len(s)) {
         if s[i] != inBytes[offset+i] {
            ok = false ; break
      if (ok) {
         return true
   return false

func oB(c byte) {
func oS(s string) {
func s() {
   if(needSpace) {
      oB(' ')
   } else {
      needSpace = true
func o(numBytes int,annot string) {
  for (numBytes > 0) {
    // TODO: does Go have a way to do this in 1 operation?
func o2(numBytes int,annot string,title string) {
  oS("<ruby title=\"")
  for (numBytes > 0) {
    // TODO: as above
func Annotate(src io.Reader, dest io.Writer) {
   inBuf := new(bytes.Buffer)
   io.Copy(inBuf, src)
   inBytes = inBuf.Bytes()
   inBuf.Reset() ; outBuf.Reset()
   needSpace = false
   inPtr = 0 ; writePtr = 0
   for(inPtr < len(inBytes)) {
      oldPos := inPtr
      if oldPos==inPtr {
         needSpace = false
   // outBuf.WriteTo(dest) // may hold up if still locked, try this instead:
   outBytes := outBuf.Bytes()

  # Bytecode for a virtual machine run by the Javascript version etc
  opcodes = {
    'jump': 50, # params: address
    'call': 51, # params: function address
    'return': 52, # (or 'end program' if top level)
    'switchbyte': 60, # switch(NEXTBYTE) (params: numBytes-1, bytes (sorted, TODO take advantage of this), addresses, default address)
    'copyBytes':71,'o':72,'o2':73, # (don't change these numbers, they're hard-coded below)
    'savepos':80, # local to the function
    'neartest':90, # params: true-label, false-label, byte nbytes, addresses of conds strings until first of the 2 labels is reached (normally true-label, unless the whole neartest is negated)
  def __init__(self):
    self.l = []
    self.d2l = {}
    self.lastLabelNo = 0
    self.addingPosStack = []
  def addOpcode(self,opcode): self.l.append((opcode,))
  def addBytes(self,bStr):
      if type(bStr)==int: self.l.append(chr(bStr))
      elif type(bStr)==str: self.l.append(bStr)
      else: raise Exception("unspported bytes type")
  def startAddingFunction(self):
      self.lastLabelNo = 0
  def finishFunctionAndAddCall(self):
      # make sure to add a return instruction before this!
      fPtr, self.lastLabelNo = self.addingPosStack[-1]
      del self.addingPosStack[-1]
      fBody = tuple(self.l[fPtr:]) ; self.l=self.l[:fPtr]
      if not fBody in self.d2l: # not a duplicate
          self.d2l[fBody] = (-len(self.d2l)-1,)
  def addByteswitch(self,byteArray,labelArray):
      assert len(byteArray) + 1 == len(labelArray)
      # labelArray has the default case added also (TODO: could re-organize code so the bytes immediately after the switch are either the default or one of the items, saving 1 address)
      if not len(byteArray): return # empty switch = no-op
      self.addBytes(len(byteArray)-1) # num of bytes in list - 1 (so all 256 values can be accounted for if needed)
      for i in labelArray: self.addRef(i)
  def addActions(self,actionList):
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    # assert type(actionList) in [list,tuple], repr(actionList)
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      assert 1 <= len(a) <= 3 and type(a[0])==int, repr(a)
      assert 1 <= a[0] <= 255, "bytecode currently supports markup or copy between 1 and 255 bytes only, not %d (but 0 is reserved for expansion)" % a[0]
      self.addBytes(70+len(a)) # 71=copyBytes 72=o() 73=o2
      for i in a[1:]: self.addRefToString(i)
  def addActionDictSwitch(self,byteSeq_to_action_dict,isFunc=True,labelToJump=None):
    # a modified stringSwitch for the bytecode
    # Actions aren't strings: they list tuples of either
    # 1, 2 or 3 items for copyBytes, o(), o2()
    # labelToJump is a jump to insert afterwards if not isFunc and if we don't emit an unconditional 'return'.  Otherwise, will ALWAYS end up with a 'return' (even if not isFunc i.e. the main program)
    allBytes = set(b[0] for b in byteSeq_to_action_dict.iterkeys() if b)
    if isFunc:
        savePos = len(self.l)
    elif ("" in byteSeq_to_action_dict and len(byteSeq_to_action_dict) > 1) or not labelToJump: # ('not labelToJump' and 'not isFunc' == main program)
        savePos = len(self.l)
    else: savePos = None
    if "" in byteSeq_to_action_dict and len(byteSeq_to_action_dict) > 1 and len(byteSeq_to_action_dict[""])==1 and not byteSeq_to_action_dict[""][0][1] and all((len(a)==1 and a[0][0][:len(byteSeq_to_action_dict[""][0][0])]==byteSeq_to_action_dict[""][0][0] and not a[0][1]) for a in byteSeq_to_action_dict.itervalues()):
        l = len(byteSeq_to_action_dict[""][0][0])
        byteSeq_to_action_dict = dict((x,[(y[l:],z)]) for x,[(y,z)] in byteSeq_to_action_dict.iteritems())
        del self.l[savePos] ; savePos = None
        del byteSeq_to_action_dict[""]
        self.addActionDictSwitch(byteSeq_to_action_dict) # as a subfunction (ends up adding the call to it)
        byteSeq_to_action_dict[""] = [("",[])] # for the end of this func
    elif allBytes:
      allBytes = list(allBytes)
      labels = [self.makeLabel() for b in allBytes+[0]]
      for case in allBytes:
        self.addLabelHere(labels[0]) ; del labels[0]
        self.addActionDictSwitch(dict([(k[1:],v) for k,v in byteSeq_to_action_dict.iteritems() if k and k[0]==case]),False,labels[-1])
    if not savePos==None: self.addOpcode('restorepos')
    if isFunc:
        if self.l[-1]==self.l[-2]: del self.l[-1] # double return
        return self.finishFunctionAndAddCall()
    elif "" in byteSeq_to_action_dict:
        default_action = ""
        for action,conds in byteSeq_to_action_dict[""]:
            if conds:
                if type(conds)==tuple: negate,conds,nbytes = conds
                else: negate,nbytes = False,ybytes_max
                assert 1 <= nbytes <= 255, "bytecode supports only single-byte nbytes (but nbytes=0 is reserved for expansion)"
                trueLabel,falseLabel = self.makeLabel(),self.makeLabel()
                assert type(nbytes)==int
                for c in conds: self.addRefToString(c.encode(outcode))
                if negate: trueLabel,falseLabel = falseLabel,trueLabel
            else: default_action = action
        if default_action or not byteSeq_to_action_dict[""]:
            self.addOpcode('return') ; return
    if labelToJump:
    else: self.addOpcode('return')
  def makeLabel(self):
      self.lastLabelNo += 1
      return self.lastLabelNo
  def addLabelHere(self,labelNo):
      assert type(labelNo)==int
      assert labelNo, "label 0 not allowed"
  def addRef(self,labelNo):
      assert type(labelNo)==int
  def addRefToString(self,string):
    assert type(string)==str
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    if python or javascript:
      # prepends with a length hint if possible (or if not
      # prepends with 0 and null-terminates it)
      if 1 <= len(string) < 256:
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      else: string = chr(0)+string+chr(0)
    else: string += chr(0) # just null-termination for C
    if not string in self.d2l:
      self.d2l[string] = (-len(self.d2l)-1,)
  def link(self): # returns resulting bytes
    # (add an 'end program' instruction before calling)
    def f(*args): raise Exception("Must call link() only once")
    self.link = f
    sys.stderr.write("Linking... ")
    for dat,ref in self.d2l.iteritems():
        assert type(ref)==tuple and type(ref[0])==int
        self.l.append((-ref[0],)) # the label
        if type(dat)==str:
            self.l.append(dat) ; continue
        # otherwise it's a function, and non-reserved labels are local, so we need to rename them
        l2l = {}
        for i in dat:
            if type(i)==int:
                if i>0: j=i
                else: j=-i
                if not j in l2l:
                    l2l[j] = self.makeLabel()
                if i>0: self.addLabelHere(l2l[j])
                else: self.addRef(l2l[j])
            else: self.l.append(i) # str or tuple just cp
    del self.d2l
    # elements of self.l are now:
    # - byte strings (just copied in)
    # - positive integers (labels)
    # - negative integers (references to labels)
    # - +ve or -ve integers in tuples (reserved labels: a different counter, used for functions etc)
    # strings in tuples: opcodes
    # 1st byte of o/p is num bytes needed per address
    class TooNarrow(Exception): pass
    for numBytes in xrange(1,256):
        sys.stderr.write("(%d-bit) " % (numBytes*8))
          lDic = {} # the label dictionary
          for P in [1,2,3]:
            labelMove = 0 # amount future labels have to move by, due to instructions taking longer than we thought on pass 2.  NB: this labelMove logic relies on the assumption that, if a short-forward-jump is confirmed in pass 2, then the instructions it jumps over will not have to expand in that pass (otherwise it's possible that the label it jumps to will be moved out of range and the instruction will have to expand on pass 3, causing labels to move on pass 3 which would necessitate another pass; assert should catch this). Assumption should hold in the code we generate ('nested switch' stuff: a 'break' from an inner switch can't possibly refer to a label that occurs after the one referred to by 'break's in the outer switch before that inner switch started, hence if the outer switch is confirmed to be within range of its end label then the inner switch must necessarily be in range of ITS end label) but this might not hold if the generator were to start to emit spaghetti state jumps
            compacted = 0
            labels_seen_this_pass = set() # to avoid backward jumps (as we can't just apply labelMove to them and see if they're behind the program counter, since need to know if they're backward before knowing if labelMove applies)
            r = [chr(numBytes)] ; ll = 1
            count = 0
            while count < len(self.l):
                i = self.l[count] ; count += 1
                if type(i)==tuple and type(i[0])==str:
                    # an opcode: consider rewriting with additional_compact_opcodes if present
                    opcode = i[0]
                    i = chr(BytecodeAssembler.opcodes[opcode])
                    if additional_compact_opcodes:
                      if opcode=='jump' and type(self.l[count])==int:
                        # Maybe we can use a 1-byte relative forward jump (up to 128 bytes), useful for 'break;' in a small switch
                        bytesSaved = numBytes # as we're having a single byte instead of byte + numBytes-addr
                        if P==1: i = ' ' # optimistic placeholder on pass 1 (might have to replace with a normal jump if the label turns out to be too far away)
                        elif -self.l[count] in lDic and not -self.l[count] in labels_seen_this_pass and lDic[-self.l[count]]+labelMove-(ll+1) < 0x80: # it fits
                          compacted += bytesSaved
                          i = chr(0x80 | (lDic[-self.l[count]]+labelMove-(ll+1)))
                          if P==2: labelMove += bytesSaved # because we need a normal jump (if P==3 then the labels should already have been moved into place on pass 2)
                          count -= 1 # counteract the below
                        count += 1
                      elif opcode=='switchbyte' and self.l[count] < 20: # might be able to do the short version of switchbyte as well
                        numItems = self.l[count]+1 # it's len-1
                        # self.l[count+1] is the bytes; labels start at self.l[count+2]
                        numLabels = numItems+1 # there's an extra default label at the end
                        instrLen = 1+numItems+numLabels # 1-byte len, bytes, 1-byte address offsets
                        bytesSaved = 1+1+numItems+numBytes*numLabels-instrLen
                        if P==1: i=' '*instrLen # optimistic
                        elif all(type(self.l[count+N])==int and -self.l[count+N] in lDic and not -self.l[count+N] in labels_seen_this_pass and lDic[-self.l[count+N]]+labelMove-(ll+instrLen) <= 0xFF for N in xrange(2,2+numLabels)): # it fits
                          compacted += bytesSaved
                          i = chr(self.l[count])+self.l[count+1]+''.join(chr(self.l[count+N]) for N in xrange(2,2+numLabels))
                          if P==2: labelMove += bytesSaved
                          count -= 2+numLabels
                        count += 2+numLabels
                    # end of opcode handling/rewriting
                if type(i) in [int,tuple]: # labels
                    if type(i)==int: i2,iKey = i,-i
                    else: i2,iKey = i[0],(-i[0],)
                    assert type(i2)==int
                    # iKey is the lDic key *IF* i is a reference (i.e. i2 is -ve).  But i might also be the label itself, in which case lKey is irrelevant.
                        assert not (i in lDic and not lDic[i] == ll-labelMove), "Changing %s from %d to %d (labelMove=%d P=%d)\n" % (repr(i),lDic[i],ll,labelMove,P)
                        lDic[i] = ll ; i = ""
                    elif iKey in lDic: # known label
                        i = lDic[iKey]
                        shift = 8*numBytes
                        if (i >> shift): raise TooNarrow()
                        j = []
                        for b in xrange(numBytes):
                            # MSB-LSB (easier to do in JS)
                            shift -= 8
                        i = "".join(j)
                        assert len(i)==numBytes
                    else: # as-yet unknown label
                        assert P==1, "undefined label %d" % -i
                        ll += numBytes
                        i = ""
                if len(i):
                  r.append(i) ; ll += len(i)
            if P==2:
              if not additional_compact_opcodes: break # need only 2 passes if have fixed-length addressing
            else: assert not labelMove, "Labels move only on pass 2"
          r = "".join(r)
          if zlib:
            self.origLen = ll # needed for efficient malloc in the C code later
            r = zlib.compress(r,9)
            if additional_compact_opcodes: sys.stderr.write("%d bytes (zlib compressed from %d after opcode compaction saved %d)\n" % (len(r),ll,compacted))
            else: sys.stderr.write("%d bytes (zlib compressed from %d)\n" % (len(r),ll))
          elif additional_compact_opcodes: sys.stderr.write("%d bytes (opcode compaction saved %d)\n" % (ll,compacted))
          else: sys.stderr.write("%d bytes\n" % ll)
        except TooNarrow: pass
    assert 0, "can't even assemble it with 255-byte addressing !?!"

js_start = '/* Javascript '+version_stamp+r"""


 - You could just include this code and then call the
   annotate() function i.e. var result = annotate(input)

 - Or you could use (and perhaps extend) the Annotator
   object, and call its annotate() method.  If you have
   Backbone.JS, Annotator will instead be a generator
   (extending Backbone.Model) which you will have to
   instantiate yourself (possibly after extending it).
   The Annotator object/class is also what will be
   exported by this module if you're using Common.JS.

 - On Unix systems with Node.JS, you can run this file in
   "node" to annotate standard input as a simple test.


var Annotator={
version: '"""+version_stamp+"',\n"
js_end = r"""
annotate: function(input) {
/* TODO: if input is a whole html doc, insert css in head
   (e.g. from annoclip and/or adjuster), and hope there's
   no stuff that's not to be annotated (form fields...) */
input = unescape(encodeURIComponent(input)); // to UTF-8
var data = this.data;
var addrLen = data.charCodeAt(0);
var dPtr;
var inputLength = input.length;
var p = 0; // read-ahead pointer
var copyP = 0; // copy pointer
var output = new Array();
var needSpace = 0;

function readAddr() {
  var i,addr=0;
  for (i=addrLen; i; i--) addr=(addr << 8) | data.charCodeAt(dPtr++);
  return addr;

function readRefStr() {
  var a = readAddr(); var l=data.charCodeAt(a);
  if (l != 0) return data.slice(a+1,a+l+1);
  else return data.slice(a+1,data.indexOf('\x00',a+1));

function s() {
  if (needSpace) output.push(" ");
  else needSpace=1; // for after the word we're about to write (if no intervening bytes cause needSpace=0)

function readData() {
    var sPos = new Array();
    while(1) {
        switch(data.charCodeAt(dPtr++)) {
            case 50: dPtr = readAddr(); break;
            case 51: {
              var f = readAddr(); var dO=dPtr;
              dPtr = f; readData() ; dPtr = dO;
              break; }
            case 52: return;
            case 60: {
              var nBytes = data.charCodeAt(dPtr++)+1;
Silas S. Brown's avatar
Silas S. Brown committed
              var i = ((p>=input.length)?-1:data.slice(dPtr,dPtr+nBytes).indexOf(input.charAt(p++)));
              if (i==-1) i = nBytes;
              dPtr += (nBytes + i * addrLen);
              dPtr = readAddr(); break; }
            case 71: {
              var numBytes = data.charCodeAt(dPtr++);
  copyP += numBytes; break; }