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adjuster.py 489 KiB
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    global cores ; cores = 1
    if options.multicore:
        options.squashLogs = False
        if not 'linux' in sys.platform and not 'bsd' in sys.platform:
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            errExit("multicore option not supported on this platform")
            # --- it does work on darwin (Mac), but as of 10.7 some incoming connections get 'lost' so it's not a good idea
        cores = options.num_cores
        if not cores:
            import tornado.process
            cores = tornado.process.cpu_count()
        if cores==1: options.multicore = False
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        elif options.js_interpreter and options.js_instances % cores:
            old = options.js_instances
            options.js_instances += (cores - (options.js_instances % cores))
            sys.stderr.write("multicore: changing js_instances %d -> %d (%d per core x %d cores)\n" % (old,options.js_instances,int(options.js_instances/cores),cores))
    if options.js_interpreter in ["HeadlessChrome","Chrome"]:
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        try: # check inotify limit (Linux only)
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        except: maxI = -1
        if not maxI==-1 and options.js_instances > maxI*20: warn("This system might run out of inotify instances with that number of Chrome processes.  Try:\nsudo sysctl -n -w fs.inotify.max_user_watches=%d\nsudo sysctl -n -w fs.inotify.max_user_instances=%d" % (options.js_instances*40,options.js_instances*20))
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    global js_per_core
    js_per_core = int(options.js_instances/cores)
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        maxCurls = 30*js_per_core
        if options.ssl_fork: maxCurls = int(maxCurls/2)
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        if not options.usepycurl: errExit("upstream_proxy is not compatible with --usepycurl=False")
        setupCurl(maxCurls,"upstream_proxy requires pycurl (try sudo pip install pycurl)")
        if not ':' in options.upstream_proxy: options.upstream_proxy += ":80"
        upstream_proxy_host,upstream_proxy_port = options.upstream_proxy.split(':') # TODO: IPv6 ?
        if not upstream_proxy_host:
            upstream_proxy_host = ""
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            if wsgi_mode: warn("Can't do SSL-rewrite for upstream proxy when in WSGI mode")
            else: upstream_rewrite_ssl = True
        upstream_proxy_port = int(upstream_proxy_port)
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    elif options.usepycurl and not options.submitPath=='/': setupCurl(3*js_per_core) # and no error if not there
    global codeChanges ; codeChanges = []
    if options.codeChanges:
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      ccLines = [x for x in [x.strip() for x in options.codeChanges.split("\n")] if x and not x.startswith("#")]
        if len(ccLines)<3: errExit("codeChanges must be a multiple of 3 lines (see --help)")
        ccLines = ccLines[3:]
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    if options.real_proxy:
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        if options.browser and "lynx" in options.browser and not "I_PROMISE_NOT_TO_LYNX_DUMP_SSL" in os.environ and not "-stdin" in options.browser and ("-dump" in options.browser or "-source" in options.browser or "-mime_header" in options.browser): errExit("Don't do that.  If Lynx wants to ask you about our self-signed certificates, it'll assume the answer is No when running non-interactively, and this will cause it to fetch the page directly (not via our proxy) which could confuse you into thinking the adjuster's not working.  If you know what you're doing, put I_PROMISE_NOT_TO_LYNX_DUMP_SSL in the environment to suppress this message (but if using js_interpreter beware of redirect to SSL).  Or you can use wget --no-check-certificate -O - | lynx -dump -stdin") # TODO: could we configure Lynx to always accept when running non-interactively?
    if options.htmlFilter and '#' in options.htmlFilter and not len(options.htmlFilter.split('#'))+1 == len(options.htmlFilterName.split('#')): errExit("Wrong number of #s in htmlFilterName for this htmlFilter setting")
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    global port_randomise
    if options.fixed_ports:
        class NullDict(dict):
            def __setitem__(*args): pass
        port_randomise = NullDict()
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    if options.port == -1:
        if wsgi_mode:
            warn("port=-1 won't work in WSGI mode, assuming 80")
            options.port = 80
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        elif options.ssl_fork or options.background: errExit("Can't run in background or ssl-fork with an ephemeral main port, as that requires fork-before-listen so won't be able to report the allocated port number")
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        elif options.fixed_ports: errExit("fixed_ports is not compatible with port==-1")
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            port_randomise[options.port] = True
            if not options.internalPort:
                # DON'T set it to -1 + 1 = 0
                options.internalPort = 1024
    elif options.port < 0 or options.port > 65535:
        errExit("port out of range")
    elif not options.port:
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        if wsgi_mode:
            warn("port=0 won't work in WSGI mode, assuming 80")
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            options.port = 80
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            options.real_proxy=options.js_reproxy=False ; options.fasterServer=""
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            options.open_proxy = True # bypass the check
    if not options.publicPort:
        options.publicPort = options.port
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    if not options.internalPort:
        options.internalPort = options.port + 1
    if options.internalPort in [options.publicPort,options.port]: errExit("--internalPort cannot match --port or --publicPort")
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    if options.just_me:
        options.address = "localhost"
        try: socket.socket().connect(('localhost',113))
            if not 'linux' in sys.platform or not getoutput("which netstat 2>/dev/null"): errExit("--just_me requires either an ident server to be running on port 113, or the system to be Linux with a netstat command available")
        import getpass ; global myUsername ; myUsername = S(getpass.getuser())
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    elif not options.password and not options.open_proxy and not options.submitPath=='/' and not options.stop: errExit("Please set a password (or --just_me), or use --open_proxy.\n(Try --help for help; did you forget a --config=file?)") # (as a special case, if submitPath=/ then we're serving nothing but submit-your-own-text and bookmarklets, which means we won't be proxying anything anyway and don't need this check)
    if options.submitBookmarkletDomain and not options.publicPort==80: warn("You will need to run another copy on "+options.submitBookmarkletDomain+" ports 80/443 for bookmarklets to work (submitBookmarkletDomain without publicPort=80)")
    if options.pdftotext and not "pdftotext version" in getoutput("pdftotext -h"): errExit("pdftotext command does not seem to be usable\nPlease install it, or unset the pdftotext option")
    if options.epubtotext and not "calibre" in getoutput("ebook-convert -h"): errExit("ebook-convert command does not seem to be usable\nPlease install calibre, or unset the epubtotext option")
    global extensions
    if options.extensions:
        extensions = __import__(options.extensions)
        class E:
            def handle(*args): return False
        extensions = E()
    global ownServer_regexp
    if options.ownServer_regexp:
        if not options.own_server: errExit("Cannot set ownServer_regexp if own_sever is not set")
        ownServer_regexp = re.compile(options.ownServer_regexp)
    else: ownServer_regexp = None
    global ipMatchingFunc
    if options.ip_messages: ipMatchingFunc=ipv4ranges_func(options.ip_messages)
    else: ipMatchingFunc = None
    global submitPathIgnorePassword, submitPathForTest
    if options.submitPath and options.submitPath.startswith('*'):
        submitPathIgnorePassword = True
        options.submitPath = options.submitPath[1:]
    else: submitPathIgnorePassword = False
    submitPathForTest = options.submitPath
    if submitPathForTest and submitPathForTest[-1]=="?": submitPathForTest = submitPathForTest[:-1] # for CGI mode: putting the ? in tells adjuster to ADD a ? before any parameters, but does not require it to be there for the base submit URL (but don't do this if not submitPathForTest because it might not be a string)
    if options.submitPath and not options.htmlText: errExit("submitPath only really makes sense if htmlText is set (or do you want users to submit actual HTML?)") # TODO: allow this? also with submitBookmarklet ??
    if options.prominentNotice=="htmlFilter":
        if not options.htmlFilter: errExit("prominentNotice=\"htmlFilter\" requires htmlFilter to be set")
        if options.htmlJson or options.htmlText: errExit("prominentNotice=\"htmlFilter\" does not work with the htmlJson or htmlText options")
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    if not (options.submitPath and options.htmlFilter): options.submitBookmarklet = False # TODO: bookmarklet for character rendering? (as an additional bookmarklet if there are filters as well, and update submitBookmarklet help text) although it's rare to find a machine that lacks fonts but has a bookmarklet-capable browser
    if options.submitBookmarklet and '_IHQ_' in options.submitPath: errExit("For implementation reasons, you cannot have the string _IHQ_ in submitPath when submitBookmarklet is on.") # Sorry.  See TODO in 'def bookmarklet'
    global upstreamGuard, cRecogniseAny, cRecognise1
    upstreamGuard = set() ; cRecogniseAny = set() ; cRecognise1 = set() # cRecognise = cookies to NOT clear at url box when serving via adjust_domain_cookieName; upstreamGuard = cookies to not pass to upstream (and possibly rename if upstream sets them)
    if options.password:
    if options.cssName:
    if options.htmlFilterName:
    if options.renderName:
    if options.prominentNotice:
    if options.htmlonly_mode:
    if options.ip_messages:
    h = options.headAppendCSS
    if h and '%s' in h:
        if not ';' in h: errExit("If putting %s in headAppendCSS, must also put ; with options (please read the help text)")
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        if options.default_site:
            errExit("Cannot set default_site when headAppendCSS contains options, because we need the URL box to show those options")
            # TODO: unless we implement some kind of inline setting, or special options URL ?
        if options.cssHtmlAttrs and ';' in options.cssHtmlAttrs and not len(options.cssHtmlAttrs.split(';'))==len(h.rsplit(';',1)[1].split(',')): errExit("Number of choices in headAppendCSS last field does not match number of choices in cssHtmlAttrs")
        for n in range(len(h.split(';'))-1):
    if options.useLXML: check_LXML()
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    global allowConnectHost,allowConnectPort,allowConnectURL
    if options.ssh_proxy:
        if ',' in options.ssh_proxy: sp,allowConnectURL = options.ssh_proxy.split(',',1)
        else: sp = options.ssh_proxy
        if ':' in sp: allowConnectHost,allowConnectPort=sp.rsplit(':',1)
        else: allowConnectHost,allowConnectPort = sp,"22"
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    if not options.default_site: options.default_site = ""
    # (so we can .split it even if it's None or something)
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    if not options.js_interpreter:
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    elif not options.htmlonly_mode: errExit("js_interpreter requires htmlonly_mode")
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def check_injected_globals():
    # for making sure we're used correctly when imported
    # as a module by a wrapper script
    try: defined_globals
    except: return
    for s in set(globals().keys()).difference(defined_globals):
        if s in options: errExit("Error: adjuster.%s should be adjuster.options.%s" % (s,s)) # (tell them off, don't try to patch up: this could go more subtly wrong if they do it again with something we happened to have defined in our module before)
        elif type(eval(s)) in [str,bool,int]: errExit("Don't understand injected %s %s (misspelled option?)" % (repr(type(eval(s))),s))
def setup_defined_globals(): # see above
    global defined_globals
    defined_globals = True # so included in itself
    defined_globals = set(globals().keys())

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#@file: log-multi.py
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# --------------------------------------------------
# Logging and busy-signalling (especially multicore)
# --------------------------------------------------

class CrossProcessLogging(logging.Handler):
    def needed(self): return (options.multicore or options.ssl_fork or (options.js_interpreter and options.js_multiprocess)) and options.log_file_prefix # (not needed if stderr-only or if won't fork)
    def init(self):
        "Called by initLogging before forks.  Starts the separate logListener process."
        if not self.needed(): return
        try: logging.getLogger().handlers
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            # Ouch, we won't know how to clear logging's handlers and start again in the child processes
            errExit("The logging module on this system is not suitable for --log-file-prefix with --ssl-fork or --js-multiprocess")
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        if not multiprocessing: return # we'll have to open multiple files in initChild instead
        def logListener():
            while True: logging.getLogger().handle(logging.makeLogRecord(self.loggingQ.get()))
          except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
        self.p = multiprocessing.Process(target=logListener) ; self.p.start()
        logging.getLogger().handlers = [] # clear what Tornado has already put in place when it read the configuration
    def initChild(self,toAppend=""):
        "Called after a fork.  toAppend helps to describe the child for logfile naming when multiprocessing is not available."
        if not options.log_file_prefix: return # stderr is OK
        if multiprocessing:
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            try: multiprocessing.process.current_process()._children.clear() # multiprocessing wasn't really designed for the parent to fork() later on
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            except: pass # probably wrong version
            return # should be OK now
        logging.getLogger().handlers = [] # clear Tornado's
        if toAppend: options.log_file_prefix += "-"+toAppend
        else: options.log_file_prefix += "-"+str(os.getpid())
        # and get Tornado to (re-)initialise logging with these parameters:
        if hasattr(tornado.options,"enable_pretty_logging"): tornado.options.enable_pretty_logging() # Tornado 2
        else: # Tornado 4
            import tornado.log
    def shutdown(self):
        try: self.p.terminate() # in case KeyboardInterrupt hasn't already stopped it
        except: pass
    def emit(self, record): # simplified from Python 3.2 (but put just the dictionary, not the record obj itself, to make pickling errors less likely)
            if record.exc_info:
                dummy = self.format(record) # record.exc_text
                record.exc_info = None
            d = record.__dict__
            d['msg'],d['args'] = record.getMessage(),None
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise
        except: self.handleError(record)

class CrossProcess429:
    def needed(self): return options.multicore and options.js_429
    def init(self): self.q = multiprocessing.Queue()
    def startThread(self):
        if not self.needed(): return
        self.b = [False]*cores
        def listener():
            allServersBusy = False
            while True:
                coreToSet, busyStatus = self.q.get()
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                self.b[coreToSet] = busyStatus
                newASB = all(self.b)
                if not newASB == allServersBusy:
                    allServersBusy = newASB
                    if allServersBusy: IOLoopInstance().add_callback(lambda *args:reallyPauseOrRestartMainServer(True)) # run it just to serve the 429s, but don't set mainServerPaused=False or add an event to the queue
                    else: IOLoopInstance().add_callback(lambda *args:reallyPauseOrRestartMainServer("IfNotPaused")) # stop it if and only if it hasn't been restarted by the main thread before this callback
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def initLogging(): # MUST be after unixfork() if background
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        import logging, tornado.log
        class NoSSLWarnings:
            def filter(self,record): return not (record.levelno==logging.WARNING and record.getMessage().startswith("SSL"))
        tornado.log.gen_log.addFilter(NoSSLWarnings()) # Tornado 6
    except: pass
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    global CrossProcessLogging
    CrossProcessLogging = CrossProcessLogging()

def init429():
    global CrossProcess429
    CrossProcess429 = CrossProcess429()
    if CrossProcess429.needed(): CrossProcess429.init()
def shutdown429():
    try: CrossProcess429.q.put(("quit","quit"))
    except: pass
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#@file: log-whois-etc.py
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# --------------------------------------------------
# WHOIS logging and browser logging
# --------------------------------------------------

class WhoisLogger:
    def __init__(self):
        # Do NOT read options here - haven't been read yet
        # (can be constructed even if not options.whois)
        self.recent_whois = []
        self.thread_running = False
    def __call__(self,ip):
        if ip in self.recent_whois: return
        if len(self.recent_whois) > 20: # TODO: configure?
    def reCheck(self,ip):
        if self.thread_running: # allow only one at once
            IOLoopInstance().add_timeout(time.time()+1,lambda *args:self.reCheck(ip))
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        self.thread_running = True
def getWhois(ip):
    lines = getoutput("whois '"+S(ip).replace("'",'')+"'").split('\n')
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    if any(l and l.lower().split()[0]=="descr:" for l in lines): checkList = ["descr:"] # ,"netname:","address:"
    else: checkList = ["orgname:"]
    ret = []
    for l in lines:
        if len(l.split())<2: continue
        field,value = l.split(None,1) ; field=field.lower()
        if field in checkList or (field=="country:" and ret) and not value in ret: ret.append(value) # omit 1st country: from RIPE/APNIC/&c, and de-dup
    return ", ".join(ret)
def whois_thread(ip,logger):
    try: address = getWhois(ip)
    except Exception as e: address = repr(e) # e.g. UnicodeDecodeError on Python 3 if whois returns non-UTF8
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    logger.thread_running = False
    if address: logging.info("whois "+ip+": "+address)
helper_threads = []
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class NullLogger:
  def __call__(self,req): pass
class BrowserLogger:
  def __init__(self):
    # Do NOT read options here - they haven't been read yet
    self.lastBrowser = None
    self.lastIp = self.lastMethodStuff = None
    self.whoisLogger = WhoisLogger()
  def __call__(self,req):
    if req.request.remote_ip in options.ipNoLog: return
    try: ch = req.cookie_host()
    except: ch = None # shouldn't happen
    if hasattr(req,"suppress_logging"): return
    if S(req.method) not in the_supported_methods and not options.logUnsupported: return
    if S(req.method)=="CONNECT" or B(req.uri).startswith(B("http://")) or B(req.uri).startswith(B("https://")): host="" # URI will have everything
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    elif hasattr(req,"suppress_logger_host_convert"): host = req.host
    else: host=B(convert_to_real_host(req.host,ch))
    if host in [-1,B("error")]: host=req.host # -1 for own_server (but this shouldn't happen as it was turned into a CONNECT; we don't mind not logging own_server because it should do so itself)
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    elif host: host=protocolWithHost(host)
    # elif host==0: host="http://"+ch # e.g. adjusting one of the ownServer_if_not_root pages (TODO: uncomment this?)
    else: host=""
    browser = req.headers.get("User-Agent",None)
    if browser:
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        if options.squashLogs and browser==self.lastBrowser: browser = ""
            self.lastBrowser = browser
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    else: self.lastBrowser,browser = None," -"
    if options.squashLogs:
        # Date (as YYMMDD) and time are already be included in Tornado logging format, a format we don't want to override, especially as it has 'start of log string syntax highlighting' on some platforms
        if req.remote_ip == self.lastIp:
            self.lastIp = req.remote_ip
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            self.lastMethodStuff = None # always log method/version anew when IP is different
        methodStuff = (req.method, req.version)
        if methodStuff == self.lastMethodStuff:
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            r='"%s %s%s %s"' % (S(req.method), S(host), S(req.uri), S(req.version))
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            self.lastMethodStuff = methodStuff
        msg = S(ip)+S(r)+S(browser)
    else: msg = '%s "%s %s%s %s" %s' % (S(req.remote_ip), S(req.method), S(host), S(req.uri), S(req.version), S(browser)) # could add "- - [%s]" with time.strftime("%d/%b/%Y:%X") if don't like Tornado-logs date-time format (and - - - before the browser %s)
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    logging.info(msg.replace('\x1b','[ESC]')) # make sure we are terminal safe, in case of malformed URLs
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    if options.whois and hasattr(req,"valid_for_whois"): self.whoisLogger(req.remote_ip)

def initLogging_preListen():
    global nullLog, accessLog
    nullLog = NullLogger()
    accessLog = BrowserLogger()

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#@file: profile.py
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# --------------------------------------------------
# Profiling and process naming
# --------------------------------------------------
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profile_forks_too = False # TODO: configurable
def open_profile():
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    if options.profile:
        global cProfile,pstats,profileIdle
        import cProfile, pstats
        setProfile() ; profileIdle = False
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        global reqsInFlight,origReqInFlight
        reqsInFlight = set() ; origReqInFlight = set()
def open_profile_pjsOnly(): # TODO: combine with above
    if options.profile:
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        global profileIdle
        setProfile_pjsOnly() ; profileIdle = False
        global reqsInFlight,origReqInFlight
        reqsInFlight = set() ; origReqInFlight = set()
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def setProfile():
    global theProfiler, profileIdle
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    theProfiler = cProfile.Profile()
    IOLoopInstance().add_timeout(time.time()+options.profile,lambda *args:pollProfile())
    profileIdle = True ; theProfiler.enable()
    IOLoopInstance().add_timeout(time.time()+options.profile,lambda *args:pollProfile_pjsOnly())
    global profileIdle ; profileIdle = True
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def pollProfile():
    if not profileIdle: showProfile()
def pollProfile_pjsOnly():
    if not profileIdle: showProfile(pjsOnly=True)
def showProfile(pjsOnly=False):
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    global _doneShowProfile
    try: _doneShowProfile
    except: _doneShowProfile = False
        pr = "\n".join([x for x in s.getvalue().split("\n") if x and not "Ordered by" in x][:options.profile_lines])
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    if options.js_interpreter and len(webdriver_runner):
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        global webdriver_lambda,webdriver_mu,webdriver_maxBusy
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        stillUsed = sum(1 for i in webdriver_runner if i.wd_threadStart)
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        maybeStuck = set()
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        for i in webdriver_runner:
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            ms,tr = i.maybe_stuck,i.wd_threadStart
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            if ms and ms == tr and tr+30 < time.time():
            i.maybe_stuck = tr
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        webdriver_maxBusy = max(webdriver_maxBusy,stillUsed)
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        if pr: pr += "\n"
        elif not options.background: pr += ": "
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        pr += "js_interpreter"
        if options.multicore: pr += "%d" % (int(webdriver_runner[0].start/js_per_core),)
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        pr += " "
        if not webdriver_maxBusy: pr += "idle"
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            try: # NameError unless js_429 and multicore
                if mainServerPaused: pr += "closed, "
                else: pr += "open, "
            except NameError: pass
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            served = "%d served" % webdriver_mu
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            if webdriver_lambda==webdriver_mu==len(webdriver_queue)==0: queue = "" # "; queue unused"
            elif not webdriver_queue: queue="; queue empty: "+served
            else: queue = "; queue %d: %d arrived, %s" % (len(webdriver_queue),webdriver_lambda,served)
            if not _doneShowProfile:
                if pjsOnly: stuck = ", next SIGUSR2 checks stuck;"
                else: stuck = ";"
            elif maybeStuck:
                stuck = ", %d stuck for " % len(maybeStuck)
                t = time.time()
                s1=int(t-max(maybeStuck)); s2=int(t-min(maybeStuck))
                if s1==s2: stuck += str(s1)
                else: stuck += "%d-%d" % (s1,s2)
                stuck += "s?"
            else: stuck = ";" # or ", none stuck"
            pr += "%d/%d busy%s " % (stillUsed,len(webdriver_runner),stuck)
            if not webdriver_maxBusy == stillUsed:
                pr += "maxUse=%d" % (webdriver_maxBusy,)
            pr += queue
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            pr = pr.rstrip().replace("; ;",";")
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            if pr.endswith(";"): pr = pr[:-1]
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        webdriver_lambda = webdriver_mu = 0
        webdriver_maxBusy = stillUsed
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        # TODO: also measure lambda/mu of other threads e.g. htmlFilter ?
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        if psutil and not webdriver_runner[0].start: pr += "; system RAM %.1f%% used" % (psutil.virtual_memory().percent)
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    try: pr2 += "%d requests in flight (%d from clients)" % (len(reqsInFlight),len(origReqInFlight))
    except NameError: pr2="" # no reqsInFlight
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    _doneShowProfile = True
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    if not pr and not pr2: return
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    if pr: pr += "\n"
    elif not options.background: pr += ": "
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    pr += pr2
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    if options.background: logging.info(pr)
    elif can_do_ansi_colour: sys.stderr.write("\033[35m"+(time.strftime("%X")+pr).replace("\n","\n\033[35m")+"\033[0m\n")
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    else: sys.stderr.write(time.strftime("%X")+pr+"\n")
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def setProcName(name="adjuster"):
    "Try to set the process name for top/ps"
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    try: # setproctitle works on both Linux and BSD/Mac if installed (but doesn't affect Mac OS 10.7 "Activity Monitor")
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        import setproctitle # sudo pip install setproctitle or apt-get install python-setproctitle (requires gcc)
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        return setproctitle.setproctitle(name) # TODO: this also stops 'ps axwww' from displaying command-line arguments; make it optional?
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    except: pass
    try: # ditto but non-Mac BSD not checked (and doesn't always work on Python 3) :
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        import procname # sudo pip install procname (requires gcc)
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        return procname.setprocname(name)
    except: pass
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    try: # this works in GNU/Linux for 'top', 'pstree -p' and 'killall', but not 'ps' or 'pidof' (which need argv[0] to be changed in C) :
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        b = ctypes.create_string_buffer(len(name)+1)
        b.value = name
    except: pass # oh well

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#@file: server-control.py
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# --------------------------------------------------
# Start / stop / install
# --------------------------------------------------

        current_crontab = getoutput("crontab -l 2>/dev/null")
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        def shell_escape(arg):
            if re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9_=/.%+,:@-]*$",arg): return arg # no need to quote if it's entirely safe-characters (including colon: auto-complete escapes : in pathnames but that's probably in case it's used at the START of a command, where it's a built-in alias for 'true')
            return "'"+arg.replace("'",r"'\''")+"'"
        def cron_escape(arg): return shell_escape(arg).replace('%',r'\%')
        new_cmd = "@reboot python "+" ".join(cron_escape(a) for a in sys.argv)
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        if not new_cmd in current_crontab.replace("\r","\n").split("\n") and not new_cmd in current_crontab.replace("$HOME",os.environ.get("HOME")).replace("\r","\n").split("\n"):
            sys.stderr.write("Adding to crontab: "+new_cmd+"\n")
            if not current_crontab.endswith("\n"): current_crontab += "\n"
            os.popen("crontab -","w").write(current_crontab+new_cmd+"\n")
    if options.restart or options.stop:
        pidFound = stopOther()
        if options.stop:
            if not pidFound: sys.stderr.write("Could not find which PID to stop (maybe nothing was running?)\n")
            try: CrossProcessLogging.shutdown()
            except: pass
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def stopOther():
    pid = triedStop = None
    if options.pidfile:
        try: pid = int(open(options.pidfile).read().strip())
        except: pass
        if not pid==None:
            if not psutil or psutil.pid_exists(pid):
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                tryStop(pid,True) # tryStop will rm pidfile if had permission to send the stop signal
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                triedStop = pid
            else: unlink(options.pidfile) # stale
        if not options.port: return
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    elif not options.port:
        # Oops: the listening port is used to identify the other process; without it, we don't know which process to stop
        errExit("Cannot use --restart or --stop with --port=0 and no --pidfile")
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    pids = run_lsof()
    if pids==False: # no lsof, or couldn't make sense of it
        # Could try "fuser -n tcp "+str(options.port), but it can be slow on a busy system.  Try netstat instead.
        pids = run_netstat()
        if pids==False:
            if not options.pidfile: sys.stderr.write("stopOther: can't find understandable 'lsof' or 'netstat' commands on this system\n")
            return False
    try: pids.remove(os.getpid())
    except: pass
    for pid in pids:
        if not pid==triedStop:
    return triedStop or pids
def tryStop(pid,alsoRemovePidfile=False):
    if options.stop: other="the"
    else: other="other"
        if alsoRemovePidfile: unlink(options.pidfile)
        sys.stderr.write("Stopped %s process at PID %d\n" % (other,pid))
    except: sys.stderr.write("Failed to stop %s process at PID %d\n" % (other,pid))
def run_lsof():
    # TODO: check ssl-fork ports as well as main port ? (also in run_netstat)
    out = getoutput("lsof -iTCP:"+str(options.port)+" -sTCP:LISTEN 2>/dev/null") # Redirect lsof's stderr to /dev/null because it sometimes prints warnings, e.g. if something's wrong with Mac FUSE mounts, that won't affect the output we want. TODO: lsof can hang if ANY programs have files open on stuck remote mounts etc, even if this is nothing to do with TCP connections.  -S 2 might help a BIT but it's not a solution.  Linux's netstat -tlp needs root, and BSD's can't show PIDs.  Might be better to write files or set something in the process name.
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    if out.startswith("lsof: unsupported"):
        # lsof 4.81 has -sTCP:LISTEN but lsof 4.78 does not.  However, not including -sTCP:LISTEN can cause lsof to make unnecessary hostname queries for established connections.  So fall back only if have to.
        out = getoutput("lsof -iTCP:"+str(options.port)+" -Ts 2>/dev/null") # lsof -Ts ensures will say LISTEN on the pid that's listening
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        lines = filter(lambda x:"LISTEN" in x,out.split("\n")[1:])
    elif not out.strip() and not getoutput("which lsof 2>/dev/null"): return False
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    else: lines = out.split("\n")[1:]
    pids = set()
    for line in lines:
        try: pids.add(int(line.split()[1]))
            if not pids:
                # sys.stderr.write("stopOther: Can't make sense of lsof output %s\n" % repr(line))
                return False # lsof not working, use something else
    return pids
def run_netstat():
    if not 'linux' in sys.platform or not getoutput("which netstat 2>/dev/null"): return False
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    pids = set()
    for l in getoutput("netstat -tnlp").split("\n"):
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        if ':'+str(options.port)+' ' in l:
            ps = l.split()[-1]
            if '/' in ps:
    return pids

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#@file: ssl-multiprocess.py
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# --------------------------------------------------
# Support for SSL termination in separate processes
# --------------------------------------------------
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sslforks_to_monitor = [] # list of [pid,callback1,callback2,port]
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sslfork_monitor_pid = None
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def sslSetup(HelperStarter, ping_portNo, isFixed=False):
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    if options.ssl_fork: # queue it to be started by monitor
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        if options.multicore and sslforks_to_monitor: sslforks_to_monitor[0][1] = (lambda c1=HelperStarter,c2=sslforks_to_monitor[0][1]:(c1(),c2())) # chain it, as in multicore mode we'll have {N cores} * {single process handling all SSL ports}, rather than cores * processes (TODO: if one gets stuck but others on the port can still handle requests, do we want to somehow detect the individual stuck one and restart it to reduce wasted CPU load?)
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            # no multicore, or this is the first SSL helper, so we need to associate it with a (non-SSL) ping responder
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            sslforks_to_monitor.append([None,HelperStarter,(lambda *_:listen_on_port(Application([(r"(.*)",AliveResponder,{})],log_function=nullLog),ping_portNo,"",False)),ping_portNo])
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            return ping_portNo + 1 # where to put the next listener
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    else: # just run it on the current process, and we can randomise the internal port and keep track of what it is
        if not isFixed: port_randomise[ping_portNo-1] = True
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    return ping_portNo # next listener can use what would have been the ping-responder port as we're not using it
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sslFork_pingInterval = 10 # TODO: configurable?  (if setting this larger, might want to track the helper threads for early termination)
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def maybe_sslfork_monitor():
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    "Returns SIGTERM callback if we're now a child process"
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    global sslforks_to_monitor
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    if not sslforks_to_monitor: return
    global sslfork_monitor_pid
    pid = os.fork()
    if pid:
        sslfork_monitor_pid = pid ; return
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    # If background, can't double-fork (our PID is known)
    # (TODO: if profile_forks_too, there's no profile loop in this monitor (it starts only when we fork a new helper); unlikely to be useful here though)
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    try: os.setpgrp() # for stop_threads0 later
    except: pass
    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, terminateSslForks)
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, terminateSslForks)
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    # (15 chars is max for some "top" implementations)
    # (not SSLmon because helper IDs will be appended to it)
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    global is_sslHelp ; is_sslHelp = True
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    for i in xrange(len(sslforks_to_monitor)):
      if i==len(sslforks_to_monitor)-1: pid = 0 # don't bother to fork for the last one
      else: pid = os.fork()
      if pid: sslforks_to_monitor[i][0] = pid # for SIGTERM
      else: # child
        oldI = i
        if i < len(sslforks_to_monitor)-1:
            sslforks_to_monitor = [sslforks_to_monitor[i]]
            i = 0 # we'll monitor only one in the child
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        # don't use IOLoop for this monitoring: too confusing if we have to restart it on fork
        try: urlopen = build_opener(ProxyHandler({})).open # don't use the system proxy if set
        except: pass # leave urlopen as default if above not supported
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        while True:
            try: urlopen(("http://localhost:%d/" % sslforks_to_monitor[i][3]),timeout=sslFork_pingInterval)
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            except: # URLError etc
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              if restart_sslfork(i,oldI): # child
                  return lambda *args:stopServer("SIG*")
              else: time.sleep(sslFork_pingInterval) # double it after a restart
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def restart_sslfork(n,oldN):
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    global sslforks_to_monitor
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    if not sslforks_to_monitor[n][0]==None: # not first time
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        if options.multicore: oldN = "s"
        else: oldN = " "+str(oldN)
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        logging.error("Restarting SSL helper%s via pid %d as not heard from port %d" % (oldN,sslforks_to_monitor[n][0],sslforks_to_monitor[n][3]))
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        emergency_zap_pid_and_children(sslforks_to_monitor[n][0]) # may have children if multicore
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    # TODO: if profile_forks_too, do things with profile?
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    pid = os.fork()
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    if pid: sslforks_to_monitor[n][0] = pid
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    else: # child
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        CrossProcessLogging.initChild(str(n)) # TODO: or port number?
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        sslforks_to_monitor[n][1]() # main listener
        sslforks_to_monitor[n][2]() # 'still alive' listener
        sslforks_to_monitor = [] # nothing for us to check
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        return True
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def terminateSslForks(*args):
    "sslfork_monitor's SIGTERM handler"
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    global sslforks_to_monitor
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    for p,_,_,_ in sslforks_to_monitor:
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        try: os.kill(p,signal.SIGTERM)
        except OSError: pass # somebody might have 'killall'd them
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        try: os.waitpid(p, os.WNOHANG)
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class AliveResponder(RequestHandler):
    def get(self, *args, **kwargs): self.write("1")

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#@file: port-listen.py
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# --------------------------------------------------
# Port listening - main, SSL-termination and JS-upstream
# --------------------------------------------------

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def open_extra_ports():
    "Returns the stop function if we're now a child process that shouldn't run anything else"
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    nextPort = options.internalPort
    # don't add any other ports here: NormalRequestForwarder assumes the real_proxy SSL helper will be at internalPort
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    # All calls to sslSetup and maybe_sslfork_monitor must be made before ANY other calls to listen_on_port (as we don't yet want there to be an IOLoop instance when maybe_sslfork_monitor is called)
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    if options.real_proxy: nextPort = sslSetup(lambda port=nextPort:listen_on_port(Application([(r"(.*)",SSLRequestForwarder(),{})],log_function=accessLog,gzip=False),port,"",False,ssl_options={"certfile":duff_certfile()}),nextPort+1) # A modified Application that's 'aware' it's the SSL-helper version (use SSLRequestForwarder & no need for staticDocs listener) - this will respond to SSL requests that have been CONNECT'd via the first port.  We set gzip=False because little point if we know the final client is on localhost.
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    if options.js_reproxy:
        # ditto for js_interpreter (saves having to override its user-agent, or add custom headers requiring PhantomJS 1.5+, for us to detect its connections back to us)
        global js_proxy_port
        js_proxy_port = []
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        for c in xrange(cores):
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          for i in xrange(js_per_core):
            # PjsRequestForwarder to be done later
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            nextPort = sslSetup(lambda port=nextPort,cc=c,ii=i : listen_on_port(Application([(r"(.*)",PjsSslRequestForwarder(cc*js_per_core,ii),{})],log_function=nullLog,gzip=False),port+1,"",False,ssl_options={"certfile":duff_certfile()}),nextPort+2)
    if upstream_rewrite_ssl:
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        # This one does NOT listen on SSL: it listens on unencrypted HTTP and rewrites .0 into outgoing SSL.  But we can still run it in a different process if ssl_fork is enabled, and this will save encountering the curl_max_clients issue as well as possibly offloading *client*-side SSL to a different CPU core (TODO: could also use Tornado's multiprocessing to multi-core the client-side SSL)
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        sslSetup(lambda port=upstream_proxy_port+1:listen_on_port(Application([(r"(.*)",UpSslRequestForwarder,{})],log_function=nullLog,gzip=False),port,"",False),upstream_proxy_port+2,True) # TODO: document upstream_proxy_port+2 needs to be reserved if options.ssl_fork and not options.upstream_proxy_host
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    r = maybe_sslfork_monitor()
    if r: return r
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    # NOW we can start non-sslSetup listen_on_port:
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    if options.js_reproxy:
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          for i in xrange(js_per_core):
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            if options.ssl_fork: pass # do NOT port_randomise, because maybe_sslfork_monitor is called ABOVE and the fork will NOT have a copy of our updated port_randomise map for its forwardToOtherPid call
            else: port_randomise[js_proxy_port[c*js_per_core+i]]=True
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def makeMainApplication():
    handlers = [(r"(.*)",NormalRequestForwarder(),{})]
    if options.staticDocs: handlers.insert(0,static_handler())
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    return Application(handlers,log_function=accessLog,gzip=options.compress_responses) # TODO: gzip= deprecated in Tornado 4.x (if they remove it, we may have to check Tornado version and send either gzip= or compress_response= as appropriate, in all calls to Application)
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def makePjsApplication(x,y):
    handlers = [(r"(.*)",PjsRequestForwarder(x,y),{})]
    if options.js_upstream and options.staticDocs: handlers.insert(0,static_handler())
    return Application(handlers,log_function=nullLog,gzip=False)

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def start_multicore(isSSLEtcChild=False):
    "Fork child processes, set coreNo unless isSSLEtcChild; parent waits and exits.  Call to this must come after unixfork if want to run in the background."
    global coreNo
    if not options.multicore:
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        if not isSSLEtcChild: coreNo = 0
    # Simplified version of Tornado fork_processes with
    # added setupRunAndBrowser (must have the terminal)
    children = set()
    for i in range(cores):
        pid = os.fork()
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        if not pid: # child
            if not isSSLEtcChild: coreNo = i
            return CrossProcessLogging.initChild()
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    if not isSSLEtcChild:
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        # Do the equivalent of setupRunAndBrowser() but without the IOLoop.  This can start threads, so must be after the above fork() calls.
        if options.browser: runBrowser()
        if options.run: runRun()
    # Now wait for the browser or the children to exit
    # (and monitor for SIGTERM: we might be an SSLhelp)
    def handleTerm(*_):
        interruptReason = "SIGTERM received by multicore helper"
        for pid in children: os.kill(pid,signal.SIGTERM)
      while children:
        try: pid, status = os.wait()
        except KeyboardInterrupt: raise # see below
        except: continue # interrupted system call OK
        if pid in children: children.remove(pid)
    except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
    if children:
        try: reason = interruptReason # from handleTerm
        except: reason = "keyboard interrupt"
        reason = "Adjuster multicore handler: "+reason+", stopping "+str(len(children))+" child processes"
        if options.background: logging.info(reason)
    for pid in children: os.kill(pid,signal.SIGTERM)
    while children:
        try: pid, status = os.wait()
        except KeyboardInterrupt: logging.error("KeyboardInterrupt received while waiting for child-processes to terminate: "+" ".join(str(s) for s in children))
        except: continue
        if pid in children: children.remove(pid)
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    if not isSSLEtcChild: announceShutdown0()
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    stop_threads() # must be last thing, except
    raise SystemExit # (in case weren't any threads to stop)
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def openPortsEtc():
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    early_fork = (options.ssl_fork and options.background)
    if early_fork: banner(True),unixfork()
    if options.ssl_fork: initLogging() # even if not early_fork (i.e. not background)
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    stopFunc = open_extra_ports()
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    if stopFunc: # we're a child process (--ssl-fork)
        assert not options.background or early_fork
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        # can't double-fork (our PID is known), hence early_fork above
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        start_multicore(True) ; schedule_retries()
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        if profile_forks_too: open_profile()
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    else: # we're not a child process of --ssl-fork
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        if options.port: listen_on_port(makeMainApplication(),options.port,options.address,options.browser)
        openWatchdog() ; dropPrivileges()
        open_upnp() # make sure package avail if needed
        if not early_fork: banner()
        if options.background and not early_fork:
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            if options.js_interpreter: test_init_webdriver()
            unixfork() # MUST be before init_webdrivers (js_interpreter does NOT work if you start them before forking)
        if not options.ssl_fork: initLogging() # as we hadn't done it before (must be after unixfork)
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        if not options.background: notifyReady()
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        start_multicore() # if multicore, returns iff we're one of the cores
        if not options.multicore or profile_forks_too: open_profile()
        else: open_profile_pjsOnly()
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        if options.js_interpreter: init_webdrivers(coreNo*js_per_core,js_per_core)
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        if not options.multicore: setupRunAndBrowser() # (equivalent is done by start_multicore if multicore)
        watchdog.start() # ALL cores if multicore (since only one needs to be up for us to be still working) although TODO: do we want this only if not coreNo so as to ensure Dynamic_DNS_updater is still up?
        checkServer.setup() # (TODO: if we're multicore, can we propagate to other processes ourselves instead of having each core check the fasterServer?  Low priority because how often will a multicore box need a fasterServer)
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        if not coreNo:
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            if options.pimote: pimote_thread() # must be on same core as Dynamic_DNS_updater so it can set pimote_may_need_override
        if options.multicore: stopFunc = lambda *_:stopServer("SIG*")
        else: stopFunc = lambda *_:stopServer("SIGTERM received")
        if options.seconds: IOLoopInstance().add_timeout(time.time()+options.seconds,lambda *args:stopServer("Uptime limit reached"))
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        if options.stdio and not coreNo: setup_stdio()
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      except: # oops, error during startup, stop forks if any
        if not sslfork_monitor_pid == None:
          time.sleep(0.5) # (it may have only just started: give it a chance to install its signal handler)
          try: os.kill(sslfork_monitor_pid,signal.SIGTERM)
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    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, stopFunc)
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    try: os.setpgrp() # for stop_threads0 later
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def setup_stdio():
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    # Handle option for request on standard input
    # (when used in one-off mode)
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    global StdinPass,StdinPending
    StdinPass,StdinPending = None,[]
    def doStdin(fd,events):
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        l=os.read(fd,1024) # read 1 line or 1024 bytes (TODO: double-check this can never block)
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        if not l: # EOF (but don't close stdout yet)
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        global StdinPass
        if StdinPending: StdinPending.append(l) # connection is still being established
        elif StdinPass: StdinPass.write(l) # open
        else: # not yet established
            def ClearPending():
                global StdinPending ; StdinPending = []
            StdinPass = tornado.iostream.IOStream(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0))
            doCallback(None,StdinPass.connect,lambda *args:(StdinPass.write(B('').join(StdinPending)),ClearPending(),readUntilClose(StdinPass,lambda last:(sys.stdout.write(last),sys.stdout.close()),lambda chunk:sys.stdout.write(chunk))),(options.address, port_randomise.get(options.port,options.port)))
    IOLoopInstance().add_handler(sys.stdin.fileno(), doStdin, IOLoop.READ)
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#@file: up-down.py
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# --------------------------------------------------
# General startup and shutdown tasks
# --------------------------------------------------

def banner(delayed=False):
    ret = [twoline_program_name]
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    if options.port:
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        if options.port==-1:
            ret.append("Listening on" % port_randomise[-1])
            if not istty(sys.stdout) and options.background: sys.stdout.write("" % port_randomise[-1]),sys.stdout.flush()
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        else: ret.append("Listening on port %d" % options.port)
        if upstream_rewrite_ssl: ret.append("--upstream-proxy back-connection helper is listening on" % (upstream_proxy_port+1,))
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        if options.stdio: ret.append("Listening on standard input")
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    else: ret.append("Not listening (--port=0 set)")
    if options.watchdog:
        ret.append("Writing "+options.watchdogDevice+" every %d seconds" % options.watchdog)
        if options.watchdogWait: ret.append("(abort if unresponsive for %d seconds)" % options.watchdogWait)
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    if options.ssl_fork and not options.background: ret.append("To inspect processes, use: pstree "+str(os.getpid()))
    ret = "\n".join(ret)+"\n"
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    if delayed: ret=ret.replace("Listening","Will listen").replace("Writing","Will write") # for --ssl-fork --background, need early fork (TODO: unless write a PID somewhere)
    if not options.background:
        # set window title for foreground running
        t = "adjuster"
        if "SSH_CONNECTION" in os.environ: t += "@"+hostSuffix() # TODO: might want to use socket.getfqdn() to save confusion if several servers are configured with the same host_suffix and/or host_suffix specifies multiple hosts?
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def istty(f=sys.stderr): return hasattr(f,"isatty") and f.isatty()
def set_title(t):
  if not istty(): return
  term = os.environ.get("TERM","")
  is_xterm = "xterm" in term
  is_screen = (term=="screen" and os.environ.get("STY",""))
  is_tmux = (term=="screen" and os.environ.get("TMUX",""))
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  if is_xterm or is_tmux:
      sys.stderr.write("\033]0;%s\007" % (t,)),sys.stderr.flush()
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      # ("0;" sets both title and minimised title, "1;" sets minimised title, "2;" sets title.  Tmux takes its pane title from title (but doesn't display it in the titlebar))
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  elif is_screen: os.system("screen -X title \"%s\"" % (t,))
  else: return
  if not t: return
  import atexit
  global can_do_ansi_colour
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  can_do_ansi_colour = is_xterm or (is_screen and "VT 100/ANSI" in os.environ.get("TERMCAP",""))
  # can_do_ansi_colour is used by showProfile (TODO: if profile_forks_too, we'd need to set this earlier than the call to banner / set_title in order to make it available to SSL forks etc, otherwise only the main one has purple profile output. Multicore is already OK (but does only counts per core).)
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coreNo = "unknown" # want it to be non-False to begin with
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def announceInterrupt():
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    if coreNo or options.multicore: return # we are a silent helper process (coreNo=="unknown"), or we announce interrupts differently in multicore (see start_multicore), so nothing to do here
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    if options.background: logging.info("SIGINT received"+find_adjuster_in_traceback())
    else: sys.stderr.write("\nKeyboard interrupt"+find_adjuster_in_traceback()+"\n")
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def announceShutdown():
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    if coreNo or options.multicore: return # silent helper process (coreNo=="unknown"), or we announce interrupts differently in multicore (see start_multicore)
def announceShutdown0():
    global exitting ; exitting = True # so not restarted if options.runWait == 0 and the run process was given the same signal (it can be confusing if get a restart message from the other thread AFTER shutdown has been announced)
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    if options.background:
        logging.info("Server shutdown")
        if options.pidfile: unlink(options.pidfile)
    else: sys.stderr.write("Adjuster shutdown\n")
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def main():
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    setProcName() ; readOptions() ; preprocessOptions()
    serverControl() ; openPortsEtc() ; startServers()
    try: IOLoopInstance().start()
# "There seemed a strangeness in the air,
#  Vermilion light on the land's lean face;
#  I heard a Voice from I knew not where:
#   'The Great Adjustment is taking place!'" - Thomas Hardy
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    except KeyboardInterrupt: announceInterrupt()
    options.pimote = "" # so pimote_thread stops
    for v in kept_tempfiles.values(): unlink(v)
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    if watchdog: watchdog.stop()
    stop_threads() # must be last thing

def plural(number):
    if number == 1: return ""
    else: return "s"
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def stop_threads():
    if quitFuncToCall: quitFuncToCall()
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    if not sslfork_monitor_pid == None:
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        try: os.kill(sslfork_monitor_pid,signal.SIGTERM) # this should cause it to propagate that signal to the monitored PIDs
        except OSError: pass # somebody might have killall'd it
    writeMsg = not options.background and not coreNo
    for t in range(10): # wait for helper_threads first (especially if quitFuncToCall above, as if the terminate routine is too forceful it might prevent the EOF from being sent over the pipe (multiprocessing.Pipe has no flush method after we send the EOF, so quitFuncToCall's returning does NOT mean the eof has actually been sent) and we could get a stuck adjusterWDhelp process)
      if t: time.sleep(0.2)
      if not helper_threads:
        if t: sys.stderr.write("Helper threads have stopped\n")
      if not t and writeMsg: sys.stderr.write("Waiting 2secs for helper threads to stop...\n")
    ht = [(i,1) for i in sorted(helper_threads)]
    i = 0
    while i < len(ht)-1:
        if ht[i][0] == ht[i+1][0]:
            ht[i] = (ht[i][0], ht[i][1]+1)
            del ht[i+1]
        else: i += 1
    for i in xrange(len(ht)):
        if ht[i][1]==1: ht[i] = ht[i][0]
        else: ht[i] = ht[i][0]+"*"+str(ht[i][1])
    msg = "Terminating %d helper thread%s (%s)" % (len(ht),plural(len(ht)),", ".join(ht))
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    # in case someone needs our port quickly.
    # Most likely "runaway" thread is ip_change_command if you did a --restart shortly after the server started.
    # TODO it would be nice if the port can be released at the IOLoop.instance.stop, and make sure os.system doesn't dup any /dev/watchdog handle we might need to release, so that it's not necessary to stop the threads
    if writeMsg: sys.stderr.write(msg+"\n")
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def stop_threads0():
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    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_DFL)
    if options.run:
        try: os.kill(runningPid,signal.SIGTERM)
        except NameError: pass # runningPid not set
        except OSError: pass # already exitted
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    os.abort() # if the above didn't work, this should
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#@file: tornado-setup.py
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# --------------------------------------------------
# Basic Tornado-server setup
# --------------------------------------------------

def static_handler():
    url,path = options.staticDocs.split('#')
    if not url.startswith("/"): url="/"+url
    if not url.endswith("/"): url += "/"
    class OurStaticFileHandler(StaticFileHandler):
        def set_extra_headers(self,path): fixServerHeader(self)
    return (url+"(.*)",OurStaticFileHandler,{"path":path,"default_filename":"index.html"})

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port_randomise = {} # port -> _ or port -> mappedPort
def listen_on_port(application,port,address,browser,core="all",**kwargs):
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    # Don't set backlog=0: it's advisory only and is often rounded up to 8; we use CrossProcess429 instead
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    if port in port_randomise:
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        # should get len(s)==1 if address=="" (may get more than one socket, with different ports, if address maps to some mixed IPv4/IPv6 configuration)
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        port_randomise[port] = s[0].getsockname()[1]
     for portTry in [5,4,3,2,1,0]:
      try: s = bind_sockets(port,address)
      except socket.error as e:
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        if is_sslHelp:
            # We had better not time.sleep() here trying
            # to open, especially not if multicore: don't
            # want to hold up the OTHER ports being opened
            # and get into an infinite-restart loop when
            # MOST services are already running:
            f = lambda *_:IOLoopInstance().add_timeout(time.time()+1,lambda *args:listen_on_port(application,port,address,browser,core,schedRetry,**kwargs))
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            if is_sslHelp=="started": f()
            else: sslRetries.append(f)
            logging.info("Can't open port "+repr(port)+", retry scheduled")
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        if not "already in use" in e.strerror: raise
        # Maybe the previous server is taking a while to stop
        if portTry:
            time.sleep(0.5) ; continue
        # tried 6 times over 3 seconds, can't open the port
        if browser:
            # there's probably another adjuster instance, in which case we probably want to let the browser open a new window and let our listen() fail
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        raise Exception("Can't open port "+repr(port)+" (tried for 3 seconds, "+e.strerror+")")
    i = len(theServers.setdefault(core,[])) ; c = core
    class ServerStarter: # don't construct HTTPServer before fork
        def start(self):
            h = HTTPServer(application,**kwargs)
            if port==options.port:
                global mainServer ; mainServer = h
            theServers[c][i]=(port,h) ; h.start()
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is_sslHelp = False ; sslRetries = []
def schedule_retries():
    global is_sslHelp,sslRetries
    is_sslHelp = "started"
    for s in sslRetries: s()