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django-ucamwebauth changelog

1.5.2 - 18/03/2022

- Bugfix: Validate next url in params

1.5.1 - 2/07/2021

- Bugfix: Move templates to correct location

1.5.0 - 10/06/2019

- Remove support for django 1.8
- Add support for django 2.1 and 22

1.4.7 - 23/01/2018

- Bugfix

1.4.6 - 23/01/2018

- Deprecated compatibility with django 1.10 (now unsupported)

1.4.5 - 13/12/2017

- Added compatibility with django 2.0

1.4.4 - 02/08/2017

- Added string representation to UserProfile.

1.4.3 - 14/07/2017

- New UserProfile model to enrich the User model. The only field raven_for_life indicates whether or not the user has left the university.

1.4.2 - 04/07/2017

- Modify authenticate signature to make UCamWebAuth compatible with other authentication backends.

1.4.1 - 03/07/2017

- Raise TypeError if the request is not in the proper format for UcamWebAuth, so that django tries other authentication backends

1.4 - 03/07/2017

- Dropped support for old versions of Python and Django and added support for new versions of them.
- Officially supported: django 1.8, 1.10, and 1.11. Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5

1.3 - 10/03/2015

- Fixed a bug reported by Andy Batey that make the module crash when the next parameter doesn't appear in the URL.
- Added testing compatibility with Django 1.8. Django 1.8 is supported now.
- Removed requirement for UCAMWEBAUTH_RETURN_URL (thanks to Ben Harris)

1.2 - 10/08/2014

- UCAMWEBAUTH_CREATE_USE is now by default True. Empty database with default to False cause automatic redirect to
    log out and very few people will use the False option to only let users in if they are already present in the

1.1 - 19/08/2014

- Better quote and unquote of tokens received through URLs (thanks to Ben Harris)
- RavenAuthBackend now inherits from RemoteUserBackend reducing the amount of code needed (thanks to Ben Harris)

1.0 - 15/07/2014

- Initial version