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Changes to make canto work from canto-project

Merged Vitor Trovisco requested to merge testing into master
9 files
+ 22
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+ 7
@@ -15,18 +15,18 @@ annotation_figure_field: 0
# disable deletion buttons on genotype management page?
show_quick_deletion_buttons: 0
# this will define Canto's internal SQL database (track.sqlite3 and files for all curation sessions) to the the 'data' sub-folder of 'canto-space' (/data/export/canto-space/data), which is where all data should reside.
# Here filepaths are relative. Have an initial '/' in '/data/track.sqlite3' and '/data' below, otherwise track.sqlite3 and the data will appear in '/data/export/canto-space/canto/data' rather than in '/data/export/canto-space/data'.
# this will define Canto's internal SQL database (track.sqlite3 and files for all curation sessions) to the the 'data' sub-folder of 'canto-space' (<filepath>/canto-space/data), which is where all data should reside.
# Here, filepaths are somewhat relative. Please have an initial '/' in both '/data/track.sqlite3' and '/data' below, otherwise track.sqlite3 and the curation data will be added to a new 'data' folder at '<filepath>/canto-space/canto/data', rather than to the existing 'data' sub-folder of 'canto-space' at '<filepath>/canto-space/data'.
# this sets the path (and name) of the sqlite3 file (track.sqlite3), which queries curation sessions within canto
# make sure it does include the initial '/', otherwise curation session will be misplaced in '/data/export/canto-space/canto/data'
# Make sure the folder where the SQL database 'track.sqlite3' lives (/data in /data/track.sqlite3) matches the data_directory value (/data)
# this sets the path (and name) of the sqlite3 file 'track.sqlite3', which queries curation sessions within canto
# as mentioned above, make sure it does include the initial '/', otherwise 'track.sqlite3' will be misplaced in a new 'data' folder at '<filepath>/canto-space/canto/data'
## Make sure the folder where the SQL database 'track.sqlite3' lives (/data in /data/track.sqlite3) matches the data_directory value mentioned below (/data)
- dbi:SQLite:dbname=/data/track.sqlite3
schema_class: Canto::TrackDB
# this sets the path to the 'data' sub-folder of 'canto-space', which is where all curation data should reside.
# make sure it does include the initial '/', otherwise curation session will be misplaced in '/data/export/canto-space/canto/data'
# and make sure the folder where the SQL database 'track.sqlite3' lives (/data/track.sqlite3) matches the data_directory value (/data)
# as mentioned above, make sure it does include the initial '/', otherwise curation session will be misplaced in a new folder '<filepath>/canto-space/canto/data' rather than in the existing 'data' sub-folder of 'canto-space'
## Make sure the folder where the SQL database 'track.sqlite3' lives (/data/track.sqlite3) matches this data_directory value (/data)
data_directory: /data
#Database to connect to - 'connect_info:' bit is the only part that needs changes on a weekly basis