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  • James Nairn's avatar
    Made apache2 config certbot compatible · 1ccd42b1
    James Nairn authored
    flybase uses certbot to provide a TLS certificate. To renew certificates a the server is challenged to host a file in a known place on port 80. All traffic was redirected from 80 to 443 so exception has been put in place for the direcory used by certbot.
    Config files have also been tidied and improved.
    Made apache2 config certbot compatible
    James Nairn authored
    flybase uses certbot to provide a TLS certificate. To renew certificates a the server is challenged to host a file in a known place on port 80. All traffic was redirected from 80 to 443 so exception has been put in place for the direcory used by certbot.
    Config files have also been tidied and improved.