Labels can be applied to issues, merge requests, and epics. Group labels are available for any project within the group.
Labels 109
issuetypeBugInformation Services / DevOpsFunctionality of product is not as designed or intended by the code author
issuetypeDashboardInformation Services / DevOpsDashboard issues are used to display information regarding multiple projects. They are intended to be regularly updated via a bot or other automation.
issuetypeThemeInformation Services / DevOpsThis is a large collection of work, comprised of one or more epics
issuetypeUser StoryInformation Services / DevOpsAn end-to-end user-centric piece of work sized to fit within a single sprint
mob programmingInformation Services / DevOpsThis issue is intended for "mob programming" team effort (
mvpInformation Services / DevOpsWork that is required for a first release or minimum-viable-product version of an application of service.