**For the Environmental suitability pipeline, set the path into which the Met Office is uploading weather and NAME data:**
**For the Deposition pipeline, set the path from which the Met Office downloads the source calculation results, e.g.:**
Set the start of the season be editing the following lines in <install_location>/EWS_prod/regions/EastAfrica/resources/coordinator/configs/config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json
**Specify the putput directory of the Survey pipeline, which should be the location from which the Met Office can download the results in order to feed them into the NAME calculation, e.g.**
[Currently it requires at least 2 days of output to work properly, throws an error with a single day]
Set the start of the season be editing the following lines in <install_location>/EWS_prod/regions/EastAfrica/resources/coordinator/configs/config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json