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Commit 47c254fb authored by L. Bower's avatar L. Bower
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removing met-resample code as now in it's own repo...

removing met-resample code as now in it's own repo https://gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/gilligan-epid/wheat-rusts/met-resampling
parent abdd9aea
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"""Functions to process NAME met data for the wheat blast model of Mauricio
Fernandes, Felipe de Vargas, and team. This works a lot like the met extractor,
but gathers met data across many input folders, and performs time resampling.
CAUTION: This is considered a temporary 'product', so it will run in the
operational system but will not be fully documented or tested. Expect it to be
removed or superceded.
# import copy
# import datetime
# import logging
# import os
# from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED
# from iris import load_cube
# from pandas import DataFrame, infer_freq, read_csv, to_datetime
# from EpiModel.EpiPrep import lister, loader, prep
# from EpiModel.EpiUtils import (
# datetime_range,
# parse_template_string)
# from coordinator.processor_base import ProcessorBase
# from coordinator.utils.processor_utils import calc_epi_date_range, short_name, open_and_check_config
# logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# class ProcessorMetResample(ProcessorBase):
# def process_pre_job(self, args) -> bool:
# logger.debug('Performing process_pre_job()')
# # If it will work on a single forecast, get a dedicated download
# #return process_pre_job_server_download(args)
# # return query_past_successes(args, 'Environment')
# return True
# def process_in_job(self, jobPath, status, configjson, component) -> object:
# return self.process_in_job_met_resample(jobPath, status, configjson, component)
# def process_post_job(self, jobPath, configjson):
# pass
# def __init__(self) -> None:
# super().__init__()
# def gather_data(
# self,
# config,
# start_date,
# end_date,
# component='MetResample',
# lister_kwargs={}):
# """Based on a copy from
# /home/jws52/projects/SouthAsia/blast-fernandes-adaptation/code/prep_met.py
# Originally from coordinator ProcessEpidemiology.py."""
# # TODO: Replace calls to this function with calls to
# # EpiModel.EpiPrep.prep.gather_dependent_models()
# # TODO: Simplify the set of required arguments . Check if config is necessary.
# # Use config-defined file lister
# listerfunc = config[component]['FileListerFunction']
# if isinstance(listerfunc,str):
# try:
# # See if the function is available in this file
# file_lister = globals().get(config[component]['FileListerFunction'])
# except:
# file_lister = getattr(
# lister,
# config[component]['FileListerFunction'])
# elif callable(listerfunc):
# file_lister = listerfunc
# file_loader = getattr(
# loader,
# config[component]['FileLoaderFunction'])
# config_for_lister = config.copy()
# #lister_kwargs['reference_date']=config['ReferenceTime']
# lister_kwargs['is_met']=config[component].get('is_met',False)
# loader_kwargs= {}
# loader_kwargs['VariableName']= config_for_lister[component].get('VariableName')
# #loader_kwargs['VariableNameAlternative']= config_for_lister['Deposition'].get('VariableNameAlternative')
# file_of_origins = prep.prep_input(config_for_lister,start_date,end_date,
# component=component,
# file_lister=file_lister,
# file_loader=file_loader,
# lister_kwargs=lister_kwargs,
# **loader_kwargs)
# assert os.path.isfile(config[component]['FileNamePrepared'])
# return file_of_origins
# def load_prepared_file(self,fn: str) -> DataFrame:
# """Based on a copy from
# /home/jws52/projects/SouthAsia/blast-fernandes-adaptation/code/prep_met.py
# """
# df = read_csv(
# fn,
# header=[0,1],
# index_col=0)
# df.index = to_datetime(df.index,format='%Y%m%d%H%M')
# return df
# def resample_data(self,config,component,resample_scale='1H'):
# """Increases time resolution of data files by filling in missing time
# points with next available time point. i.e. assumes each time point is an
# average over the period since the last time point, as is the case for NAME
# output.
# Based on a copy from
# /home/jws52/projects/SouthAsia/blast-fernandes-adaptation/code/prep_met.py
# """
# # load dataframe from config
# file_name_prepared = config[component]['FileNamePrepared']
# df_original = self.load_prepared_file(file_name_prepared)
# time_resolution = df_original.index[1] - df_original.index[0]
# input_freq = infer_freq(df_original.index)
# print(f"Resampling {component} from {input_freq} to {resample_scale}")
# # TODO: Work out how to get lister to extend the time range of first or last
# # day for the instantaneous met data.
# # TODO: Check whether to reapply this for precipitation, the only field
# # where the first time point may be missing.
# # In order for backfill to work for the earliest time point, we need to
# # temporarily provide a prior timepoint
# #dfm1 = df_original.iloc[[0],:]
# #dfm1.index = dfm1.index - time_resolution
# #dfm1[:] = nan
# #df_original = concat([dfm1,df_original])
# resampler = df_original.resample(resample_scale)
# resample_method = config[component].get('resampling','backfill')
# if resample_method == 'backfill':
# print('Upsampling by backfilling')
# df_out = resampler.bfill()
# elif resample_method == 'interpolate':
# print('Upsampling by interpolating linearly')
# df_out = resampler.interpolate(method='linear')
# else:
# raise Exception('Unknown resampling method in config.')
# # remove the temporary prior timepoint
# #df_out = df_out.drop(df_out.index[0])
# # save the result
# save_path = file_name_prepared.replace('.csv',f"_{resample_scale}.csv")
# df_out.to_csv(save_path)
# return df_out, save_path
# def gather_and_resample(
# self,
# config_met,
# reference_date_str,
# calculation_span_days):
# """Based on a copy from
# /home/jws52/projects/SouthAsia/blast-fernandes-adaptation/code/prep_met.py"""
# components = config_met['components']
# start_time, end_time = calc_epi_date_range(
# reference_date_str,
# calculation_span_days)
# paths = []
# origins = []
# for component in components:
# logger.info(f"Working on {component}")
# # parse the output file path
# fnp = parse_template_string(
# config_met[component]['FileNamePrepared'],
# config_met,
# f"{component} FileNamePrepared")
# config_met[component]['FileNamePrepared'] = fnp
# logger.debug('Making the output directory')
# output_dir = os.path.dirname(config_met[component]['FileNamePrepared'])
# os.makedirs(output_dir,exist_ok=True)
# logger.debug('Gathering data')
# file_of_origins = self.gather_data(
# copy.deepcopy(config_met),
# start_time,#datetime.datetime(2023,6,7,3)
# end_time,#datetime.datetime(2023,6,25,0),
# component=component,
# )
# origins += [file_of_origins]
# logger.debug('Performing resampling')
# _, path = self.resample_data(copy.deepcopy(config_met), component)
# paths += [path]
# logger.info('Finished gather_and_resample()')
# return origins, paths
# def process_in_job_met_resample(self, jobPath, status, config, component):
# """
# """
# logger.info('started process_in_job_met_resample()')
# # Initialise output variable
# proc_out = {}
# # Output files available for upload
# proc_out['output'] = []
# # Processing files available for clearing
# proc_out['clearup'] = []
# # Obtain a dedicated copy of the latest forecast data
# #data_result = get_data_from_server(jobPath,config,component)
# #
# #if data_result['output'] is not None:
# # proc_out['output'] = data_result['output']
# #
# #proc_out['clearup'] += data_result['clearup']
# config_i = config[component].copy()
# config_i['jobPath'] = jobPath
# # provide top-level arguments to component's config
# for k,v in config.items():
# if k not in short_name.keys():
# config_i[k]=v
# # Get run config
# # path to some analysis met reruns provided by Will. These mirror the usual weekly EWS analysis jobs,
# # but on the extended EastAfrica grid that includes Zambia.
# ANJOBDIR2 = '${WorkspacePath2}/WR_EnvSuit_Met_Ethiopia_${DateString}/'
# # set up the required inputs
# #"Host" : {
# # #"Bounds" : [38.4,7.8,40.2,8.8] # Roughly box around Arsi/East Shewa in Ethiopia
# # #"Bounds" : [38.8,7.1,39.1,7.3] # Tiny box of 4 gridpoints in West Arsi in Ethiopia
# # "Bounds" : [28.0,-15.0,29.0,-14.0] # 1deg x 1deg box in centre of Zambia wheat producing areas, north of Lusaka
# #},
# config_met_path = config[component].get('RunConfig')
# config_met = open_and_check_config(config_met_path)
# config_met['jobPath'] = jobPath
# # provide top-level arguments to component's config
# for k,v in config.items():
# if k not in short_name.keys():
# config_met[k]=v
# logger.info('Calling gather_and_resample()')
# origins, paths_out = self.gather_and_resample(
# config_met,
# reference_date_str = config['StartString'],
# calculation_span_days = config[component]['CalculationSpanDays']
# )
# # zip the files that will be provided to collaborators
# files_to_zip = origins + paths_out
# zip_path = f"{jobPath}/data_met_prep_{config['StartString']}.zip"
# with ZipFile(zip_path, 'w') as zipf:
# for file_to_zip in files_to_zip:
# filename_in_archive = os.path.basename(file_to_zip)
# zipf.write(
# file_to_zip,
# arcname=filename_in_archive,
# compress_type=ZIP_DEFLATED)
# # 1H met files to upload
# proc_out['output'] += [zip_path]
# proc_out['clearup'] += files_to_zip
# return proc_out
# def has_times(cube_filename,desired_times,constraint=None):
# """Checks the times listed in desired_times are within the date range
# available in the single cube loaded from cube_filename.
# Based on a copy from
# /home/jws52/projects/SouthAsia/blast-fernandes-adaptation/code/prep_met.py"""
# cube = load_cube(cube_filename,constraint=constraint)
# tc = cube.coord('time')
# tc_dates = tc.units.num2date(tc.points)
# try:
# for dt in desired_times:
# # Check it is within range
# assert dt >= tc_dates[0], f"desired_time {dt} is out of range of cube from {cube_filename}"
# assert dt <= tc_dates[-1], f"desired_time {dt} is out of range of cube from {cube_filename}"
# # Check exact time is available
# #assert sum([dt == tcdi for tcdi in tc_dates])==1
# return True
# except AssertionError:
# return False
# def list_files_historical_daily(
# config,
# startTime,
# endTime,
# component,
# is_met=False,
# **kwargs):
# '''Expecting time points are from multiple files, using the first day
# of values at the date of that file.
# If the files are calculated with forecast data, this means all env suit
# is based on 1-day forecasts.
# If the data are based on analysis, this keeps an even chunking.
# One file for all time points in forecast.
# is_met (default False) is False for spore deposition, and True for met
# variables extracted on a consistent grid (including _M_ met variables which
# NAME has already performed some backfilling to provide timepoints available
# for _I_ data but missing for _M_ data). For non-met variables, the first
# available time point is assumed to be at 03:00 representing 00:01-03:00
# since they are typically averages of the time period since the timestamp of
# the last datapoint. Met variables are generally instantaneous so the first
# available datapoint is at 00:00. The start time is set by the startTime
# parameter (i.e. start hour should be 3 for non-met data, and 0 for met
# data). For the last day in the range, met data may also exist for
# 00:00+1day. This parameter determines whether to look for that last
# instantaneous time point.
# Returns list of files and timespan between startTime and endTime that each
# file should be considered for.
# Based on a copy from
# /home/jws52/projects/SouthAsia/blast-fernandes-adaptation/code/prep_met.py
# Copied from ews-epidemiology.EpiPrep.lister.py'''
# # TODO: Update EpiPrep.lister with this version
# config_copy = config.copy()
# desiredTimes = datetime_range(startTime,endTime+datetime.timedelta(seconds=1),days=1)
# files = []
# timespans = []
# lastfile = ''
# lastaltfile = ''
# for desiredTime in desiredTimes:
# initialTime = desiredTime # since startTime is 0300 , otherwise use + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)
# nextDayTime = desiredTime + datetime.timedelta(hours=23,minutes=59)
# timespan = [initialTime,nextDayTime]
# config_copy['DateString'] = desiredTime.strftime('%Y%m%d')
# # determine configuration's file path. Note the use of variables from
# # first level of config
# FilePath = parse_template_string(
# config[component]['PathTemplate'],
# config_copy,
# f"{component} PathTemplate")
# AltFilePath = None
# if 'PathTemplateAlternative' in config[component]:
# AltFilePath = parse_template_string(
# config[component]['PathTemplateAlternative'],
# config_copy,
# f"{component} PathTemplate")
# FileName = parse_template_string(
# config[component]['FileNameTemplate'],
# config_copy,
# f"{component} FileNameTemplate")
# file = f"{FilePath}{FileName}"
# altfile = f"{AltFilePath}{FileName}"
# logging.debug(f"Trying file {file}")
# if AltFilePath is not None:
# logging.debug(f"Otherwise trying {altfile}")
# file_has_times = False
# if os.path.isfile(file):
# file_has_times = has_times(file,timespan)
# altfile_has_times = False
# if os.path.isfile(altfile):
# altfile_has_times = has_times(altfile,timespan)
# lastfile_has_times = False
# if lastfile is not None:
# if os.path.isfile(lastfile):
# lastfile_has_times = has_times(lastfile,timespan)
# lastaltfile_has_times = False
# if lastaltfile is not None:
# if os.path.isfile(lastaltfile):
# lastaltfile_has_times = has_times(lastaltfile,timespan)
# # 1st preference: use FileTemplate (e.g. analysis)
# if os.path.isfile(file) & file_has_times:
# files += [file]
# timespans += [timespan]
# lastfile = file
# # 2nd preference: continuation of first FileTemplate (e.g. analysis)
# elif os.path.isfile(lastfile) & lastfile_has_times:
# logging.warning(f"No {component} path for day of {desiredTime}, extending timespan of previous file")
# timespan = [lastInitialTime,nextDayTime]
# timespans[-1] = timespan
# # 3rd preference: use alternative FileTemplate (e.g. latest forecast)
# elif os.path.isfile(altfile) & altfile_has_times:
# files += [altfile]
# timespans += [timespan]
# lastaltfile = altfile
# # 4th preference: continuation of alternative FileTemplate (e.g. forecast)
# elif os.path.isfile(lastaltfile) & lastaltfile_has_times:
# logging.warning(f"No {component} path for day of {desiredTime}, extending timespan of previous file")
# timespan = [lastInitialTime,nextDayTime]
# timespans[-1] = timespan
# else:
# logging.error(f"No {component} path for day of {desiredTime}")
# raise Exception
# lastInitialTime = timespan[0]
# # Extend reach of final day, just in case the file exists.
# # Useful for the case of instantaneous met variables, where it does exist
# if is_met is True:
# timespans[-1][1] += datetime.timedelta(hours=3)
# logging.info('Each timespan and file is:')
# for timespan, filen in zip(timespans,files): logging.info(f"{timespan}: {filen}")
# return files, timespans
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# processor = ProcessorMetResample()
# processor.run_processor("MetResample")
\ No newline at end of file
## get path of this script (to point to files within the same git repo)
#proc_path="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"
#source "${proc_path}"/run_utils.sh
#python "${proc_path}"/../coordinator/extra/ProcessorMetResample.py "$@"
#exit $exit_code
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