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Snippets Groups Projects

Online timeslot booking system

This is a PHP application which implements a basic booking system to enable members of the public to book a timeslot, e.g. for school visits to a museum.




  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Download the library dependencies and ensure they are in your PHP include_path.
  3. Download and install the famfamfam icon set in /images/icons/
  4. Add the Apache directives in httpd.conf (and restart the webserver) as per the example given in .httpd.conf-extract.txt; the example assumes mod_macro but this can be easily removed.
  5. Create a copy of the index.html.template file as index.html, and fill in the parameters.
  6. Access the page in a browser at a URL which is served by the webserver.



Martin Lucas-Smith, Department of Geography, 2012-5.
