Explore projects
Various bits of static HTML etc to demonstrate the functionality of the University Map
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This is an implementation of the University's "House Style 3" for ex-UCS Web sites implemented in Perl HTML::Mason. New UIS systems should not be using House Style 3, and should not be using Perl, so this should only be used by existing systems.
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This is an implementation of the University's "House Style 3" for Web sites implemented in Perl HTML::Mason. New UIS systems should not be using House Style 3, and should not be using Perl, so this should only be used by existing systems.
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Example plain HTML site using GitLab Pages: https://pages.gitlab.io/plain-html
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Reviewable assessments system (base application)
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Tooling and documentation to provide a paved path for front-end/remote analytics. Currently utilising Google Analytics.