Explore projects
AbNatiV is a deep-learning tool for assessing the nativeness of antibodies and nanobodies, i.e., their likelihood of belonging to the distribution of immune-system derived human antibodies or camelid nanobodies, which can be exploited to guide antibody engineering and humanisation.
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Port of GRChombo to AMReX - under development!
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New version of Phaser
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Web Adjuster + Annotator Generator http://ssb22.user.srcf.net/adjuster/
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WebCheck http://ssb22.user.srcf.net/setup/webcheck.html and ImapFix http://ssb22.user.srcf.net/setup/imapfix.html and MacLinux http://ssb22.user.srcf.net/setup/mac.html#maclinux
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Offline HTML Indexer etc http://ssb22.user.srcf.net/gradint/ohi.html
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Information Asset Register combined front- and backend django application
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A project which contains guidance about using the University Photo API as well as code samples showing how to call the API from code.
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Tools for using the Charmed redcap database in the department of neuroscience at the University of Cambridge