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Commit 4049d5e7 authored by Oussama Chaib's avatar Oussama Chaib
Browse files

Update demo.m, figures/demo.png, images/Chaib2023/Case1/img1.im7,...

Update demo.m, figures/demo.png, images/Chaib2023/Case1/img1.im7, images/Chaib2023/Case1/img2.im7, images/Chaib2023/Case1/img3.im7, images/Chaib2023/Case2/img1.im7, images/Chaib2023/Case2/img2.im7, images/Chaib2023/Case2/img3.im7, images/Chaib2023/Case3/img1.im7, images/Chaib2023/Case3/img3.im7, images/Chaib2023/Case3/img2.im7, scripts/fdetect.m
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demo.m 0 → 100644
%% Resetting the console
close all
%% Setup
% Adding script path
% Computing width of morphological mask
delta_L = [.44, .44, .47];
spatial_res = 0.0703; % mm/px
w = [.5, 1.5, 1.5].*delta_L./spatial_res;
%% Reading and plotting data
t = tiledlayout(3,3);
t.Padding = 'tight';
for case_id = 1:3
for img_id = 1:3
% Image path
path = "images/Chaib2023/Case"+case_id+"/img"+img_id+".im7";
% Reading .im7 image
v = loadvec(char(path));
I_raw = rot90(v.w);
I_raw = I_raw-min(I_raw(:));
I_cropped = I_raw(250:699,150:599);
I_cropped = uint8(rescale(I_cropped).*255);
% Detecting flame front
F = fdetect(I_cropped, w(case_id));
% Plotting
BG = I_cropped;
hold on;
[Y,X] = find(F);
axis on;
caxis([min(BG(:)) max(BG(:))]);
xlabel('x [px]',"Interpreter","latex","FontSize",30);
ylabel('y [px]',"Interpreter","latex","FontSize",30);
box on;
ax = gca;
axis on;
ax.LineWidth = 4;
set(gcf,'OuterPosition',[500 500 1000 1000]);

1.71 MiB

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function F = fdetect(I,w)
%FDETECT Detect the position of the flame front in a grayscale images using
%the Filtered Canny algorithm
% FDETECT takes a raw OH-PLIF image I and a mask width w as its input, and
% returns a binary image F of the same size as I with 1's where the function
% finds edges in I and 0's elsewhere.
% FDETECT can be broken down to four steps :
% 1) Pre-processing (using two different schemes destined to
% segmentation and edge detection respectively).
% 2) Enhanced Otsu segmentation
% 3) Mask construction
% 4) Filtered Canny edge detection
%% Pre-processing
% Two different pre-processing schemes are used depending on which flame
% front detection approach (segmentation vs. edge detection) is used.
% Segmentation makes use of very mild filtering due to its high sensitivity
% to the blurring effects induced by filtering.
%%% Segmentation pre-processing scheme
% Filling new image array
% Applying constrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE)
% Applying a median filter iteratively for background subtraction
for ifilt = 1:20
Ifs = medfilt2(Ifs,[3 3]);
% Applying the non-linear diffusion (NLD) filter for smoothing
Ifs = imdiffusefilt(Ifs,'ConductionMethod','quadratic','NumberOfIterations',20);
%%% Edge detection pre-processing scheme
% Filling new image array
% Applying a median filter iteratively for background subtraction
for ifilt = 1:20
Ife = medfilt2(Ife,[3 3]);
% Applying the bilateral filter for smoothing
Ife = imbilatfilt(Ife,500,10);
% Applying the non-linear diffusion (NLD) filter for smoothing
Ife = imdiffusefilt(Ife,'ConductionMethod','quadratic','NumberOfIterations',50);
%% Enhanced Otsu segmentation
%%% Stage 1 : Detecting a preliminary Otsu contour
% Applying Otsu thresholding to the filtered image
Ibin = imbinarize(Ifs);
% Removing small stray white pixels
Ibin = bwareaopen(Ibin,20);
% Selecting a preliminary contour containing
otsu_prelim = logical(bwperim(Ibin));
% Flame object classification
% Setting up temporary variables
Ibin_temp = Ibin;
% Finding connected components in the temporary binary image
Z = bwconncomp(Ibin_temp);
% Counting the number of elements in each connected components
numPixels = cellfun(@numel,Z.PixelIdxList);
% Finding the index of the largest object within the binary image
[~,idx] = max(numPixels);
% Discarding all objects but the largest one in the binary image
for ibw = 1:Z.NumObjects
if ibw ~= idx
Ibin_temp(Z.PixelIdxList{ibw}) = 0;
% Classifying objects into one of three categories : main front (mf),
% product pockets (pp), and reactant pockets (rp)
mf = bwperim(imfill(Ibin_temp,'holes'));
pp = bwperim(Ibin_temp-Ibin);
rp = logical(otsu_prelim-pp-mf);
% Cleaning the main front (mf)
% Detecting the position of bottom tips of OH fluorescence
[Y,X] = find(mf==1);
ylim1 = max(Y(1:floor(length(Y)/2)));
ylim2 = max(Y(floor(length(Y)/2):end));
% Discarding unwanted contours
Ibin_temp2 = imfill(Ibin_temp,'holes');
Ibin_temp2(ylim1-5:ylim1,1:xlim1) = 1;
Ibin_temp2(ylim2-5:ylim1,xlim2:end) = 1;
Ibin_temp2(1,:) = 1;
mf = bwperim(imfill(Ibin_temp2,'holes'));
mf(ylim1-5:ylim1,1:xlim1) = 0;
mf(ylim2-5:ylim1,xlim2:end) = 0;
% Cleaning product pockets (rp) - Keeping only those upstream the main
% flame front
pp = pp.*(1-imfill(Ibin_temp2,'holes'));
%%% Stage 2 : Pocket identification
% Removing the smallest objects in the burnt gas region
rp = bwareaopen(rp,20);
% Computing gradient magnitudes of potential reactant pockets
g_otsu = double(rp).*rescale(imgradient(Ife));
% Extracting the gradients of each potential reactant pocket
E = bwconncomp(rp);
% Finding and discarding false low-gradient pockets
th_pockets = .2;
rp_true = zeros(size(rp));
for ipockets = 1:E.NumObjects
mean_gradient = mean(g_otsu(E.PixelIdxList{1,ipockets}));
E.PixelIdxList{1,ipockets} = [];
rp_true(E.PixelIdxList{1,ipockets}) = 1;
%%% Constructing final Otsu contour
% Combining main front, product pockets, and true reactant pockets
F_otsu = logical(mf+pp+rp_true);
F_otsu(1,:) = 0;
F_otsu(:,1) = 0;
F_otsu(end,:) = 0;
F_otsu(:,end) = 0;
%% Mask construction
% The width provided by the user is used to construct a 2D binary
% morphological mask. Recommended values of w are one to twice the
% unstretched laminar flame thickness (conversion should be made to pixels)
mask = bwdist(F_otsu)<=w;
%% Filtered Canny algorithm
%%%% Gaussian filter standard deviation (static value of 2 recommended, higher values increase smoothing)
sigma = 2;
%%% Canny algorithm (MATLAB implementation - obtained from edge.m)
% Filtering and computing 2D gradient map
% Determine filter length
filterExtent = ceil(4*sigma);
x = -filterExtent:filterExtent;
% Create 1-D Gaussian Kernel
c = 1/(sqrt(2*pi)*sigma);
gaussKernel = c * exp(-(x.^2)/(2*sigma^2));
% Normalize to ensure kernel sums to one
gaussKernel = gaussKernel/sum(gaussKernel);
% Create 1-D Derivative of Gaussian Kernel
derivGaussKernel = gradient(gaussKernel);
% Normalize to ensure kernel sums to zero
negVals = derivGaussKernel < 0;
posVals = derivGaussKernel > 0;
derivGaussKernel(posVals) = derivGaussKernel(posVals)/sum(derivGaussKernel(posVals));
derivGaussKernel(negVals) = derivGaussKernel(negVals)/abs(sum(derivGaussKernel(negVals)));
% Compute smoothed numerical gradient of image I along x (horizontal)
% direction. GX corresponds to dG/dx, where G is the Gaussian Smoothed
% version of image I.
GX = imfilter(double(Ife), gaussKernel', 'conv', 'replicate');
GX = imfilter(GX, derivGaussKernel, 'conv', 'replicate');
% Compute smoothed numerical gradient of image I along y (vertical)
% direction. GY corresponds to dG/dy, where G is the Gaussian Smoothed
% version of image I.
GY = imfilter(double(Ife), gaussKernel, 'conv', 'replicate');
GY = imfilter(GY, derivGaussKernel', 'conv', 'replicate');
% Gradient magnitude
G = hypot(GX,GY);
G = G./max(G(:));
% Filtering gradient map using the binary morphological mask
GX = ((mask).*GX);
GY = ((mask).*GY);
Gf = hypot(GX,GY);
Gf = Gf./max(Gf(:));
% Non-maxima suppression (NMS)
lowThresh = 0; % (Should be tuned between 0 and 0.1, lower values result in fewer discontinuities across the flame front but may introduce spurs)
highThresh = 0;
E = images.internal.builtins.cannyFindLocalMaxima(GX,GY,Gf,lowThresh);
if ~isempty(E)
[rstrong,cstrong] = find(G>highThresh & E);
if ~isempty(rstrong) % result is all zeros if idxStrong is empty
F = bwselect(E, cstrong, rstrong, 8);
F = false(size(E));
F = false(size(E));
%%% Cleaning final flame edge
F = bwareaopen(bwskel(F),40);
0% Loading or .
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