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A.M. Belenguer amb84
A. Saif as2752
Catherine Pitt (ch group admin) ch-admin-cen1001
C. Bravin cb945
D. Nunez-Villanueva dn325
D.O. Soloviev dos23
Dr Adam Thorn (ch group admin) ch-admin-alt36
Dr. Frank Lee (ch group admin) ch-admin-rl201
Dr M.C. Misuraca mm2093
E. Lavagnini el446
F.E. Hanna feh27
G. Iadevaia gi229
Katarzyna Zator kz265
L. Trevisan lt459
Mark Williamson mw529
M.D. Driver mdd31
O.N. Evans one21
P. Bolgar pb592
Prof C. A. Hunter ch664
R. Deutsch rd556
- Jan 07, 2020
Creation of phasecalculator repository. · 32bcccb9M.D. Driver authored
Designed to automate calculation of FGIPs, solvent similarity and VLE informatio n using SSIMPLE, pulling together analysis and calculation modules in a higher l evel repository