Git for windows added
Initial creationg of Git using Chem xml file, very similar to maths
Merge request reports
With hindsight, I'm not sure why I try to run the uninstaller from both %programfileswpkg% and %programfiles%. From the filename of the installer I'm assuming this is unambiguously a 64bit installer so I'd expect to just have %programfiles%. (It's entirely possible I switched from 32 to 64 bit at some point in the past and that was a lazy way to handle the transition!)
I've done a quick test with just a single remove line of
<remove cmd='"%programfiles%\git\unins000.exe" /verysilent /suppressmsgboxes /sp-' />
and everything works smoothly, so I'd suggest we switch to that unless you see something wrong with that.
mentioned in issue #82 (closed)
mentioned in commit 60bdd083